The use of a “Commission” is a device, it is an appeal to authority that will lend to this device an air of legitimacy. They will use it to claim that everyone opposed to their agenda is a terrorist or terrorist supporter, and in turn use that claim to justify every illegal, and unconstitutional activity against those opposed to their tyrannical vision of the United States. Democrats know that the events on January 6th were not as they are characterizing them, and we know it was not as they are characterizing them, so there is no point in us going along with it by pretending that they were.
Category: Leftist Disinformation
Facebook is mad at TMPU
Facebook I guess was upset with me for re-posting something they had previously deemed violated their community standards. I appealed their ruling with the following comment: “You can take your community standards and shove them up your ass.” I don’t know how well that will set with them, but I will never get down on bended knee to a bunch of communist wannabes. So, I may be gone from Facebook pretty soon. I will be on Parler though.
Is it possible to gaslight the entire country?
What do you get when you cross an insatiable desire for power, raging hatred of anyone opposed to your agenda, and a monumental lack of self-awareness? You get the modern democrat (Keystone Cop) party, and their endless list of failed gaslighting and disinformation operations. Gaslighting and disinformation operations are similar in that both are used to create a false narrative. They differ in that gaslighting is an attempt to make us believe something completely different from the facts that we know and see to be true. Disinformation operations put out false information that we don’t know to be false at the time. The Russia collusion hoax was a classical disinformation campaign, as were the Kavanaugh hearings, and the impeachment hearings of President Trump.
For those of you who don’t know, the term gaslight came about because of a movie by the same name released way back in 1944. The movie is about a husband who is trying to make his wife think she is going insane by telling her that things she thought were happening, were not, and that things she thought were not happening, indeed were. This brings us to the current gaslighting projects by the democrats.
We are completely surrounded, like fish in water by their gaslighting projects, with the news media, politicians, and talking heads being the primary provocateurs. Take for instance the rioting and destruction that the democrats have encouraged, promoted and funded. They have taken to going in front of any camera and making the claim that President Trump is the cause of the rioting. Now, there is video evidence of President Trump offering any support needed to stop the violence in its tracks. Unfortunately, many democrat controlled cities have refused his offer, because they want to allow their cities to devolve into utter chaos. The democrats trying to blame President is like telling us that the Sun rises in the North and sets in the South. It is clear that democrat operatives are causing and perpetrating the violence and destruction, including the assassination of police officers.
The latest gaslight operation to bring Trump down is the accusation that he publicly downplayed the dangers of the KungFluenza as he privately talked about how serious it was. One of the first responsibilities of a leader is to not instill panic, so his comments were measured and responsible in that regard. The first responsibility of the democrats is to instill as much panic as possible so that the American people will willingly surrender as much freedom as possible to the democrats. Trump’s comments, measured as they were, weren’t much different than those of health officials including Anthony Fauci that we heard with our own ears.
Now what did we see from President Trump? We saw him be the first world leader to ban travel from China, and then from Europe and other hot spots. He mobilized the private sector to make available needed medical equipment that irresponsible state officials neglected to do. He held a daily briefing for the American people to stay informed about the progression of the disease, and the progress on getting needed medical supplies, and standing up mobile hospitals. While he was trying to instill calm, his actions showed that he took the virus very seriously.
One of the funniest gaslighting operations to watch are the talking head panels on the left wing Propaganda Ministry networks. You should know that democrats use these panels for purposes of the “appeal to authority.” Viewers are expected to see the panelists as knowledgeable and wise, and therefore are expected believe everything the panelists say. As each one makes assertions about Trump and America that we know to be lies, the others are sitting there nodding their heads in agreement. The nods are supposed to impart to the viewers that what they are hearing is the consensus of the anointed. And after one of them says something spectacularly stupid that we are supposed to believe, and there is that brief silence until another picks up the conversation, I keep getting the sense that a punch line is coming, just like at the end of any good joke.
We could go on and on here with different examples, but I think you get the point. The problem the democrats have is that they are stuck in the past while living in an era of modern technology in the form of social media, playback, and satellites that can send information around the world the moment it happens. Leftist gaslighting operations can’t overpower that. We can see for ourselves in real time who is doing what to whom, and who is supporting it. We know which party is supporting the violence in our streets, and which party is opposed to it. We know which party supports destroying the economy, and which party supports strengthening it. Lastly, we know which party believes in America, and which party hates America. The age old communist and Nazi tactic of repeating a lie over and over until it becomes the truth simply no longer works.
The Anatomy of a Hoax
Hoaxes are generally very easy to spot. Especially the hoaxes that make allegations that reach into the political sphere that are then used by the inhabitants of that sphere for corrupt purposes. These hoaxes are very easy to spot because they are stated in such a way as to leave no doubt as to who the guilty party is and the motivations involved, or if the allegation is so bizarre that it just simply is not believable. Usually all you need is just one small snippet of the entire allegation, a Freudian slip of sorts, the desire to essentially force everyone to believe by shocking the conscious.
For instance, when Jussie Smollett made the claim that his attackers were wearing MAGA hats and made some comment about how this is MAGA country, I knew that he was lying. Another one occurred when a young black girl claimed that her dreadlocks were cut off by some white kids and that she was called racist names. I don’t remember what it was the girl said specifically that exposed her allegations as a hoax to me, but I turned to my wife after we watched that report and told her that the girl was lying, and sure enough it turned out that she was.
I didn’t believe the Kavanaugh hoax from the beginning because the mainstays of leftist political character assassination are accusations of racism, sexism or sexual predation. So, when those accusations came out, I turned off immediately. I would have been more likely to believe that he had robbed a bank when he was younger.
Last, but certainly not least is the Trump/Russia hoax which wasn’t just a hoax, but was a large scale disinformation campaign. However, let’s just look at the first allegation designed to shock the conscious. I can still remember the day when I heard the allegation in the Steele Dossier that Donald Trump had hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed that the Obama’s had slept in. I knew right then that the dossier was a hoax. The notion that Donald Trump would hire prostitutes to do something so petty and bizarre simply was not believable.
There is a pattern of behavior by leftists that is unmistakable and undeniable, and it plays out nearly the same way every time. Theirs is a religion of a big and controlling government, and all of the tactics they use are designed to move more political power in their direction. So, it is of utmost importance to recognize when they are implementing one of their tactics so that it can be resisted from the start.
The never-ending Liberal disinformation campaign
The recent hoopla by Liberals about President Trump’s comment about MS-13 gang members in which he described them as animals is a typical disinformation campaign. He was responding to a comment from some city or state official from California about MS-13 gang members. It was perfectly clear what and who this conversation that he was having with this official was about, perfectly clear. But, the truth is not important when one is engaged in disseminating disinformation, propaganda if you prefer.
The left wing news outlets, Pravda as I like to call them, and left wing talking heads immediately proclaimed that President Trump had called all immigrants animals, not just MS-13 gang members. This was clearly a lie on their part, but that didn’t stop them from proceeding with the disinformation campaign. It was clear that some left wing Trump haters followed suit without checking the facts before joining in, because they soon backtracked their criticism of President Trump when they realized what he had really said.
So, basically we have two types of President Trump haters involved here. This includes those who intentionally lied about what President Trump had said, and those who wanted so badly for it to be true that they didn’t bother to do their own simple fact check. Both types are a threat to the fabric of this great nation, because they are interested in dogma, not truth. One, however is far worse than the other.
Those who continued with this unjustified and immoral attack on President Trump even after it was made clear the criticism was unfounded are what I describe as “racists of the highest order.” They may or may not be racist at heart, but will attempt to generate as much racial animosity as possible in order to further a political agenda. This makes them much worse that your run-of-the-mill racist who just sits around hating others. Racists of the highest order seek to undermine the comradery and very fabric of the country. They seek to make one person hate another in order to create supportive voters. They truly are the dregs of humanity.
Another purpose of these types of attacks is to put the intended target, President Trump in this case, on the defensive, which will never happen. If President Trump were like most any other weak Republican, he would have folded to these fallacious attacks and others by now. However, President Trump is not a weakling and will never fold to these attacks. He will keep plodding forward while Liberals keep plodding all over themselves and each other in their harried attempts to defeat him. The American people elected President Trump because they are tired of lying politicians, and they will re-elect him because he does one very simple thing…..he always puts Americans and America first.
Are Liberals really all about fairness and equality?
Are Liberals really all about fairness and equality?
Liberals always portray themselves as the curators of fairness and equality. But are they? I don’t think so. I believe that they actually can be more accurately described as the curators of sameness or even more accurately obsessed with sameness. This “Doctrine of Sameness” manifests itself in many ways and across different political issues and is always characterized by them as fairness and equality so that you will not oppose it.
Liberals believe oddball marriages are the same as that between a man and a woman. Liberals believe that male and female are the same, so much so, that they are interchangeable. They believe that men who pretend to be women and look like Klinger, can compete against real women in athletic competition, beat them, and feel a sense of accomplishment. How is this reconciled with the equal pay for equal work mantra of Liberals?
Liberals believe that all persons of any given racial, ethnic or religious group think the same, and in the case of blacks and browns, Liberals demand that they think the same. Uncle Tom, house boy and sellout are racist terms used by Liberals. This thought process really reveals their deep seeded racism, bigotry and predisposition to stereotyping others.
Liberals cannot stand that the United States is not the same as other countries, and are openly trying to increase political power via illegal immigration. However, they don’t think illegal aliens are the same as American citizens, they think they are superior to Americans. This is self-evident by the fact that Liberals are perfectly willing to see Americans victimized in all manner by illegal aliens, and blow it off by simply saying that Americans commit such crimes at higher rates. Ultimately Liberals consider illegal aliens to be of a higher political value, and blacks are starting to figure that out.
Liberalism is a religion, fueled by the politics of jealousy which is the most base of emotions. The tactical pretense of Liberalism is that those who have little are in that situation because someone else has more. To Liberals, it is unimportant that those who have more, do so because they have planned, made the correct decisions, and worked for it.
The United States is the greatest country on the face of the Earth because of the way we have done things, and Liberalism is a cancer that destroys countries from within. It robs societies of freedom, personal property, initiative, and self-respect. Unfortunately, Americans are only human, just as the citizens of Venezuela are also, and can be undermined in the same fashion that the citizens of Venezuela have been, and the citizens of every other statist society.
It is difficult for many to resist the tactics of shame that Liberals use to further their religious agenda. However, Americans who love this country must always be aware that when Liberals play the fairness and equality card, that they are simply trying to take advantage of the goodness that we inherently possess to their political advantage. Sort of like the scammers who take advantage of the elderly using the trust they naturally have in others. Bottom line, don’t let yourself be played like a Stradivarius violin.
Sources and methods were indeed revealed by the Nunez memo
The Democrats were indeed correct when they claimed that sources and methods would be revealed if the Nunez memo was released. Unfortunately for the Democrats it revealed their sources and methods used by high level officials in the FBI and Department of Justice to illegally spy on the Trump campaign and then the Trump administration. This really should be no surprise after top officials in the IRS, in order to influence the coming election in the Left’s favor, targeted conservative groups applying for tax exempt status.
I have said that Liberals are communists without the ability to murder their political opposition en masse, so they have to use all other means they can get away with instead. Since they skated so easily in the IRS scandal they thought that implementing a silent coup would be no problem. After all, as with the Obama regime, they knew they would have a protective Hillary Clinton regime, who in fact would owe them mightily after they rigged the investigation into her criminal private server activity. If the Republican nominee had been anyone else other than Donald Trump, this coup would most certainly would have been successful.
This is what happens when one party worships government and the power that to bequeaths to them that can then be used to rule over the American people. This type of activity should repulse all Americans, but as we have seen, there is little such repulsion coming from Left with a great deal of effort being put forth by the Left to keep this Constitutional crisis, and threat to democracy hidden from view. The battle for freedom never ends, because there are those who will never stop trying to take it from you.
The never-ending Liberal disinformation campaign
The recent hoopla by Liberals about President Trump’s comment about MS-13 gang members in which he described them as animals is a typical disinformation campaign. He was responding to a comment from some city or state official from California about MS-13 gang members. It was perfectly clear what and who this conversation that he was having with this official was about, perfectly clear. But, the truth is not important when one is engaged in disseminating disinformation, propaganda if you prefer.
The left wing news outlets, Pravda as I like to call them, and left wing talking heads immediately proclaimed that President Trump had called all immigrants animals, not just MS-13 gang members. This was clearly a lie on their part, but that didn’t stop them from proceeding with the disinformation campaign. It was clear that some left wing Trump haters followed suit without checking the facts before joining in, because they soon backtracked their criticism of President Trump when they realized what he had really said.
So, basically we have two types of President Trump haters involved here. This includes those who intentionally lied about what President Trump had said, and those who wanted so badly for it to be true that they didn’t bother to do their own simple fact check. Both types are a threat to the fabric of this great nation, because they are interested in dogma, not truth. One, however is far worse than the other.
Those who continued with this unjustified and immoral attack on President Trump even after it was made clear the criticism was unfounded are what I describe as “racists of the highest order.” They may or may not be racist at heart, but will attempt to generate as much racial animosity as possible in order to further a political agenda. This makes them much worse that your run-of-the-mill racist who just sits around hating others. Racists of the highest order seek to undermine the comradery and very fabric of the country. They seek to make one person hate another in order to create supportive voters. They truly are the dregs of humanity.
Another purpose of these types of attacks is to put the intended target, President Trump in this case, on the defensive, which will never happen. If President Trump were like most any other weak Republican, he would have folded to these fallacious attacks and others by now. However, President Trump is not a weakling and will never fold to these attacks. He will keep plodding forward while Liberals keep plodding all over themselves and each other in their harried attempts to defeat him. The American people elected President Trump because they are tired of lying politicians, and they will re-elect him because he does one very simple thing…..he always puts Americans and America first.
Blasey Ford’s testimony was more a matter of stagecraft than compelling substance
Listening to some describe Ford’s testimony as compelling leads one to believe that Ford brought the goods on Kavanaugh, and that she laid him to waste. However, such characterization is based solely on her demeanor at the hearing, because she brought no goods other than the Invasion of the Body Snatchers point and shriek, although it was a very low decibel mild mannered shriek, not the ear piercing shriek in the movie.
From her, I am woman, hear me purr for a cup of coffee, to her childlike speaking style, to her hair hanging in her face like a six year old, and her claim of being terrified at being at the committee hearing, and finally to her harrowing experience of being asked two questions during a polygraph test. Her entire testimony was presented in such a way to make her appear demure, weak and defenseless while presenting no evidence that can be corroborated……none.
Which brings us to the Liberals new system of justice. It is to point and shriek, the loud piercing kind, at anyone who they feel stands in their way……guilt by accusation is the order of the day. Didn’t that occur during the Salem witch trials? There was one point during the hearing when Ted Cruz was leveling accusations at Feinstein and the other Democrats for leaking Ford’s name to the press, in which Feinstein felt the need to defend herself which was understandable. I just wish that Cruz had demanded that she prove that she didn’t leak Ford’s information. I wonder how she would have responded.
One democrat on the committee said that Ford had nothing to gain….really. I guess $500,000 in a GoFundMe account, plus the hero status that she would carry beyond her days on this earth with Liberals isn’t a gain. I have described Liberals as communists without the power to murder their political opposition en masse. So they use the power of government such as the IRS, FBI, DOJ, ATF, and accusations of racism and sexual assault in order to murder the reputation and livelihood of their political opposition.
It is perfectly clear what is going on here. Republican need to stop playing along with this charade and future charades. Liberals like to say that women will rebel if Kavanaugh is put on the Supreme Court. The mistake that Liberals make about all groups is that they think that all members of any particular group think alike…they do not. Women in America who have men and sons in their lives can see what exactly is going on and they fear that their men could become victims of made up sexual assault allegations. Women who make up allegations of sexual assault devalue the allegation itself, and trivialize the experiences of those women who have truly been sexually assaulted. This is a beast that must stop being fed.
Are Liberals really all about fairness and equality?
Liberals always portray themselves as the curators of fairness and equality. But are they? I don’t think so. I believe that they actually can be more accurately described as the curators of sameness or even more accurately obsessed with sameness. This “Doctrine of Sameness” manifests itself in many ways and across different political issues and is always characterized by them as fairness and equality so that you will not oppose it.
Liberals believe oddball marriages are the same as that between a man and a woman. Liberals believe that male and female are the same, so much so, that they are interchangeable. They believe that men who pretend to be women and look like Klinger, can compete against real women in athletic competition, beat them, and feel a sense of accomplishment. How is this reconciled with the equal pay for equal work mantra of Liberals?
Liberals believe that all persons of any given racial, ethnic or religious group think the same, and in the case of blacks and browns, Liberals demand that they think the same. Uncle Tom, house boy and sellout are racist terms used by Liberals. This thought process really reveals their deep seeded racism, bigotry and predisposition to stereotyping others.
Liberals cannot stand that the United States is not the same as other countries, and are openly trying to increase political power via illegal immigration. However, they don’t think illegal aliens are the same as American citizens, they think they are superior to Americans. This is self-evident by the fact that Liberals are perfectly willing to see Americans victimized in all manner by illegal aliens, and blow it off by simply saying that Americans commit such crimes at higher rates. Ultimately Liberals consider illegal aliens to be of a higher political value, and blacks are starting to figure that out.
Liberalism is a religion, fueled by the politics of jealousy which is the most base of emotions. The tactical pretense of Liberalism is that those who have little are in that situation because someone else has more. To Liberals, it is unimportant that those who have more, do so because they have planned, made the correct decisions, and worked for it.
The United States is the greatest country on the face of the Earth because of the way we have done things, and Liberalism is a cancer that destroys countries from within. It robs societies of freedom, personal property, initiative, and self-respect. Unfortunately, Americans are only human, just as the citizens of Venezuela are also, and can be undermined in the same fashion that the citizens of Venezuela have been, and the citizens of every other statist society.
It is difficult for many to resist the tactics of shame that Liberals use to further their religious agenda. However, Americans who love this country must always be aware that when Liberals play the fairness and equality card, that they are simply trying to take advantage of the goodness that we inherently possess to their political advantage. Sort of like the scammers who take advantage of the elderly using the trust they naturally have in others. Bottom line, don’t let yourself be played like a Stradivarius violin.