It isn’t as difficult to understand the Constitution as you have been led to believe.

C.S. Lewis put it perfectly…. Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

No, you haven’t entered the twilight zone. Contrary to what many believe, the United States Constitution was not created to provide equality. It was created to delineate authorities in two ways that the Framers and Ratifiers considered essential to maintaining freedom for the people. One was to delineate authorities between the three branches of the National Government which included the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial–we regularly hear that spoken of as the separation of powers.

The second, which has been ignored in many ways, and is certainly under constant attack by the freedom robbing Left, was to delineate the authorities between the National, and State governments and the people.  There are those who want to control the lives of others…liberals, who will twist and distort the Constitution in any manner possible in order to sodomize the American people with their brand of tyranny cloaked in compassion. Then there are those who want us to believe that they are a lot smarter than what they actually are….lawyers, therefore they are the only ones capable of understanding and interpreting the Constitution.

  The Constitution really isn’t difficult to understand, it requires no elaborate education or sleepless nights reading the tangled web of constitutional case law, so it is very important to ignore liberals and lawyers in this respect. The most important thing to study in order to understand the Constitution are the tensions between the Colonies and England that caused secession, the debate and discussions during the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, and more importantly the debate and discussions during the State Ratification Conventions. It does take a little time, but, you will be amazed at how enlightened you will become by doing so.

I would say that it comes down to a very simple question when considering if something is constitutional or not….”What would be the response of the Founders and Ratifiers?” We know how they would react to being told that they had to buy something such as health insurance…they would throw it into Boston Harbor.

The authorities granted to the new national government codified by the new Constitution were limited, very limited, and defined, with the remainder of the authorities left to the States and the people as detailed in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. Nowhere in the Constitution is the national level of government granted the authority to indulge itself in any particular social program. The only way the National Government can do so, is only if the authority has first been created by an amendment to the Constitution….no, the Commerce Clause or the so called General Welfare clause provide no such authority. The politicians and justices at the national level do not have the authority to simply create authorities out of thin air…there is a process.

Are Liberals really all about fairness and equality?

Are Liberals really all about fairness and equality?

Liberals always portray themselves as the curators of fairness and equality. But are they? I don’t think so. I believe that they actually can be more accurately described as the curators of sameness or even more accurately obsessed with sameness. This “Doctrine of Sameness” manifests itself in many ways and across different political issues and is always characterized by them as fairness and equality so that you will not oppose it.

Liberals believe oddball marriages are the same as that between a man and a woman. Liberals believe that male and female are the same, so much so, that they are interchangeable. They believe that men who pretend to be women and look like Klinger, can compete against real women in athletic competition, beat them, and feel a sense of accomplishment. How is this reconciled with the equal pay for equal work mantra of Liberals?

Liberals believe that all persons of any given racial, ethnic or religious group think the same, and in the case of blacks and browns, Liberals demand that they think the same. Uncle Tom, house boy and sellout are racist terms used by Liberals. This thought process really reveals their deep seeded racism, bigotry and predisposition to stereotyping others.

Liberals cannot stand that the United States is not the same as other countries, and are openly trying to increase political power via illegal immigration. However, they don’t think illegal aliens are the same as American citizens, they think they are superior to Americans. This is self-evident by the fact that Liberals are perfectly willing to see Americans victimized in all manner by illegal aliens, and blow it off by simply saying that Americans commit such crimes at higher rates. Ultimately Liberals consider illegal aliens to be of a higher political value, and blacks are starting to figure that out.

Liberalism is a religion, fueled by the politics of jealousy which is the most base of emotions. The tactical pretense of Liberalism is that those who have little are in that situation because someone else has more. To Liberals, it is unimportant that those who have more, do so because they have planned, made the correct decisions, and worked for it.

The United States is the greatest country on the face of the Earth because of the way we have done things, and Liberalism is a cancer that destroys countries from within. It robs societies of freedom, personal property, initiative, and self-respect. Unfortunately, Americans are only human, just as the citizens of Venezuela are also, and can be undermined in the same fashion that the citizens of Venezuela have been, and the citizens of every other statist society.

It is difficult for many to resist the tactics of shame that Liberals use to further their religious agenda. However, Americans who love this country must always be aware that when Liberals play the fairness and equality card, that they are simply trying to take advantage of the goodness that we inherently possess to their political advantage. Sort of like the scammers who take advantage of the elderly using the trust they naturally have in others. Bottom line, don’t let yourself be played like a Stradivarius violin.

Have You Heard The One About The Constitutional Lawyer?

There was a group of guys one day trying to figure out how to put a square peg in a round hole. They called an engineer who unfortunately told them that it was impossible. They called a Nobel Prize winner who just laughed and hung up. They then called a brain surgeon who responded by saying, “I’m not a magician boys.”

They thought and they thought. Who could figure it out? While pondering, a neighbor walked up to borrow a shovel who happened to be a constitutional lawyer who noticed the befuddled looks, and asked what was going on. The guys told him what they were trying to do to which he replied that he could indeed put a square peg in a round hole.

He proceeded to pick up the round peg and stuck it in the round hole, and said, “see there, done.” The guys made glancing looks at each other kinda grinning trying not to insult a man of such esteemed education. Then one said, “but you put a round peg in a round hole.” We wanted you to put a square peg in a round hole.” The constitutional lawyer said, “I did.” He continued, “This is how we do it in constitutional law, pretend it is something that it isn’t, then run with it.”

Reparations are Racist

If you keep up with current events, you probably have heard that Georgetown students have voted to approve a reparations fund in which each student pays a whopping $27.50 per semester to the descendants of slaves. I wonder if Eric Holder or Michelle Obama will receive any of that money.

There are two kinds of persons who advocate for such nonsense. The first are whites who are guilt ridden about something they took no part to the benefit of someone else who has never been a victim of whatever these whites feel guilty about. The second are blacks who are searching for another handout. This will do nothing but further destroy the black family just as government welfare has done.

Slavery has been referred to as America’s peculiar institution. It is also spoken of as if the United States is the only place where slavery has existed. The very word, slave, was derived from Slav because the Slavic peoples were forced into slavery by conquering empires…non-white empires. Slavery has existed probably as long as mankind has existed and it has existed worldwide. As nation states and protective armies progressed, it became more difficult for rogue armies to simply nab some defenseless peoples and turn them into slaves. The pickings are better when they are easy.

I remember hearing Michael Medved say one time that Africans were enslaved because of the color of their skin. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Africans were enslaved because they could be. This is because Africa was a continent of defenseless tribes. They simply were easy pickings because they did not have the protections that a nation state could potentially provide. Strong black African tribes enslaved vulnerable black Africans who then sold them off to others from all around the world. More slaves went to the Arab countries than went to the United States, and more slaves went to South America than to the United States. Slavery was a worldwide phenomenon and commonplace.

It is a racist idea that white people living today who had no part in slavery of blacks hundreds of years ago, should pay blacks living today for something that happened to their ancestors hundreds of years ago. The idea that a white person living today should feel guilty about what other whites did a long time ago is racist. It really is interesting to hear those who say they want to stamp out racism are vile racists themselves. It has become utterly disgusting to hear these persons constantly refer to a person’s skin color. It isn’t difficult to imagine their response if you reversed the roles and replaced the word white with the word black in their rhetoric. Their sheer obsession with race make them the racists. Furthermore, it is a fact that all races have racists.

Lots of bad things happened a long time ago. There is nothing to be gained by dwelling on the past. We learn from the past, but the present shapes the future. There no longer is institutional racism in the United States, and racism holds nobody back. The only thing that holds a person back is that person’s lack of work ethic, character or desire to succeed. Going through life blaming all of your problems on someone else will lead to a permanent life of poverty and unhappiness.

Businesses Don’t Exist For The Benefit Of Employees

Yeah that’s right. Businesses do not exist for the benefit of the employees…..they exist for the benefit of the owner. Businesses are not contemplated with the idea of seeing how many employees can be hired. Businesses are contemplated for the purpose of providing an income to the owner. Employees are an expense just like fuel, utilities, insurance, equipment, etc, etc, and nobody goes into business to see how much can be wasted on unneeded expenses.

Businesses are the personal property of the owner…..not the government, not the employees, or omnipotent moral busy bodies. Also, businesses have no legal, moral, ethical or compassionate obligation to pay a living wage, whatever that means. Lastly and most important, nobody, no level of government, no court of law can force someone to open, or keep open a business. Treating businesses as the enemy while claiming to be a friend of the employee is an irreconcilable contradiction, and this is the dilemma faced by those who want to use businesses as their benefactors by proxy.

Economics is not difficult to understand, one only needs to understand human behavior. The more difficult something is made to do, the less you will get of it. The more costly something is made to do, the less you will get of it. If employers are forced to provide innumerable benefits to full-time employees, how long do you think they will remain full-time?

Operating a business requires a lot of time, energy, resources, uncertainty, and risk, and believe it or not there does come a time when it just isn’t worth it. Those who advocate for lavish employee benefits seem to think that the customers will just keep coming. Businesses not only compete against each other, but must also compete against the customer desires to spend as little as possible, which means keeping prices low. Businesses can’t force customers to purchase their products. Customers can choose a different supplier, or they can simply eliminate the product or service from their budget. Economics, like the United States Constitution is not as difficult a thing to understand as the eggheads want you to believe.

Where is That Black Power?

While listening to the news not long ago, I heard that Cam Newton had presented the good ol’ black power salute. We all have seen that salute, but what exactly is it supposed to signify? How is black power manifested? I had never really thought much about it. I just considered it an act of defiance or some such, but upon further reflection it really is a puzzle.

Is it black power when blacks who choose to become educated and successful are ridiculed for acting white by other blacks who are lazy and worthless, but know that they can’t go through life blaming their pathetic existence on whitey, while the targets of their attacks have shown that whitey isn’t the problem? At its most basic, this is an issue of assimilation.

Is it black Power when blacks who dare to think for themselves are ridiculed by other blacks who are chartered members of the race hustle industry, and demand conformity from all blacks? Those in the race hustle industry are not opposed to education and success like the acting white crowd, because many of them have that. They are just opposed to blacks thinking for themselves.

Is it black power to have an out of wedlock birth rate exceeding seventy percent? Is it black power to kill each other off in numbers that are genocidal, maybe better described as sui-genocidal, which makes unjustified police shootings look like child’s play? Is it black power to demand welfare in the form of reparations for something they were never victims of? Is it black power to commit crimes at astronomical rates and instead of not committing the crimes, demand to not be punished accordingly? Is it black power to demand lower employment qualifications? Does four plus four not equal eight for everyone? Is it black power to knock-out unsuspecting pedestrians?

Where is all of this black power? Well, I can tell you exactly where it is. It resides in the hearts and souls of those blacks who resist the pressure to conform and to remain uneducated and unsuccessful, and this pressure to conform is immense, and is simply a new form of slavery.

These blacks whether they know it or not are the examples going forward, and are the beacon of light at the end of the tunnel for all other blacks to strive for. As time goes by, more and more blacks will see that these negative influences will be nothing more than a circular path resulting in perpetual unhappiness. Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later.

It isn’t about the blobs, the black blob, the white blob, the brown blob, the red blob, or the yellow blob. It is about the individual, and the decisions each individual makes toward self-improvement. The whitey made me do it excuse is wearing thin and will not result in anything beneficial for blacks. It certainly is fair to point out unjust treatment, but it is also fair to point out personal behaviors that cause many of the so-called injustices. Black power….walk it or talk it.

Why is the Economy Booming under Trump?

The very simple answer to that question is……freedom. How much economic growth can you accomplish while imprisoned in a jail cell? Well, not very much. President Trump has done more to expand freedom from government tyranny than probably any president ever has. The problem with the Obama years is that like all leftists, he is an economic illiterate, and was a shackler of the economy. Leftists don’t view the economy as a way to innovate and move forward as a society, but rather they view it as a social engineering project. They view it as a way to get even, which is why statism in its various forms never works economically….never.

 President Trump on the other hand has been seen as a liberator to entrepreneurial and business innovation which is why the economy started improving even before the tax reform package was signed into law. The tax reform package is already paying dividends in the form of bonuses to employees, and will encourage businesses to bring off-shore money back to America for investment in the American economy and employees such as the announcement by Apple to bring $252b back to the United States, give employees $2500 in stock bonuses, and create 10’s of thousands of jobs. I can’t wait for the looney left to demonize that.

Economics really is not very difficult to understand. You don’t need to understand the velocity of money, price elasticity, factors of production, aggregate demand or any other of those useless terms. There is one economic term yet to be listed that is very important. That term would be the Penetration Factor that describes how Americans take it where the sun doesn’t shine because of politicians and economists who actually believe they can lead, guide and direct an economy of over 300 million with trillions of economic decisions made daily to a desired destination. It simply is impossible.

The most important thing to know when I comes to the economy is human nature. Human nature dictates everything. It dictates that if you make something more difficult or costly to accomplish, you will get less of it. Which automatically means the reverse. If you make something easier and less costly to accomplish, you will get more of it. Let’s consider the Obama care law that required all employees who worked over a certain number of hours, or worked for businesses that exceeded a certain number of employees, were to be given health insurance. Well, what was the result of that law? Employers kept employee hours down, and kept the employee count below the triggering threshold. Unintended consequences of laws that shackle employers are not unknown consequences. An adversarial relationship between government and business will never result in a thriving and bustling economy. Contrary to what our Liberal pals think, it is impossible to be a friend to the employee while being an enemy to the employer.

Sources and methods were indeed revealed by the Nunez memo

The Democrats were indeed correct when they claimed that sources and methods would be revealed if the Nunez memo was released. Unfortunately for the Democrats it revealed their sources and methods used by high level officials in the FBI and Department of Justice to illegally spy on the Trump campaign and then the Trump administration. This really should be no surprise after top officials in the IRS, in order to influence the coming election in the Left’s favor, targeted conservative groups applying for tax exempt status.

I have said that Liberals are communists without the ability to murder their political opposition en masse, so they have to use all other means they can get away with instead. Since they skated so easily in the IRS scandal they thought that implementing a silent coup would be no problem. After all, as with the Obama regime, they knew they would have a protective Hillary Clinton regime, who in fact would owe them mightily after they rigged the investigation into her criminal private server activity. If the Republican nominee had been anyone else other than Donald Trump, this coup would most certainly would have been successful.

This is what happens when one party worships government and the power that to bequeaths to them that can then be used to rule over the American people. This type of activity should repulse all Americans, but as we have seen, there is little such repulsion coming from Left with a great deal of effort being put forth by the Left to keep this Constitutional crisis, and threat to democracy hidden from view. The battle for freedom never ends, because there are those who will never stop trying to take it from you.

Did Monica Lewinsky Swallow

It is patently clear that Liberals have, in the collective fashion in which they like to force everyone else to live, have lost their minds. They have no sense of self-awareness because they seemingly do not realize what such fools they look like with the constant attacks on President Trump.

I started watching the Stormy Daniels interview on 20/20 last night and quickly became bored, and then when Anderson Cooper asked her if Trump wore a condom, that was it for me. I was done. That question would have been akin to asking Monica Lewinsky if she swallowed. It was clear to me that this was the left wing media (our Pravda) jump the shark moment, and that it would in no way have the desired effect they are looking for. It was just an embarrassment.

If this encounter between Daniels and “Businessman” Trump did occur, nobody gives a big fat rats rear-end…except the looney left. If it did occur, it did not happen in the White House while Trump was President. The sheer desperation Liberals are feeling right now is thick in the air… is palpable. They are desperate to protect their religion of big government from the man who is determined to bring it down to size.

These attacks will have no effect on President Trump because he is not the typical weak kneed lily livered yellow streak down his back a mile wide Republican. The Left’s only hope is that it will affect voters. However, are voters more likely to follow a man who puts America and Americans first in every way, and every moment, or will Americans follow a bunch of left wing loons who clearly hate America and Americans?

Liberals say a Constitutional crisis will ensue if President Trump fires Rosenstein or Mueller…..they are wrong

Isn’t it interesting to listen to all of the uproar about President Trump possibly firing Rosenstein or Mueller, or maybe even both? Left wing loons and even some cowardly Republicans have proclaimed that a Constitutional crisis will ensue if he does just that. The problem with that argument is that those on the Left are the ones who have already created a Constitutional crisis.

They have done this starting with the implementation of Obamacare followed by using the power of the Federal Government via the I.R.S. to stifle conservative opposition. The Left has used the power of the Federal Government to go after journalists such as James Rosen of Fox News and Sharyl Attkinson.

The Left has used the power of the Federal Government to spy on members of Congress. The Left has used the power of the Federal Government to create propaganda to be taken to what appears to be a willing accomplice FISA court judge in order spy on the Trump campaign, and after he was elected, they used it to create a special counsel with unlimited authority whose sole purpose is to get President Trump.

It is time to stop the pretense that the Mueller investigation is anything other than what it is, an attack on the American people by attempting to overthrow an American election. Those Republicans who insist that the Mueller investigation is legitimate and should continue are inept and weak cowards who will fight for absolutely nothing.

It is important to know when a Constitutional crisis begins so that you will understand that responses to said crisis are not allowed to be mischaracterized by the Left as the original crisis. If President Trump fires Mueller or Rosenstein, it won’t be the start of a Constitutional crisis, but the ending of one.