Celebrating the death of George Floyd

The death of George Floyd has turned into a giant celebration from coast to coast, a wake of sorts. The joy one mourner felt who was beaming through her face mask while walking out of a bakery with a freshly made cheesecake that was left unmolested by the other mourners really was the luck of the draw. We should be very happy for her. Maybe she was going to take it to family visitation at George Floyd’s funeral.

Another apparent joyous moment was when a black man pummeled a white woman. He obviously didn’t have things under control while he was pounding on her as she was crumbling into a jumbled heap, another black man started pummeling her with a 2×4. Not only was this an extremely joyous moment, it really was a profile in courage for these two black men. What studs they are. They are true role models. Rumor is that they may have been former professional athletes who didn’t have their own women to beat up, so they found a good stand-in.

One of the happiest moments had to be the black woman while walking out of a destroyed store with freshly looted goods yelling, “I got mine.” I hate to break the bad news to her, but she didn’t get hers, she got somebody else’s. You know though, why quibble over private property since this was such a joyous moment, and after all, she may never get hers again?

We must not forget the blacks killed during this nationwide celebration. There certainly are risks involved with such celebrations such as the discharge of firearms which in one case killed David Dorn, a 77 year old retired law enforcement officer, a black man at that. I guess the person who shot Mr. Dorn hadn’t watched many westerns and didn’t know to point the gun into the air before firing, and instead fired it into Mr. Dorn’s belly. Unfortunate, but that can be corrected with some good firearms training. This was such a joyous moment that his final moments were sent out live over Facebook for all of the other revelers to enjoy.

This rioting and looting and wanton destruction of property and lives has nothing to do with George Floyd. It certainly has nothing to do with black lives, since so many black lives have been destroyed figuratively and literally by all of the destruction. It is being carried out by different groups of anarchist leftists intent on destroying America with the assistance of leftist politicians, and they are daring anyone to try and stop them.

Breaking news: There is no systemic racism in America. There is no genocide of blacks occurring in America. There is no white privilege in America. Lastly, the police are not killing unarmed blacks in extraordinary numbers. In fact, data shows that the police are killing unarmed blacks in extraordinarily small numbers. This irrational behavior can be summed up very simply by the title of a book written a long time ago….Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.

A race free analysis of the George Floyd killing

Law enforcement officers have a very difficult job, but sometimes some of them just become completely intoxicated on power. What was that policeman thinking when Floyd was telling him that he couldn’t breathe, and the bystanders were telling the policeman that Floyd was bleeding from his mouth and that he was going to kill him. Did he think Floyd and the bystanders were lying? It was obvious from his stance that he was putting a great deal of weight on Floyd’s neck. How could he not know that he would kill him kneeling on his neck like that? Floyd was handcuffed and a threat to nobody. This is just so disgusting

Floyd’s arrest wasn’t motivated by race, because he was caught committing a crime, and it wasn’t just loose cigarettes.  And there is no evidence that the force used during his detention was motivated by race. What it was motivated by, I do not know. The only way I know how to characterize it, is that it was a complete disregard for the safety and wellbeing by the police of a person in their charge. It was little different than leaving him lying on the railroad tracks of an oncoming train. The moment he was placed under arrest, it was their job to protect him.

Then came the typical aftermath. Hoodlums looting, ransacking and destroying the private property of those who had absolutely nothing to do with Floyd’s killing. As one comment I saw noted, it apparently is a lot easier to mourn the loss of George Floyd watching a freshly stolen 65 inch flat screen TV, and Xbox. The American people are on the side of George Floyd, but they aren’t on the side of the vandals and thieves. And their criminal behavior influences nobody, except to reinforce negative stereotypes for blacks. The policemen involved should be punished to the greatest extent possible, because theirs was a flagrant abuse of power and of the public trust.

A race free analysis of the Ahmaud Arbery killing

When I first saw this story on my feed I didn’t spend any time looking into it. I didn’t watch the video, but I did read the headline and was aware of the race of the players which isn’t important to me. My understanding was that a couple of guys wanted to make a citizen’s arrest on a man they saw running through their neighborhood because of recent property thefts, and ended up shooting him. I posted a comment on that article that the two men essentially shot Arbery over personal property because they thought he may be a thief, and that they should be prosecuted, because nobody should be killed in order to defend personal property.

Then I saw a comment about the incident on a subsequent post that stated that Arbery made an attempt to wrestle the gun from the younger McMichael. This raised a red flag for me so I dug into it a little more. I have since viewed the longest video I could find, and read some more reporting which also mildly explained the law governing citizen’s arrests. Until more facts come out, this is my analysis currently.

There were two pivotal mistakes made, one by the McMichaels, and the other by Arbery. The first pivotal mistake was made by the McMichaels for trying to make an illegal citizen’s arrest because they had no probable cause to arrest Arbery. Apparently they saw him doing nothing but running through their neighborhood. It wasn’t like they just saw him murder someone or commit some other type of violent crime. However, the video evidence does show that they didn’t chase him down just to kill him because he was black. They could have done that without getting out of the truck. They were indeed trying to effect a citizen’s arrest as misguided and illegal as it was, and there is no evidence that the encounter was motivated by racism.

I don’t think they were wrong in taking a gun because they had no way of knowing if Arbery was armed and capable of being violent. However they should not have approached Arbery in such a reckless manner with their guns brandished. Brandishing guns the way they did only added great a deal of tension to the situation. They should have left their guns stowed, but accessible if needed for self-defense purposes. They should have only tried talking to or monitoring him without trying to detain him. That is the job of the police.

The second and most consequential mistake was made by Arbery when he attacked the younger McMichael and made an attempt to take the gun away from him. This is undeniable, the video shows this. In the video you can see Arbery running down the middle of the road with the McMichaels truck stopped in front of him with the younger McMichael standing outside the truck trying to stop Arbery. Arbery then diverts around the truck and then swerves toward McMichael and initiates a physical confrontation with McMichael and begins to try to wrestle the gun from him.

All of the reporting I saw stated that Arbery was unarmed. This is true up to a point, but the moment Arbery grabbed the gun he became just as armed as McMichael. The moment Abery charged at and tried to wrestle the gun from McMichael is the moment the entire dynamic changed. It does not matter that what the McMichaels were doing was illegal or unwarranted. This encounter was reduced to two men, one holding a gun and the other trying to take it from him.

I think the McMichaels should be charged with something, what, I do not know. They were wrong when they chased after Arbery in such a reckless manner, but Arbery was wrong when he attacked the younger McMichael and tried to take control of the gun. Again, it does not matter that what the McMichaels were doing was illegal, it was happening. Arbery could have swerved away from McMichael or stopped and allowed the arrest or detention to occur. He could then file charges against the McMichaels for false arrest or illegal detention, and then maybe they would be sitting in jail while he was out running in the streets again.

The moment he created the scuffle for the gun, he changed the dynamic and put himself in deep jeopardy and even made it possible for the Younger McMichael to claim self-defense. Arbery should have conducted himself the way most businesses want their employees to act when confronted with an illegal actor such as an armed robber…give him what he wants and don’t try to be a hero….comply and survive.

Charlottesville: Israel and Palestine American style.

Have you noticed that most of the blame for the violence at Charlottesville, at least as how it is being reported, is placed on the Alt-Right, KKK, and white nationalists? It’s as though Antifa aka the fascist antifascists, the racist Black Lives Matter, and other left wing anarchists have absolutely no role in the violence. This is a political tactic designed to put everyone on the Right on the defensive, to be made to feel guilt by association, and to make them more compliant with Left wing politics.

The violence that attends these types of events is all a product of Leftist politics. It has happened over and over that these left wing groups have attacked peaceful protestors on the Right. As could be expected, those on the right are sick and tired of it, and some are willing to use the tactics of the Left against the Left.

Well, the Unite the Right protestors did just that. They came prepared for a fight, and the Left Wing loons gladly supplied it. How does Israel and Palestine fit in this situation? It’s simple. If Palestine would stop attacking Israel, the fighting would stop. So it goes, that if the Left Wing loons would stop attacking those on the right, the fighting would stop. The Left however, will not stop. They will become more violent because of this incident, which in turn will cause some on the Right to respond in kind. This could become very ugly before it subsides. At least until the Left decides to be civil in a democratic society, which will be difficult for them because they seek a totalitarian society.

Many are trying to turn the violence of this event into just the incident with the car, but it was a great deal more than that. Every person who attended that event was at risk of death. There was no safe space.  The weapons used could have produced instant death or a life changing injury, and a person can be beaten to death with fists or feet. Once the first brick flies, all bets are off, and anything can happen after that. It’s a miracle that more were not killed.

President Trump as expected has been criticized for not being more forceful against the Unite the Right crowd, but his response was perfect. It takes two to tango, and to single out one side for criticism while letting the other side slide, only encourages the side not criticized. This stuff is a legacy of President Obama, for he did everything possible to create a race war. I guess all we can do now, is wait and see what happens next.

Charlottesville: A case study of the disinformation campaign that followed.


One of the most enlightening books I have read is Disinformation by Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, who formerly headed the Communist Romanian Secret Police, and is the highest ranking defector from the Eastern Bloc. In his book he discussed how the Russians created and mastered a system of spreading lies about political enemies ranging of course from the United States to the Pope. You most certainly have heard of Saul Alinsky and his book Rules for Radicals. It’s basically the same principle. Create a lie, and then repeat it over and over in order to create the desired illusion which will then hopefully result in the desired outcome. So, what does all this have to do with Charlottesville? Well, that is exactly what the Left Wing is engaged in right now. Let’s set the stage.

The Ingredients:

Virginia is led by a governor who is a left wing loon. Charlottesville is led by a mayor and vice-mayor who are left wing loons. Charlottesville gave the Unite the Right rally organizers a permit to hold a rally to protest the removal of a Confederate statue. A group of counter-protesters showed up who had no permit. The police, instead of keeping legal rally attendees and illegal protesters apart, actually forced them into close proximity with each other, and then the very expected melee, again, very expected melee broke out when the counter-protesters attacked the legally formed rally attendees. The rally attendees came prepared to defend themselves, while the counter-protesters came to start a fight. Finally, the last ingredient is the main stream media herein referred to as Pravda….the Left Wing high tech pony express carrying the left wing America hating message far and wide.

The Campaign:

The disinformation campaign immediately went into hyper-drive driven by Pravda. The intent was to characterize the event as a violent right wing white supremacists hate group rally while completely ignoring the left wing hate group that actually started the melee, which was facilitated by the authorities that resulted in the death of a counter-protester, and anyone who tried to place any blame on the counter-protesters were decried as racists. In order for this campaign to work, the violence that occurred could only be blamed on one side. So immediately the calls went out to Republicans to denounce and disavow this group in order to feed the illusion that the Republican Party is the Party of racism, bigotry yadda, yadda, yadda, when in fact the Democrat Party is the Party of all that. That is one tactic of disinformation…commit the act yourself and then blame the other guy.

Of course the goal of this disinformation campaign is to put Republicans on the defensive and to feel shame for things they have no responsibility in by tricking them with the illusion that everyone thinks that Republicans are responsible for it. Unfortunately there are far too many weak-kneed lily-livered yellow streak down their backs a mile wide Republicans who don’t have the sense that God gave a rock to realize how they are being used as a pawn in this disinformation campaign, and immediately go curl up in the corner and drool all over themselves. So I guess it will be up to strong America loving Americans to pull them through.


The primary purpose of this disinformation campaign is to weaken Congressional support for President Trump’s agenda, and otherwise make Republicans more compliant to left wing causes. Will this campaign work? I don’t think so, as evidenced by how completely insane the Left has have become. They truly are a parody in action.

This is just one case study, but this tactic is used by the Left in all areas of politics. They just use different terms in each case. Theirs is a constant struggle to control the lives of others under the guise of anti-hate, fairness and equality, but what they really seek is conformity and sameness. The bigotry and hatred they decry are birth-children of their philosophy of identity politics, and this philosophy created the KKK, Nazis, communists, socialists, and yes this includes Fascists. The Democrat Party to this day is the Party of white supremacy. One only needs to listen to them talk about others, and that very unhealthy sense of superiority pours forth. It’s very easy to see how and why they created the KKK.

White privilege doesn’t exist, but self-destructive behavior does.

The white privilege mantra is simply an attempt to remove all responsibility from Blacks for bad outcomes caused by self-destructive behavior and place it all onto Whites. Try telling poor Whites and those who struggle mightily from paycheck to paycheck that they are in possession of any type of privilege. You will get a real belly laugh out of them.

Many years ago I watched a news piece about a young black girl who was a straight “A” student. At least until she was ridiculed by other blacks for acting white, at which point her grades promptly dropped. So, I guess one can only surmise that according to those blacks who accused her of acting white for wanting to be educated and making something of herself, believe that acting black means to remain uneducated and making nothing of oneself. This doesn’t sound like a philosophy that is particularly beneficial for blacks.

Her story truly is a sad one, but one that is highly prevalent among blacks today. I guess we can call it the Uncle Tom-Oreo-Sellout-Houseboy Syndrome. We all have heard the stories of blacks who are ridiculed as being race traitors by those who are afflicted with this syndrome, which is typical of the demand for conformity of thought and actions by Left wing loons generally.

Another story I would like to recount, is when I was in high school in the seventies, and some of the boys were always telling “yo momma” jokes. You know, “yo momma wears combats” and other such jokes. One thing that always puzzled me was how the black boys consistently took great offense to such jokes. Their typical retort would be, “don’t talk about my momma like that.” Many years passed before I learned the reason why they took such offense. That was because for most them, momma was all they had at home.  Why was that? Where was daddy?

Well, it turns out that Leftist social policies created in the sixties created an environment very destructive to the black family. Black families actually were more intact prior to the 1960’s than they have been ever since. In order to garner votes from blacks while giving the appearance of caring about something other than their votes, these Left wing policies were designed to move blacks back onto the Democrat plantation, but this time, onto the Federal handout plantation. This system sapped initiative, self-respect, and paid women to have babies which made daddy irrelevant, and resulted in a cycle of poverty for a huge segment of the black population. It is a fact that a family works best, and outcomes are greatly improved when mommy and daddy are around, and the children couldn’t agree more.

Blacks today have shown that they can excel in all areas of American life. Historically, blacks as a group have had a tough time of it, but the Democrat institutions of slavery and Jim Crow no longer exist. It’s not a matter of what has happened. The past doesn’t have to equal the future. Unfortunately there is too large a segment of blacks who are stuck in the past. All that matters now is what to do going forward. Nothing is holding blacks back except blacks themselves.

Blacks as a group will not succeed until blacks as individuals succeed. Which means that black individuals must understand that they alone are responsible for the outcomes in their lives, and shed themselves of the bonds of racial conformity, and the chains of government dependence. The constant cries of racism devalue the accusation just like the little boy who cried wolf. It also trivializes the experiences of those who were victims of real racism. Going down the path of calling everything and everyone racist, wailing at banana peels, and blaming whites living today for slavery and Jim Crow, will be a destination to nowhere.

Reparations are Racist

If you keep up with current events, you probably have heard that Georgetown students have voted to approve a reparations fund in which each student pays a whopping $27.50 per semester to the descendants of slaves. I wonder if Eric Holder or Michelle Obama will receive any of that money.

There are two kinds of persons who advocate for such nonsense. The first are whites who are guilt ridden about something they took no part to the benefit of someone else who has never been a victim of whatever these whites feel guilty about. The second are blacks who are searching for another handout. This will do nothing but further destroy the black family just as government welfare has done.

Slavery has been referred to as America’s peculiar institution. It is also spoken of as if the United States is the only place where slavery has existed. The very word, slave, was derived from Slav because the Slavic peoples were forced into slavery by conquering empires…non-white empires. Slavery has existed probably as long as mankind has existed and it has existed worldwide. As nation states and protective armies progressed, it became more difficult for rogue armies to simply nab some defenseless peoples and turn them into slaves. The pickings are better when they are easy.

I remember hearing Michael Medved say one time that Africans were enslaved because of the color of their skin. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Africans were enslaved because they could be. This is because Africa was a continent of defenseless tribes. They simply were easy pickings because they did not have the protections that a nation state could potentially provide. Strong black African tribes enslaved vulnerable black Africans who then sold them off to others from all around the world. More slaves went to the Arab countries than went to the United States, and more slaves went to South America than to the United States. Slavery was a worldwide phenomenon and commonplace.

It is a racist idea that white people living today who had no part in slavery of blacks hundreds of years ago, should pay blacks living today for something that happened to their ancestors hundreds of years ago. The idea that a white person living today should feel guilty about what other whites did a long time ago is racist. It really is interesting to hear those who say they want to stamp out racism are vile racists themselves. It has become utterly disgusting to hear these persons constantly refer to a person’s skin color. It isn’t difficult to imagine their response if you reversed the roles and replaced the word white with the word black in their rhetoric. Their sheer obsession with race make them the racists. Furthermore, it is a fact that all races have racists.

Lots of bad things happened a long time ago. There is nothing to be gained by dwelling on the past. We learn from the past, but the present shapes the future. There no longer is institutional racism in the United States, and racism holds nobody back. The only thing that holds a person back is that person’s lack of work ethic, character or desire to succeed. Going through life blaming all of your problems on someone else will lead to a permanent life of poverty and unhappiness.

Where is That Black Power?

While listening to the news not long ago, I heard that Cam Newton had presented the good ol’ black power salute. We all have seen that salute, but what exactly is it supposed to signify? How is black power manifested? I had never really thought much about it. I just considered it an act of defiance or some such, but upon further reflection it really is a puzzle.

Is it black power when blacks who choose to become educated and successful are ridiculed for acting white by other blacks who are lazy and worthless, but know that they can’t go through life blaming their pathetic existence on whitey, while the targets of their attacks have shown that whitey isn’t the problem? At its most basic, this is an issue of assimilation.

Is it black Power when blacks who dare to think for themselves are ridiculed by other blacks who are chartered members of the race hustle industry, and demand conformity from all blacks? Those in the race hustle industry are not opposed to education and success like the acting white crowd, because many of them have that. They are just opposed to blacks thinking for themselves.

Is it black power to have an out of wedlock birth rate exceeding seventy percent? Is it black power to kill each other off in numbers that are genocidal, maybe better described as sui-genocidal, which makes unjustified police shootings look like child’s play? Is it black power to demand welfare in the form of reparations for something they were never victims of? Is it black power to commit crimes at astronomical rates and instead of not committing the crimes, demand to not be punished accordingly? Is it black power to demand lower employment qualifications? Does four plus four not equal eight for everyone? Is it black power to knock-out unsuspecting pedestrians?

Where is all of this black power? Well, I can tell you exactly where it is. It resides in the hearts and souls of those blacks who resist the pressure to conform and to remain uneducated and unsuccessful, and this pressure to conform is immense, and is simply a new form of slavery.

These blacks whether they know it or not are the examples going forward, and are the beacon of light at the end of the tunnel for all other blacks to strive for. As time goes by, more and more blacks will see that these negative influences will be nothing more than a circular path resulting in perpetual unhappiness. Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later.

It isn’t about the blobs, the black blob, the white blob, the brown blob, the red blob, or the yellow blob. It is about the individual, and the decisions each individual makes toward self-improvement. The whitey made me do it excuse is wearing thin and will not result in anything beneficial for blacks. It certainly is fair to point out unjust treatment, but it is also fair to point out personal behaviors that cause many of the so-called injustices. Black power….walk it or talk it.

The Accusation of Racism Truly is a Gift

I once heard that an insult is like a gift…you can choose to accept it or reject it. It seems that everything is racist in much the same way that global warming causes everything, and everything causes global warming. What a wonderful circumstance for our resident environmental loons.

Now we have to deal with racial loons, who I prefer to call Racists of the Highest Order who are those who create racists. Their strategy is two pronged. The first of which is to create an army of black racists who will go forth and blame all of their problems on slavery and whitey, and then vote democrat. The other is to make whites feel guilty for things they took no part in, and to remove from blacks all responsibility in race relations.

This strategy requires three main tactics, the first of which is to frame the argument as the giant racist white blob which has all of the power and privilege against the much smaller non-racist black blob which has no power and privilege. By extension this argument surreptitiously assigns the traits of each blob to its individual parts. Hence, each white person is racist and has all of the power, and each black person can’t be racist and has no power……how convenient. However, convincing poor whites that they are in possession of any kind of power and privilege would probably require hypnosis.

The second tactic requires a temporal distortion that acts as though blacks living today were enslaved by whites living today. It is manifested by statements such as “you enslaved us” which is stated for the purpose of instilling guilt in whites for something they took no part in, to the benefit of blacks who oddly enough were never slaves.

The third tactic is to claim that everything is racist including black holes and Black Friday, call everyone they disagree with a racist, and even fabricate accounts of racist acts by simply lying about it, or by committing the acts upon themselves. Sort of like the scene in the movie Liar Liar when Jim Carrey is in the bathroom punching himself in the face among other things and tells a guy who walks in and is shocked at Carrey’s behavior, “I am kicking my ass”.

This stuff will never end because this is all these people have left. They will become shriller and shriller because whites just aren’t feeling the guilt, and are ready to move on. The Racists of the Highest Order on the Left aren’t interested in moving on. It ultimately is about political power in the form of income redistribution and reparations among other things.

 In the end, it is important to understand what is going on here and not allow these tactics to have the desired effect such as the effect it has had on an ignorant college kid I heard say that his parents have profited from slavery….SMH. It’s very simple. Will you choose to accept or reject their racist gifts?

Where is That Black Power?

While watching the news some time ago, I saw Cam Newton present the good ol’ black power salute. We all have seen that salute, but what exactly is it supposed to signify? How is black power manifested? I had never really thought much about it. I just considered it an act of defiance or some such, but upon further reflection it really is a puzzle.

Is it black power when blacks who choose to become educated and successful are ridiculed for acting white by other blacks who are lazy and worthless, but know that they can’t go through life blaming their pathetic existence on whitey, while the targets of their attacks have shown that whitey isn’t the problem?

Is it black Power when blacks who dare to think for themselves are ridiculed by other blacks who are chartered members of the race hustle industry, and demand that all blacks think and act alike? Those in the race hustle industry are not opposed to education and success like the acting white crowd, because many of them have that. They are just opposed to blacks thinking for themselves.

Is it black power to have an out of wedlock birth rate exceeding seventy percent? Is it black power to kill each other off in numbers that are genocidal, maybe better described as suigenocide, which makes unjustified police shootings look like child’s play? Is it black power to demand welfare in the form of reparations for something they were never victims of? Is it black power to commit crimes at astronomical rates and instead of not committing the crimes, demand to not be punished accordingly? Is it black power to demand lower employment qualifications? Does four plus four not equal eight for everyone? Is it black power to knock-out unsuspecting pedestrians?

Where is all of this black power? Well, I can tell you exactly where it is. It resides in the hearts and souls of those blacks who do resist the pressure to put their minds in an ideological prison as demanded by the race industry. These blacks whether they know it or not are the examples going forward, and are the beacon of light at the end of the tunnel for all other blacks to strive for. As time goes by, more and more blacks will see that these negative influences will be nothing more than a circular path resulting in perpetual unhappiness. Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later.

It isn’t about the blobs, the black blob, the white blob, the brown blob, the red blob, or the yellow blob. It is about the individual, and the decisions each individual makes toward self-improvement. The whitey made me do it excuse is wearing thin and will not result in anything beneficial for blacks. It certainly is fair to point out unjust treatment, but it is also fair to point out personal behaviors that cause many of the so-called injustices. Black power….walk it or talk it.