Rush Limbaugh’s greatest legacy

Rush Limbaugh was the greatest radio host to have ever lived, and it is extremely doubtful that his radio accomplishments, and his political influence as a radio host will ever be remotely challenged. He will always be the king while everyone else will only make it to pawn in comparison.

I have heard a lot of commentary about Rush today from those who admired him greatly, but I have not heard one word about what I consider to be his greatest legacy. His charitable fund raising has probably only been surpassed by Jerry Lewis. I don’t know how much Rush has raised for cancer, police, firefighters, and members of the military over the course of his career but it had to reach into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

While those who loved him will mourn his passing, members of the party of death, the Democrat party, will gladly, and openly celebrate his death. And those who mourn and those who celebrate will do so for the very same reason. Rush was the most influential advocate for American exceptionalism and freedom, and the possibilities that these two traits made available to every person in this country who chose to take advantage of them, that this country has ever had.

Let’s Play Baseball With Terrorists

I put up a post last night in which I stated that Liberals are communists without the ability to murder their political opposition en masse. Well, I guess that won’t prevent them from trying to kill their opposition in more manageable numbers. Today’s attack by a Liberal on Conservatives is just another exhibit to go with a long line of such evidence that Liberal violence toward conservatives is part of their mainstream tactics.

What was bizarre to me, were the comments coming from both sides of the aisle in regards to the baseball game that sounded like the typical comments you will hear following many terror attacks….”we will not cower,” “we will not be deterred,” “they will not win.” Well, those messages are very easy to send to the terrorists….just turn and tell them. This wasn’t a terror attack from without, but came from within the ranks of the Democrat society and is fueled by the rhetoric coming all the way from the top of the Democrat Party.

Liberals basically have three forms of persuasion. First, is to appeal to your sense of compassion….”help us take care of this victim.” If that doesn’t work, then they appeal to your sense of shame and embarrassment….”how can you be such an insensitive jerk, you care about nobody, and want to see people die.” Third, is the use of violence in its various forms which really isn’t a form of persuasion, but is that of mitigation by eliminating the opposition with threats, violent assaults and murder.

It has been said to Muslims that they must rid themselves of the cancer of Islamic totalitarianism. To stop teaching and encouraging the hatred of those who think differently. That same question should be posed to those on the Left. There is however, a baseball game between the Republicans and the Democrats. If this game turns both parties into a montage of new age love making hippies, maybe we can try it with Islamic Nazis.

What movie best describes Leftists?

When I think of the Left Wing in the United States, it makes me think of two movies. Jumanji being the first movie, and the monkeys in it that were wreaking havoc everywhere. The second movie is World War Z in which a pandemic was created by a virus transferred by bites that turned humans into mindless wild-eyed maniacal beasts stumbling all over themselves and each other on their path to attack those not yet infected.

So, which movie more accurately describes the Left Wing of today? After a lot of thought and reflection, it comes down to one thing for me…..the mind. That part of the brain that controls reasoning, perception, feelings, etc. So I have to rule out Jumanji, because the monkeys clearly have properly functioning minds, for they are simply doing what monkeys do. So that leaves me with World War Z, and the mindless wild-eyed maniacal beasts stumbling all over themselves, and each other on their path to attack those not yet infected. 

World War Z, like science fiction movies before it, was prophetic. It predicted how the Left Wing would react when Donald Trump was elected President. They have been infected with the Trump Virus. The parade of attacks since he won the election, from calls for his impeachment before he was inaugurated, to making sure that every sentence they spoke included the word Russian, to collusion, to obstruction, and now on to abuse of power are simply a massive disinformation effort by the Left to effect a coupe against a legitimately elected President. They just move from one failed attempt to another without pause.

Since their attacks from the beginning have been ineffective, which would have been effective if Trump were a normal weak-kneed, lily livered Republican, their attacks have become froth laden saliva slinging tirades. We must always remember that the Left, which includes politicians, academics, and news media, seek power and control over the ignorant masses as they see it, and will do everything possible, illegal and immoral to effectuate their desires.

I heard it said recently that when it comes to the Left Wing that it has become impossible to tell the difference between parody and reality. Truer words were never spoken. There is no need to tune to Saturday Night Live, just watch the news every day. The situation we have currently with the Left is a biological mutation between a boy and a chicken. Get your mind out of the gutter. We will assume it was a laboratory experiment. That mutation; Chicken Little and the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Did Monica Lewinsky Swallow

It is patently clear that Liberals have, in the collective fashion in which they like to force everyone else to live, have lost their minds. They have no sense of self-awareness because they seemingly do not realize what such fools they look like with the constant attacks on President Trump.

I started watching the Stormy Daniels interview on 20/20 last night and quickly became bored, and then when Anderson Cooper asked her if Trump wore a condom, that was it for me. I was done. That question would have been akin to asking Monica Lewinsky if she swallowed. It was clear to me that this was the left wing media (our Pravda) jump the shark moment, and that it would in no way have the desired effect they are looking for. It was just an embarrassment.

If this encounter between Daniels and “Businessman” Trump did occur, nobody gives a big fat rats rear-end…except the looney left. If it did occur, it did not happen in the White House while Trump was President. The sheer desperation Liberals are feeling right now is thick in the air… is palpable. They are desperate to protect their religion of big government from the man who is determined to bring it down to size.

These attacks will have no effect on President Trump because he is not the typical weak kneed lily livered yellow streak down his back a mile wide Republican. The Left’s only hope is that it will affect voters. However, are voters more likely to follow a man who puts America and Americans first in every way, and every moment, or will Americans follow a bunch of left wing loons who clearly hate America and Americans?

Water boarding isn’t torture

The questions coming from Liberals for Gina Haspel during her confirmation hearing reminded me of a Liberal who was posed the scenario of his home being invaded with him and his family inside and the spectre of what could occur to his family…..his wife and his children. He was asked if he would want to have a firearm available to protect his family from all manner of harm, but he would have none of it. He simply would rather see this harm come to his family than violate his dogmatic hatred of guns.

All of the stupid comments and questions from the Liberals to Haspel were simply another version of this dogmatism. The questions about a higher moral standard or moral compass simply show that Liberals would rather see Americans die than violate their higher moral compass P.R. campaign. I can see the epitaphs on the tombstones of Americans killed because Liberals didn’t want to make terrorists feel a little discomfort. “Here lies countless Americans whose lives were taken in order to protect a higher moral standard.” Wouldn’t that be perfect?

For Liberals it’s not about protecting Americans, but protecting their pathetic self-image as viewed by those from around the world. I for one do not care what the so-called world thinks of me or the United States. When Haspel was asked if she thought water boarding was immoral, I wish she would have said “Hell no, we had a job to do to protect Americans from threats known and unknown, and I will not second guess those who made terrorists feel a little discomfort, such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who sawed off a man’s head with a knife and was the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, and you Senator cannot make me feel one iota of guilt for it. That would have been her “high tech lynching” moment.

Computer models will be the death of us

Computer models will be the death of us

It’s very likely that you have heard the old saying, “garbage in and garbage out” when it comes to computers. I think this description is perfectly appropriate when it comes to computer models, but, I prefer to put it I think in a much better way….”computers only know what they are told to know.”

There are a great number of assumptions that go into computer models, and by making only minor adjustments to those assumptions the outcome can be greatly changed. The problem with these assumptions is that they are moving targets and it can never be known which target to move where in order to create what is to be the likely outcome. Computer models can be used for an attempt at genuine informative purposes as with the Chinese Flu or they can be used for corrupt purposes as with climate change.

The recent talk of how computer models have wildly exaggerated the number of projected infections, deaths, and needs arising from the Chinese Flu is troubling, but not at all surprising if you have been following the climate modeling debacle. I have no doubt that those creating the models in order to attempt to predict how the Chinese Flu will progress are doing it with good intentions. However, good intentions don’t cut it. If I attempt to give you a free haircut and cut your ear off in the process, I don’t think you will give me credit for trying to be a good ol’ boy.

With the Chinese Flu, modelers have no clue what we are dealing with right now, because it is simply too new, unknown, and chaotic. Besides, we don’t really know how long its been in the United States. I think its been around a lot longer than generally thought, because we don’t know how long China had been hiding it from the rest of the world.

These models are being created using faulty assumptions that are doing nothing but scaring the hell out of everyone, including policy makers which then can lead to bad policy. Computer models are not science nor are they data. Policies should be created using facts and data only, not suppositions. We need to stop playing Nostradamus and knock it off with the modeling, and deal with this issue by figuring out what works, by using real data and facts as we learn them.

The climate models are where we get into corruption, because they are political tools. Climate models are intentionally used to scare the hell out of everyone in order to further the agenda of the climate jihadists. It’s a form of appeal to authority, and it’s an ages old tactic that the meek have allowed to be used against themselves by those in power in order to appropriate their freedoms.

Trying to model the Chinese Flu is impossible enough, but trying to model the climate is even more impossible, if that’s possible. Climate is a system of complete chaos and is affected by the oceans, the atmosphere, forces outside the Earth’s atmosphere, by activity within the Earth, and all of which occur on different and varying timescales.

Computer models are nice toys and fun to play with, but should never be used for policy decisions. The notion that a mathematical formula can be created to predict the future of a chaotic system is an act of utter futility in the case of the Chinese Flu, and utter corruption in the case of climate change. There probably has always existed in the human condition the desire to predict the future. I think we are better off influencing the future, and leaving the predicting to the guys wearing the sandwich boards where the appeal to authority does not apply.