Water boarding isn’t torture

The questions coming from Liberals for Gina Haspel during her confirmation hearing reminded me of a Liberal who was posed the scenario of his home being invaded with him and his family inside and the spectre of what could occur to his family…..his wife and his children. He was asked if he would want to have a firearm available to protect his family from all manner of harm, but he would have none of it. He simply would rather see this harm come to his family than violate his dogmatic hatred of guns.

All of the stupid comments and questions from the Liberals to Haspel were simply another version of this dogmatism. The questions about a higher moral standard or moral compass simply show that Liberals would rather see Americans die than violate their higher moral compass P.R. campaign. I can see the epitaphs on the tombstones of Americans killed because Liberals didn’t want to make terrorists feel a little discomfort. “Here lies countless Americans whose lives were taken in order to protect a higher moral standard.” Wouldn’t that be perfect?

For Liberals it’s not about protecting Americans, but protecting their pathetic self-image as viewed by those from around the world. I for one do not care what the so-called world thinks of me or the United States. When Haspel was asked if she thought water boarding was immoral, I wish she would have said “Hell no, we had a job to do to protect Americans from threats known and unknown, and I will not second guess those who made terrorists feel a little discomfort, such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who sawed off a man’s head with a knife and was the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, and you Senator cannot make me feel one iota of guilt for it. That would have been her “high tech lynching” moment.

The never-ending Liberal disinformation campaign

The recent hoopla by Liberals about President Trump’s comment about MS-13 gang members in which he described them as animals is a typical disinformation campaign. He was responding to a comment from some city or state official from California about MS-13 gang members. It was perfectly clear what and who this conversation that he was having with this official was about, perfectly clear. But, the truth is not important when one is engaged in disseminating disinformation, propaganda if you prefer.

The left wing news outlets, Pravda as I like to call them, and left wing talking heads immediately proclaimed that President Trump had called all immigrants animals, not just MS-13 gang members. This was clearly a lie on their part, but that didn’t stop them from proceeding with the disinformation campaign. It was clear that some left wing Trump haters followed suit without checking the facts before joining in, because they soon backtracked their criticism of President Trump when they realized what he had really said.

So, basically we have two types of President Trump haters involved here. This includes those who intentionally lied about what President Trump had said, and those who wanted so badly for it to be true that they didn’t bother to do their own simple fact check. Both types are a threat to the fabric of this great nation, because they are interested in dogma, not truth. One, however is far worse than the other.

Those who continued with this unjustified and immoral attack on President Trump even after it was made clear the criticism was unfounded are what I describe as “racists of the highest order.” They may or may not be racist at heart, but will attempt to generate as much racial animosity as possible in order to further a political agenda. This makes them much worse that your run-of-the-mill racist who just sits around hating others. Racists of the highest order seek to undermine the comradery and very fabric of the country. They seek to make one person hate another in order to create supportive voters. They truly are the dregs of humanity.

Another purpose of these types of attacks is to put the intended target, President Trump in this case, on the defensive, which will never happen. If President Trump were like most any other weak Republican, he would have folded to these fallacious attacks and others by now. However, President Trump is not a weakling and will never fold to these attacks. He will keep plodding forward while Liberals keep plodding all over themselves and each other in their harried attempts to defeat him. The American people elected President Trump because they are tired of lying politicians, and they will re-elect him because he does one very simple thing…..he always puts Americans and America first.

Blasey Ford’s testimony was more a matter of stagecraft than compelling substance

Listening to some describe Ford’s testimony as compelling leads one to believe that Ford brought the goods on Kavanaugh, and that she laid him to waste. However, such characterization is based solely on her demeanor at the hearing, because she brought no goods other than the Invasion of the Body Snatchers point and shriek, although it was a very low decibel mild mannered shriek, not the ear piercing shriek in the movie.

From her, I am woman, hear me purr for a cup of coffee, to her childlike speaking style, to her hair hanging in her face like a six year old, and her claim of being terrified at being at the committee hearing, and finally to her harrowing experience of being asked two questions during a polygraph test. Her entire testimony was presented in such a way to make her appear demure, weak and defenseless while presenting no evidence that can be corroborated……none.

Which brings us to the Liberals new system of justice. It is to point and shriek, the loud piercing kind, at anyone who they feel stands in their way……guilt by accusation is the order of the day. Didn’t that occur during the Salem witch trials? There was one point during the hearing when Ted Cruz was leveling accusations at Feinstein and the other Democrats for leaking Ford’s name to the press, in which Feinstein felt the need to defend herself which was understandable. I just wish that Cruz had demanded that she prove that she didn’t leak Ford’s information. I wonder how she would have responded.

One democrat on the committee said that Ford had nothing to gain….really. I guess $500,000 in a GoFundMe account, plus the hero status that she would carry beyond her days on this earth with Liberals isn’t a gain. I have described Liberals as communists without the power to murder their political opposition en masse. So they use the power of government such as the IRS, FBI, DOJ, ATF, and accusations of racism and sexual assault in order to murder the reputation and livelihood of their political opposition.

It is perfectly clear what is going on here. Republican need to stop playing along with this charade and future charades. Liberals like to say that women will rebel if Kavanaugh is put on the Supreme Court. The mistake that Liberals make about all groups is that they think that all members of any particular group think alike…they do not. Women in America who have men and sons in their lives can see what exactly is going on and they fear that their men could become victims of made up sexual assault allegations. Women who make up allegations of sexual assault devalue the allegation itself, and trivialize the experiences of those women who have truly been sexually assaulted. This is a beast that must stop being fed.

Are Liberals really all about fairness and equality?

Liberals always portray themselves as the curators of fairness and equality. But are they? I don’t think so. I believe that they actually can be more accurately described as the curators of sameness or even more accurately obsessed with sameness. This “Doctrine of Sameness” manifests itself in many ways and across different political issues and is always characterized by them as fairness and equality so that you will not oppose it.

Liberals believe oddball marriages are the same as that between a man and a woman. Liberals believe that male and female are the same, so much so, that they are interchangeable. They believe that men who pretend to be women and look like Klinger, can compete against real women in athletic competition, beat them, and feel a sense of accomplishment. How is this reconciled with the equal pay for equal work mantra of Liberals?

Liberals believe that all persons of any given racial, ethnic or religious group think the same, and in the case of blacks and browns, Liberals demand that they think the same. Uncle Tom, house boy and sellout are racist terms used by Liberals. This thought process really reveals their deep seeded racism, bigotry and predisposition to stereotyping others.

Liberals cannot stand that the United States is not the same as other countries, and are openly trying to increase political power via illegal immigration. However, they don’t think illegal aliens are the same as American citizens, they think they are superior to Americans. This is self-evident by the fact that Liberals are perfectly willing to see Americans victimized in all manner by illegal aliens, and blow it off by simply saying that Americans commit such crimes at higher rates. Ultimately Liberals consider illegal aliens to be of a higher political value, and blacks are starting to figure that out.

Liberalism is a religion, fueled by the politics of jealousy which is the most base of emotions. The tactical pretense of Liberalism is that those who have little are in that situation because someone else has more. To Liberals, it is unimportant that those who have more, do so because they have planned, made the correct decisions, and worked for it.

The United States is the greatest country on the face of the Earth because of the way we have done things, and Liberalism is a cancer that destroys countries from within. It robs societies of freedom, personal property, initiative, and self-respect. Unfortunately, Americans are only human, just as the citizens of Venezuela are also, and can be undermined in the same fashion that the citizens of Venezuela have been, and the citizens of every other statist society.

It is difficult for many to resist the tactics of shame that Liberals use to further their religious agenda. However, Americans who love this country must always be aware that when Liberals play the fairness and equality card, that they are simply trying to take advantage of the goodness that we inherently possess to their political advantage. Sort of like the scammers who take advantage of the elderly using the trust they naturally have in others. Bottom line, don’t let yourself be played like a Stradivarius violin.

The Accusation of Racism Truly is a Gift

I once heard that an insult is like a gift…you can choose to accept it or reject it. It seems that everything is racist in much the same way that global warming causes everything, and everything causes global warming. What a wonderful circumstance for our resident environmental loons.

Now we have to deal with racial loons, who I prefer to call Racists of the Highest Order who are those who create racists. Their strategy is two pronged. The first of which is to create an army of black racists who will go forth and blame all of their problems on slavery and whitey, and then vote democrat. The other is to make whites feel guilty for things they took no part in, and to remove from blacks all responsibility in race relations.

This strategy requires three main tactics, the first of which is to frame the argument as the giant racist white blob which has all of the power and privilege against the much smaller non-racist black blob which has no power and privilege. By extension this argument surreptitiously assigns the traits of each blob to its individual parts. Hence, each white person is racist and has all of the power, and each black person can’t be racist and has no power……how convenient. However, convincing poor whites that they are in possession of any kind of power and privilege would probably require hypnosis.

The second tactic requires a temporal distortion that acts as though blacks living today were enslaved by whites living today. It is manifested by statements such as “you enslaved us” which is stated for the purpose of instilling guilt in whites for something they took no part in, to the benefit of blacks who oddly enough were never slaves.

The third tactic is to claim that everything is racist including black holes and Black Friday, call everyone they disagree with a racist, and even fabricate accounts of racist acts by simply lying about it, or by committing the acts upon themselves. Sort of like the scene in the movie Liar Liar when Jim Carrey is in the bathroom punching himself in the face among other things and tells a guy who walks in and is shocked at Carrey’s behavior, “I am kicking my ass”.

This stuff will never end because this is all these people have left. They will become shriller and shriller because whites just aren’t feeling the guilt, and are ready to move on. The Racists of the Highest Order on the Left aren’t interested in moving on. It ultimately is about political power in the form of income redistribution and reparations among other things.

 In the end, it is important to understand what is going on here and not allow these tactics to have the desired effect such as the effect it has had on an ignorant college kid I heard say that his parents have profited from slavery….SMH. It’s very simple. Will you choose to accept or reject their racist gifts?

Constitution Case Laws Are Building Blocks of Tyrants

The Framers of the Constitution created a system of government that delineated the powers horizontally between the three branches of the new General government so that no one branch could become tyrannical. That design intentionally made it difficult to “get things done.” The new system also delineated powers vertically between the General government, the State governments, and the People. The power of the new General government was restricted by giving it only a handful of enumerated powers, with all other powers lying with the ultimate sovereigns….the People and their elected State representatives.

From the very beginning when the new Constitution was but a twinkle in Madison’s eye, there were those, including Madison, who wanted the new General government to have veto power over all State actions. All such suggestions went down in flames however, because those with better sense had not forgotten the reason behind the whole War of Independence thing……tyranny! The People were to be the deciders-in-chief when it came to self-governance, not another King George.

It is extremely important to know the thoughts that went into framing the Constitution, but it is even more important to understand what the Ratifiers were thinking, because creating an idea, the Constitution, was a much simpler proposition than actually implementing the idea. And because of this the Constitution was not guaranteed ratification…it was uncertain at best.

There were many complaints that various clauses would be widely interpreted in order to expand the power of the new General government, in effect giving it unlimited power over time. The Framers and Ratifiers understood human nature much better than the policy makers of today can ever dream of understanding. Some of the clauses that drew great skepticism were the General Welfare, Necessary and Proper, and Supremacy, and those clauses have been widely abused by politicians and Judges…….were the Founders prescient or what?

Many wanted a Bill of Rights attached to the Constitution before its ratification in order to protect the People from the tyrannies that King George visited upon them. Those opposed to a Bill of Rights correctly stated that the new General government had only the authorities listed in the Constitution and that a Bill of Rights was not needed, and that it would actually be harmful to list certain protections because it would infer that the new General government had power over all other things not listed.

Much debate went into creating the Bill of Rights until the final product ended with ten amendments. The main argument against ratifying the Constitution, a tyrannical General government, was addressed in the two most important amendments…the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, aka, the ignored amendments.

The Ninth Amendment which reads: “The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” This amendment removed the inferred power theory by making it clear that just because certain rights and protections were listed in the Bill of Rights, the General government did not have the authority to act on things not listed. It isn’t as difficult to understand this amendment as those who want to ignore this amendment want us to believe. It was a grave restriction on federal power.

The Tenth Amendment reads: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. This amendment was added to make it clear that the new General government had only those authorities listed in the Constitution.

An amendment process was provided in the Constitution which made it a living breathing document. However, this amendment process was also intentionally made very difficult by demanding that changes to the Nation’s governing document should receive overwhelming support. This amendment process, and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments were the roadblocks standing squarely in the way of tyranny. Unfortunately, the Constitution is merely ink on parchment which requires the good faith of those who take a solemn oath to uphold and defend it, good faith which has been in rare existence just as the Founders had feared.

Now, those with tyrannical impulses had to determine a way usurp those pesky little roadblocks. Well first, in the case of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, you just ignore them, and claim they are too difficult to understand. In the case of the Article V amendment process, you simply use a piecemeal and subdued unconstitutional amendment process known as constitutional case law.

Case law is the process of judges reviewing previous cases to glean information that may help resolve the case at hand, and also to hopefully provide regularity in decision making. The problem with constitutional case law in our case is that since the beginning it has been one lie laid upon another, altering the written Constitution step by step, with the purpose of consolidating power at the national level. This has all but eliminated the entire purpose of the Constitution, making it nearly irrelevant. Case law is fine for all law not pertaining to the Constitution, but all cases pertaining to the Constitution should be weighed against the Constitution for it is the ultimate case law and precedent.

These usurpations are perpetrated largely by judges who read between the lines, under the lines, on the back of the document by spreading a little lemon juice and huffing warm breath on it, who then declare that something new has been found that clearly doesn’t exist. The Constitution really should receive Geneva Convention protections for the torture it has had to endure in order for it to admit to things that clearly do not exist.

The result of this has been that Presidents, Congress’ and bureaucrats believe there is no limit to their authorities……just visualize something in the Constitution that isn’t there, then do it. I remember a few years ago when Pete Stark, a California Representative said that the Federal government can do pretty much whatever it wants. Have you listened to the democrat candidates lately? The Constitutional ignorance of all politicians is disheartening, but the ignorance of the democrat candidates is frightening. I’m sure the Founders and Ratifiers have knots on their foreheads from trying to sit up in their graves at the utterances of the democrat candidates.

Constitutional lawyers, scholars and the like want everyone else to believe that the Constitution is too difficult for us simple minded peons to understand. They think in deference to their exalted knowledge that we should submit and leave our freedom in their hands, but actually it is they who do not understand. They have spent so much time immersing themselves in professorial discussions about the tangled maze of case law, of Dis vs Dat or Ding vs Dong, that they simply do not understand or worse yet ignore history. Understanding the Constitution is simple….understand history. If you know history, you will know the Constitution, and you will know that those who claim to know by virtue of their lengthy and useless education, really don’t know.

The Truth about the General Welfare Clause…All Social Programs are Unconstitutional at the Federal Level

Article 1, Section 8 which is also known as the General Welfare Clause, could just as easily be known as the Debts Clause or the Common Defense Clause. It is in fact, a clause about taxation and what those tax dollars can be spent on, and reads as follows: “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.”

Section 8 includes not only this paragraph, but also a list of sixteen clauses of enumerated powers on which tax dollars can be spent, and at the end of this list is what is known as the Necessary and Proper clause which gives the government the authority to make laws that are of necessity in order to carry into action the enumerated powers. As such, the Necessary and Proper clause is not an open ended clause that provides unlimited authorities. It is another set of words that explicitly limit the power of the Federal government.

In other words, Congress does not have unlimited authority to tax and spend, as many believe, including Chief Justice John Roberts. Congress only has the authority to tax in support of enumerated powers. Congress does not have the authority to create a tax to fund an unconstitutional activity. If the activity is unconstitutional, so is the tax.

According to James Madison, who is known as the Father of the Constitution, the opening paragraph cites a general power about what the Congress can collect taxes for, and the 17 particulars that follow are the particular powers authorized by that general power. Madison also said that if the first paragraph was meant to be used as an unlimited authority for spending, then why include the list of particulars that follow.

As Madison had stated in Federalist Paper 41, “For what purpose could the enumeration of particular powers be inserted, if these and all others were meant to be included in the preceding general power? Nothing is more natural nor common than first to use a general phrase, and then to explain and qualify it by a recital of particulars.” This explanation of Article 1, Section 8 by Madison was his attempt to alleviate the fears of many who said that this clause would be abused as an open ended power…..again, prescience on the part of those it has been concluded had no idea what was in store for the future. I can see those who attended the Philadelphia Convention stumbling out the door laughing at the notion that the new General government would have unlimited authority to tax and spend.

In the end, this means very clearly that most of what the Federal government spends money for, which includes all social programs, is unconstitutional. All social programs are unconstitutional because the authority to operate such programs is not an authority enumerated in the original Constitution nor was it added with a subsequent amendment.

Compassion is not a consideration when determining the constitutionality of an activity. The power to tax and spend, and the authority to tax and spend are two very different things. Federal politicians have the power to do whatever they want as long as there is no resistance, and they have used that power, along with their willing accomplices in the judiciary, to exceed the limitations placed on them by the Constitution. Everyone must remember that the Constitution was constructed to limit the power of the General Government while leaving all other powers to the People and the States.

Why does socialism always fail?

Socialism is all the rage among leftists these days. Bernie Sanders is always talking about how he wants democratic socialism, which I guess is the type of socialism in which you vote to steal someone else’s property. Also, you have heard how socialism always fails, and the likes of Venezuela is trotted out with a video of persons digging in the back of a garbage truck looking for food. Why does socialism always fail? It’s not as difficult to understand as you might think. You don’t need an economics degree to understand economics. You don’t need a degree of any kind actually. All you need is an understanding of human behavior.

Socialism is anti-freedom and always fails for two primary reasons. First, is that it doesn’t respect personal property in all its forms which destroys personal initiative. Personal property exists in many forms. This includes, but is not limited to tangible, financial, intellectual, and physical labor. Whatever it is that you call yours, is your personal property. Put more specifically, it destroys the desire to create wealth, because If there are no guarantees that what you have created is yours to keep, then what’s the point?  

Second, it destroys personal responsibility. If you know the government is going to take care of you, you will have absolutely no motivation to work to take care of yourself. Not being a burden to others is one of the most moral things you can do, but just waiting on that check provided with someone else’s blood, sweat and tears is much easier.

Prosperity doesn’t grow on trees, nor does it spontaneously erupt from nothing. Prosperous societies are created with the free exchange of excess personal property that is created with personal initiative and responsibility, and this improves the lives of everyone. Socialism fails because it halts the free trade of personal property, because there is very little personal property to trade. When free trade stops, prosperity stops. When everything belongs to everybody, nobody is responsible for anything. A society prospers when every person possible is working tirelessly to improve their situation to the maximum degree possible, which will in turn improve the situation of others. It’s just that simple.

Anyone Opposed to Putting Armed Guards in Schools is not Serious About Protecting the Children

After every mass shooting, in particular school shootings there is the usual call by Left wing loons only for those steps that will do absolutely nothing to protect the children. Things such as background checks, banning bump stocks, psychiatric exams, age requirements, etc, etc. What kind of sick mind proposes things that will do absolutely nothing, while ignoring the only thing that will protect the children…….armed personnel in the school buildings? Whenever this is proposed as has been done by President Trump, the usual refrains pour forth that arming personnel who work in the school building, who by the way are there to teach and nurture the children is somehow traumatic or even dangerous to the children….SMH. This refrain is made by those who have such a religious hatred of guns that they would rather leave the children at risk than do something that would really work.

Also, what if the shooter is a run-of-the-mill terrorist? How will any of the proposed gun laws protect against a terrorist who smuggles an AK47 into the country? How will Liberals blame that on the NRA? Maybe there is a WRA…..World Rifle Association they can blame. No member of the NRA killed a child that terrible day, but I have no doubt that there are countless members of the NRA who would have picked up a weapon and charged into that school building to save as many as possible in stark contrast to what some local law enforcement officers did.

I remember a conversation one time on television in which a Left wing loon who hated guns was questioned about protecting his family if an intruder entered his home. The questioner repeatedly posed scenarios in which this loon could protect his family, his wife and children with a firearm and this man under no circumstance would even consider the possibility of having a firearm to keep his family alive. Let’s hope that his family never faces such an attack. He basically kept saying he would call the police and wait for them. I could not believe what I was hearing. This is a clear example of how liberalism is religious insanity.

Every school in the United States should have at least one armed guard and a number of members of school personnel who are trained and will be prepared to assist in the event of an armed intruder. Once someone has gotten around the age requirement, high capacity magazine requirement, developed mental illness or severe emotional problems after acquiring a firearm legally or not, bump stock or not, or hides his intentions and this person enters the school to kill as many children as possible, the only thing that matters at that point is how to stop him and do so quickly.

The primary responsibility for protecting the school children lies with the State and school districts, not the Federal Government. Everyone should stop looking to the Federal Government to stop mass killings with stupid laws that serve only to make politicians look like they are doing something. We protect paper with armed guards, yes paper in the form of Federal Reserve Notes. How in God’s name can anyone be opposed to protecting our children with armed guards? Lastly, those cute little stickers that say “Gun Free Zone” on the school doors, should instead say, “Only Mass Murderers are Allowed to Bring in Guns.”

Where is That Black Power?

While watching the news some time ago, I saw Cam Newton present the good ol’ black power salute. We all have seen that salute, but what exactly is it supposed to signify? How is black power manifested? I had never really thought much about it. I just considered it an act of defiance or some such, but upon further reflection it really is a puzzle.

Is it black power when blacks who choose to become educated and successful are ridiculed for acting white by other blacks who are lazy and worthless, but know that they can’t go through life blaming their pathetic existence on whitey, while the targets of their attacks have shown that whitey isn’t the problem?

Is it black Power when blacks who dare to think for themselves are ridiculed by other blacks who are chartered members of the race hustle industry, and demand that all blacks think and act alike? Those in the race hustle industry are not opposed to education and success like the acting white crowd, because many of them have that. They are just opposed to blacks thinking for themselves.

Is it black power to have an out of wedlock birth rate exceeding seventy percent? Is it black power to kill each other off in numbers that are genocidal, maybe better described as suigenocide, which makes unjustified police shootings look like child’s play? Is it black power to demand welfare in the form of reparations for something they were never victims of? Is it black power to commit crimes at astronomical rates and instead of not committing the crimes, demand to not be punished accordingly? Is it black power to demand lower employment qualifications? Does four plus four not equal eight for everyone? Is it black power to knock-out unsuspecting pedestrians?

Where is all of this black power? Well, I can tell you exactly where it is. It resides in the hearts and souls of those blacks who do resist the pressure to put their minds in an ideological prison as demanded by the race industry. These blacks whether they know it or not are the examples going forward, and are the beacon of light at the end of the tunnel for all other blacks to strive for. As time goes by, more and more blacks will see that these negative influences will be nothing more than a circular path resulting in perpetual unhappiness. Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later.

It isn’t about the blobs, the black blob, the white blob, the brown blob, the red blob, or the yellow blob. It is about the individual, and the decisions each individual makes toward self-improvement. The whitey made me do it excuse is wearing thin and will not result in anything beneficial for blacks. It certainly is fair to point out unjust treatment, but it is also fair to point out personal behaviors that cause many of the so-called injustices. Black power….walk it or talk it.