A second Kung Flu relief is not what is needed.

I saw Chuckie Schumer today calling for another round of Kung Flu stimulus checks. The American people don’t need another check from the Federal Government. The only stimulus they and the economy needs is freedom. The Kung Flu mass hysteria exhibited by many, and in particular those in positions of power and authority is proof positive that many humans beings today have not advanced beyond the intellectual capacity of that of the caveman.

The tyrannical lockdowns being forced upon Americans across the United States are supposed to get “control” of the virus as suggested by the likes of Joe Biden. If you thought herding cats is difficult, just try herding a virus. When have we mere human beings ever controlled a virus? The belief that it is possible to control something that is uncontrollable, is a God complex and, an omen to the extent to which those who believe control is possible will go to in order achieve that control. In their face civil disobedience is the only response we can have to these tyrannies. I leave you with the following Quote from C.S. Lewis.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

Does Anthony Fauci have a clue?

It seems to me that Fauci simply bends with the Kung Flu wind. Early on he said we weren’t in any jeopardy and no reason to be alarmed. Then when the cases and deaths increased he said we were all going to die. Then when everything started dying down he said it was time to start reopening the economy, and then when cases started to increase again he went back to the we are all going to die scenario.

He also made an extremely stupid and telling comment the other day when he said that we do not have the Kung Flu completely under control. When have we ever had a virus under complete control? This comment gives us a deep insight into what lengths he is willing to go to in order to achieve that unachievable control. One very important thing to know about Fauci is that he is not a epidemiologist, he is a immunologist. If he were an epidemiologist instead of the immunologist that he is, he would understand that there is no way to control a virus.

I enjoyed very much the comments by the Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick when he said Texas doesn’t need Fauci’s help, and that they will use their own experts. I think that is an excellent idea. It’s time for Fauci to go. President Trump needs to send Fauci back to his sandbox, and bring someone in who understands epidemics.

A Tale of Two Political Parties while re-opening the economy

It shouldn’t be, but there are two distinct ways to handle re-opening the economy, and it overwhelmingly depends on which political party is in charge. Republican controlled States are more likely to treat their citizens as adults and allow them to put their lives back on the path to normalcy while doing those things necessary to protect those who can’t protect themselves, and instructing those who can protect themselves to do so. They understand not just the economic damage, but the damage to the lives of their citizens in all areas caused by this lockdown, and that a safe and reasonable balance can be achieved to end the lockdown. They are willing to allow the freedom that most Americans expect after having sacrificed so much.

Democrat controlled States are more likely to treat their citizens as children, and hover over them like helicopter parents. They don’t view their citizens as being capable of taking care of themselves, therefore they require constant supervision and meddling. The extent that these States want to continue their lockdowns shows absolutely no faith in their citizenry, and no regard for their personal lives after they have willingly sacrificed so much. The decision by these States to continue the lockdown have nothing to do with the science or data. There is in my opinion two overriding reasons to continue the lockdown. First, is a genuine fear by omnipotent moral busybodies for the safety of their citizens. The second, is a purely political move to damage the economy and President Trump’s re-election chances. I leave you with a quote by C.S. Lewis, and then a question.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

Can the citizens of those States so negatively affected by the continued lockdowns, survive the consciences of their omnipotent moral busybody government officials?

It is time for Anthony Fauci’s fifteen minutes of fame to end.

Anthony Fauci clearly has no understanding of the economic impact of the policies he is proposing we continue. I have no problem with the actions taken in the beginning because we were dealing with an unknown virus. It appeared extremely lethal and the transmissibility of the virus wasn’t well known. The death rates worldwide ranged from one percent to ten percent. In fact, nothing was well known in the beginning. The science and data were nearly complete unknowns. However, that situation no longer exists.

Now we hear leftists say we need to follow the science and data and keep the Country closed. Well, actually the science and data say a completely different thing. We now know that the death rate is far lower than previous estimates, and may only be twice as lethal as the regular flu. We also know that it is particularly lethal to the elderly and those with problematic health conditions, and particularly non-lethal to everyone else, particularly children.

Some seem to believe that we can control this virus. I think Birx has even made the comment that we do not have the virus under control. First, you don’t need to be an expert in epidemiology to know that it is impossible to control a virus. Second, in listening to experts in epidemiology other than Fauci and Birx it is clear to me that if we keep running from this virus that it will keep chasing us. Our immune systems are the only way we will be able to defeat this virus.

Therefore, it is time to open up the economy, and stop being completely stupid about this social distancing stuff. There certainly are reasonable actions that we as individuals can do, but someone standing on a beach alone is a threat to nobody.  Those who are at particular risk must take responsibility for and isolate themselves from everyone else, and those who cannot protect themselves such as nursing home residents should be protected to the greatest degree possible. This will allow the rest of the population go about their lives while developing herd immunity that will in the end benefit all, and particularly those who are most at risk. These stay at home edicts are akin to jailing persons before they have a chance to commit a crime, and that is definitely a bad thing.

The Chinese Flu War

The Chinese Flu War

Have you managed to watch the Chinese Flu daily briefing given by the President and the rest of his team? I try to listen every day. I appreciate everything the President is doing and am glad that he acted as early as he did when he banned travel from China. There is no way to know how much worse it would be for us had he not acted so quickly. It is clear to me that President Trump, the man who has put Americans first in every one of his policies is doing everything possible within his abilities as a human being to protect all Americans.

The briefings can be very annoying though. The most annoying part of the briefing for me is the question and answer period in which questions from reporters basically fall into four categories….good, stupid, belligerent or not needed. Everyone knows what a good question is so I will focus on the other three.

Let’s start with those not needed. I wish that reporters would listen to the answers given by those at the briefing, because they will probably hear the answer to the question they were going to ask. If the question a reporter wants to ask has already been asked and answered, why waste everyone’s time by asking it again? Ask something different or just sit there in blissful silence that we all can enjoy.

Next are the belligerent questions. Since the news media is full of left wing loons, you can always count on the questions that are really leftist commentary cloaked as a question. Such as the one asked by one reporter who just wanted to ridicule President Trump for using the term Chinese Flu or Chinese Virus, claiming that it is racist to do so. Even a national emergency cannot escape the race industry of the Left. President Trump didn’t back down one iota, and even re-iterated it. Prior to Trump, any other Republican would have wilted at that question and promptly changed his ways.

Lastly, the stupid questions, which can double as belligerent ones which are designed not to expose incompetence, but to create the appearance of it. For instance it seems that reporters can’t get it into their thick skulls that those in the federal government can’t just wiggles their noses or cross their arms and nod their heads and make ventilators appear out of thin air. Ventilators are a complex piece of equipment, they are not like stamping a cooking pot out of a flat piece of metal in which hundreds or thousands can be produced daily. It takes time, and President Trump and his advisers have made that fact perfectly clear.

This thing we are experiencing now has been described, I think justifiably so, as a war. There hasn’t been a time since World War II that the entire country has been called to action. When the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, the United State military was paltry at best. We did not have all of the equipment and manpower needed to carry out a war of that magnitude. We however had the American spirit, ingenuity and the economic system needed to create a military that was everything we needed.

It is the responsibility of each State, a PT boat, to be the first responder, and it is the responsibility of the Federal Government, a battleship, to provide as much assistance as possible. A PT boat is nimble, a battleship is not, and that is just a fact of life. Everyone must understand the system in order for the system to work to its full capabilities. We created a juggernaut to deal with World War II. We can do the same in this war.

Computer models will be the death of us

It’s very likely that you have heard the old saying, “garbage in and garbage out” when it comes to computers. I think this description is perfectly appropriate when it comes to computer models, but, I prefer to put it I think in a much better way….”computers only know what they are told to know.”

There are a great number of assumptions that go into computer models, and by making only minor adjustments to those assumptions the outcome can be greatly changed. The problem with these assumptions is that they are moving targets and it can never be known which target to move where in order to create what is to be the likely outcome. Computer models can be used for an attempt at genuine informative purposes as with the Chinese Flu or they can be used for corrupt purposes as with climate change.

The recent talk of how computer models have wildly exaggerated the number of projected infections, deaths, and needs arising from the Chinese Flu is troubling, but not at all surprising if you have been following the climate modeling debacle. I have no doubt that those creating the models in order to attempt to predict how the Chinese Flu will progress are doing it with good intentions. However, good intentions don’t cut it. If I attempt to give you a free haircut and cut your ear off in the process, I don’t think you will give me credit for trying to be a good ol’ boy.

With the Chinese Flu, modelers have no clue what we are dealing with right now, because it is simply too new, unknown, and chaotic. Besides, we don’t really know how long its been in the United States. I think its been around a lot longer than generally thought, because we don’t know how long China had been hiding it from the rest of the world.

These models are being created using faulty assumptions that are doing nothing but scaring the hell out of everyone, including policy makers which then can lead to bad policy. Computer models are not science nor are they data. Policies should be created using facts and data only, not suppositions. We need to stop playing Nostradamus and knock it off with the modeling, and deal with this issue by figuring out what works, by using real data and facts as we learn them.

The climate models are where we get into corruption, because they are political tools. Climate models are intentionally used to scare the hell out of everyone in order to further the agenda of the climate jihadists. It’s a form of appeal to authority, and it’s an ages old tactic that the meek have allowed to be used against themselves by those in power in order to appropriate their freedoms.

Trying to model the Chinese Flu is impossible enough, but trying to model the climate is even more impossible, if that’s possible. Climate is a system of complete chaos and is affected by the oceans, the atmosphere, forces outside the Earth’s atmosphere, by activity within the Earth, and all of which occur on different and varying timescales.

Computer models are nice toys and fun to play with, but should never be used for policy decisions. The notion that a mathematical formula can be created to predict the future of a chaotic system is an act of utter futility in the case of the Chinese Flu, and utter corruption in the case of climate change. There probably has always existed in the human condition the desire to predict the future. I think we are better off influencing the future, and leaving the predicting to the guys wearing the sandwich boards where the appeal to authority does not apply.