I’m sure you have heard the old saying that there are no atheists in foxholes. I would like to propose a new saying: There are no law and order atheists in Congress. During the entirety of President Trump’s tenure, Democrats have called for violence against his supporters, and have portrayed mock violence against him. Once in a play in which he was murdered like Julius Caesar, and another very famously as having been beheaded. Madonna once said she would like to blow up the White House, and Johnny Depp once asked, when was the last time a president was assassinated by an actor?Democrat members of Congress have supported the antifa and blm reign of terror, violence, murder, and the destruction of property of private citizens who did absolutely nothing wrong. Democrat members of Congress, such as Maxine Waters, and Ayanna Pressley, have incited violence toward President Trump, his supporters, and members of his cabinet, and administration. Chuck Schumer incited violence toward members of the United States Supreme Court.Democrats incited, endorsed and supported the murder of police officers, and the call for defunding or even elimination of the police. They demanded that federal property not be protected from the antifa and blm mobs. They decried our founders as racists that should be banished from history.Yes, Democrats watched with glee from their palaces as the lives and property of American citizens far away, at least far enough away were destroyed as they tallied all of the votes they hoped that all of this death and destruction would bring to them. Then came that election, and with all of their efforts to destroy President Trump and his supporters, they failed miserably. President Trump won in a landslide that could only be taken away with a massive election fraud scheme this country has never seen before. As a result, the mob showed up at and entered their palace, and just like that they gained religion, the religion of law and order. They now speak glowingly of law enforcement, and they are now lecturing everyone else on the need to have law and order, to have the police within an arm’s reach and thousands of National Guard troops sleeping nearby. They are now even using quotes by our Founders to justify their new found religion. I have a quote for them by Thomas Jefferson; “We have the wolf by the ears, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other.” We Trump supporters are the wolves, and we aren’t going anywhere.
Author: Ilove2fishfor333
Jim Jordan, just declare the election a fraud
I watched a little bit of a video that included Jim Jordan during a House committee hearing I believe, in which the democrat chair demanded that in order to help heal and unite the country, Jordan must declare that the presidential election was fair, with no fraud, and that Biden was legitimately and fairly elected president.
When this was demanded of Jordan, I thought Jordan would let him have it, but he didn’t, at least not during first the few minutes I watched it. He may have lashed back at the chairman after I tuned out, but I had all of the lack of spine I could stand for the moment. Why is it so difficult to just say it? Democrats spout absurdity after absurdity with no inhibitions, but we can’t speak the truth. At that moment I just wish I could have taken over Jordan’s mind and body with some kind of metamorphosis and say what I wish the hell he would say what I wanted him to say.
If I had been in Jordan’s place, I would have said the following or something very close to it, and I wouldn’t need notes:
Mr. Chairman, the election was in fact stolen, it was corrupt, and a fraud upon the American people. It was an act of sedition and treason that you and your party fully endorsed, and participated in, and that the only way for there to be healing and unity is for you, and every member of the democrat party to admit to this act of treason. Furthermore, you and every member of your party must admit that Russia collusion and every effort following was a continuous coup attempt that was carried out with no or manufactured evidence.
You, and every member of the democrat party must also admit that antifa and blm are the enforcement arm of the democrat party, and that you and every member of the democrat party endorsed, funded, and encouraged the death and destruction they wreaked upon the American people. Before we can move forward with healing and unity, you must lie prostrate before the American people and beg for their forgiveness for the treacheries you have committed against them. Until you do all of these things, I don’t think I will be taking any lessons from you law and order or patriotism. I yield back the balance of my time, and look forward to my expulsion vote.
The D.C. protesters were patriots
Well, the democrat propaganda machine is in high gear following the Day of Love protest in Washington D.C. in which the Capitol building was trespassed by protesters. Every one of our leftist pals are calling it an insurrection, an act of sedition carried out by domestic terrorists. I have to say, that if it was, it had to be the weirdest act of sedition and insurrection to have ever occurred. First off, there are videos showing the so-called terrorists milling around like they were tourists, they were destroying nothing. Then there is the video of Capitol Hill police opening the doors and letting the trespassers in, but are they trespassers when they are let in. There is yet another video of Capitol Hill police opening barriers and allowing the trespassers to be make their way to the Capitol Building. Were the Capitol Police officers directed to stand down and allow and even abet this trespass, or were they just not worried about Trump supporters ransacking the place? There just did not seem to be the typical tensions between the authorities and the protesters that you see in any typical riot.
When Ashli Babbitt was killed by a Capitol Hill Security officer, there were Capitol Hill police officers standing right behind her in full tactical gear. The officer closest to her even pointed his weapon in the direction of the officer who had just shot Ashli, and yelled something at him. This appears to have been a complete overreaction by that officer. It should be investigated fairly for him and Ashli, and should not be swept under the rug just because Ashli was a Trump supporter. One final point on this. You should never kill someone to protect inanimate objects. You should only kill in self-defense or in defense of others if harm is imminent. This applies to law enforcement officers and private citizens, because Ashli Babbitt appears to have been a threat to nobody.
Now, for the most important ingredient of this entire episode. I have seen a lot of Trump rallies, and I have seen none of his supporters at any of his rallies wearing all black, with helmets, backpacks, walkie-talkies and conducting themselves in a coordinated fashion as video evidence shows, and eyewitness accounts have detailed about what happened in D.C. I have however, as you have too, seen these types at every riot carried out by antifa and blm….hmm. We know that blm and antifa have infiltrated Trump rallies to do things such as holding up racist signs in order to paint Trump and his supporters as racists. This is a typical Russian disinformation tactic. Isn’t it ironic that with all of their fake indignation about Russian collusion, it is leftists who use communist tactics? There also is a video of a Trump supporter taking down a person who was clearly an antifa instigator who was trying to break out a window. There is another video of Trump supporters who were protecting the police by standing between them and those attempting to attack them. One could say this was unbelievable, but it wasn’t for me knowing Trump supporters.
Now for the Democrat Propaganda Ministry and leftists in general. I don’t think I’ll be taking any lessons from them on patriotism, or how we should respond to what happened at the Capitol building, because other than those who died, I am not troubled at all about what happened at the Capitol building, because what happened at the Capitol building was an attack on tyranny, while the attacks by antifa and blm were attacks on freedom. The Capitol building is not hallowed ground, and should not be worshipped. Our freedoms are hallowed ground that should receive all of the worship that we can provide, and that are being slowly destroyed by those who work in that building. While antifa and blm were murdering police officers, private citizens, and destroying private and public property, it was described by leftists as a summer of love, peaceful protests, and even justified by an often used quote by Martin Luther King, “Riots are the language of the unheard.” Antifa and blm attacked those who had absolutely nothing to do with their beef which made their treacheries true acts of terrorism and sedition. The Trump protesters took their beef directly to those who were responsible for it and could do something about it. That makes them patriots….unheard patriots. These patriots were attempting to uphold and defend the Constitution, and were trying to get those who are supposed represent us and be on our side to do the same.
Yes, the Trump supporters who attended the event in Washington D.C. are patriots and had, and still do have every right to protest our federal government. And President Trump had, and has every right to speak to his supporters at such events. I listened to Trump’s every word that night, he incited nothing, he did nothing wrong. All of the outrage coming from the Left has nothing to do with actual indignation. It instead has everything to do with a maniacal fear of Trump, and most importantly his supporters. President Trump has created a movement that will not and should not go away, and it scares the hell out of them. That’s why we must persist to protect our freedoms with every fiber of our being, because I guarantee you that our Leftist pals will try to take away all of our freedoms with every fiber of their being.
Stacy Abrams and her bitchin’
Apparently there is a great deal more scrutiny in the Georgia Senatorial runoff election. So much so that Stacey Abrams is bitchin’ about voter suppression, and how Republicans can only win with voter suppression. Stacey Abrams, the failed gubernatorial candidate, is one of the persons who brought a lawsuit against the State of Georgia that resulted in the Consent Decree that the Georgia Secretary of State agreed to on bended knee that weakened Georgia election laws. In simpler terms, the Decree made it easier for the Democrats to cheat, which is what the numerous lawsuits filed by Democrats before the November 3rd election all across the nation were designed to do.
There is a reason the Democrats have shown that they are opposed to every safeguard that will ensure free and fair elections. That is because it would be impossible to steal elections if all of the proper safeguards are in place. I wrote in a previous post that since our presidential elections are so close that it could take only one corrupt precinct to overturn the entire election. Well, one wouldn’t have done the trick this time, but several corrupt precincts did just that.
Stacey Abrams and her fellow corrupt Democrat colleagues conspired to steal the Presidential election for Joe Biden. This was done by various means which have been verified by sworn affidavits and video evidence such as:
- First and foremost, by processing mail-in ballots in secret, with no witnesses as demanded by State laws. Do you remember how the Democrats were hot to trot on rushing to send out mail-in ballots shortly after the Wu Flu outbreak? They saw that as their opening to win the election. Once these ballots are separated from their envelopes, they largely can’t be distinguished from any other ballot.
- Democrat poll workers refused to let Republican poll watchers and challengers to watch or challenge by keeping them in a fenced off area so far away that they just as well had been at home in their living rooms.
- Democrats conspired with United States Postal workers to backdate ballots to make it appear that they had arrived on time. Poll workers themselves were instructed to backdate ballots also.
- Hundreds of thousands of pre-printed mail-in ballots that had only votes for Biden, nothing down ballot were counted. These ballots were pristine and never folded. Just a small detail, but mail-in ballots must be folded in order to be put into the envelope and mailed in.
- States have refused to allow any inspection of mail-in ballots.
- States have destroyed electronic election evidence such as was done in Michigan as ordered by the Michigan Secretary of State.
- Corrupt courts such as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court have been active participants in the steal.
- In Georgia, poll watchers and the media were told to go home at one polling center, because they were told the counters were done for the night. About thirty minutes after the coast was clear, the counters pulled thousands of ballots that were hidden underneath a draped table and re-started the tabulating with zero witnesses. They counted for two hours unattended, and it is estimated that they counted tens of thousands of ballots.
- The same poll worker who told everyone to go home that night was caught in another video appearing to being handed a thumb drive by her mother who then slipped it into the pocket of a man standing next to her. It is obvious from the manner in which this was done, that she was trying to be completely discreet.
- Pennsylvania sent out 1.8 million ballots. They received back 1.4 million, but managed to count 2.5 million.
- Michigan precincts had more votes counted than were actually cast by voters.
Any incidences I have cited for any particular State are not unique to that State, and they certainly are not the complete list. Most, or all of these corrupt practices occurred in all of the other States that participated in this steal. This was a concerted and comprehensive theft that took advantage of every weakness in our election processes.
About this constant refrain by the Democrats that Republicans systematically engage in voter suppression is a clear case of projection. It is the Democrats who have engaged in voter suppression. Every illegal vote cast by the Democrats suppressed the legal vote of a Trump voter. They are the ones who have attacked, and taken away the most sacred privilege we Americans have……the ability to choose our elected representatives in a free and fair election. Democrats use the voter suppression accusation as a device to put Republicans, such as the Georgia Secretary of State, on the defensive in order to get voting laws changed in order to make it easier to cheat.
Finally the courts. The courts at every level have been a pathetic disappointment. We know that leftist judges are simply politicians in another form who use their form to further their political agenda. We also know that there are judges who are plain old cowards. To them I say, do the right thing or resign. Every one of you knew the risks involved going in. There have been hundreds of thousands of Americans who have given the ultimate sacrifice while defending this country under the same oath that Judges take. They did so knowing full well going in that that sacrifice may come to pass. Being part of something big and important means stepping up when called upon, not cowering away in the shadow “No Standing.” The United States Supreme Court has turned its back on the American people, our federated republic, and the Constitution. The evidence of election fraud is clear, it is obvious, and it is in our faces. Which begs the question. How is a federated republic to persist when election fraud so obvious is allowed to stand?
Special elections or vote disqualifications
I have watched a great deal of the election hearings just held in Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and there is one glaring elephant in the room common theme in all of them. The precincts in question are all Democrat strongholds, and there was a concerted effort to keep Republican poll watchers and challengers from watching and challenging. Democrat poll workers, including administrative personnel were abusive, threatening, and uncooperative in all manner. One Republican apparently was assaulted physically, because he filed an assault and battery complaint with law enforcement in Michigan. And as Republican poll workers were being escorted out of the room, and according to one Michigan testifier, some in handcuffs, the room broke out in cheers.
Republican and Independent poll workers were told that they could not take videos or photos, but the Democrat poll workers were seen doing exactly that by one Republican poll worker. The Republican poll workers were told to stay at least six feet away because of the Wu Flu. It must be that only Republican poll workers were capable of transmitting the virus, because according to testimony, the Democrat poll workers did not follow the six foot rule, and some were not wearing masks.
One Republican poll worker stated that they were taught in training that the Wu Flu would be used as an excuse to keep them too far away to be able to do their jobs properly. You know how when a new Democrat made up scandal comes out, and the Democrats all use the same words and phrases. According to several Republican witnesses during the Michigan Senate Hearing, they were told by Democrat poll workers that they were going to “kill us” if they didn’t stay back six feet. There was another incident in Michigan in which the Republicans went upstairs to eat, and when they tried to return, they were locked out.
Now, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist, a brain surgeon, or even Einstein to see this for what it is. Urkel could see this exactly for what it is…….election fraud in process. Leftists keep squealing for evidence. Well this is Prima Facie evidence, in-your-face evidence of the criminal activity known as election fraud. It is clear that the Democrat election personnel were up to no good, they did not want any witnesses, and this exact activity occurred in multiple States. This is no coincidence.
It seems that in order to get those who have the authority to deal immediately with election fraud will do so only if enough illegal votes can be identified that would potentially overturn the election. Well, when illegal mail-in ballots are separated from their envelopes, they look just like any other ballot. It can’t be accepted that there was election fraud, but since it can’t be determined with certainty which ballots are illegal, we can’t just say oh well and accept the results of the election.
The election fraud was the secrecy, the intimidation, no signature matches, and on and on and on. And now we have the video of Democrat poll workers telling everyone to go home, while six workers remained behind to start tabulating ballots in secrecy that they had hidden under a table. All of these behaviors and tactics by Democrats poll workers are election fraud, and should be enough to invalidate an election at the State or precinct level depending on where the corruption originated.
Since most of the corruption occurs in select precincts. I think that elections should be invalidated and thrown out at the precinct level with no opportunity for a special election. Allowing corrupt precincts a Mulligan will not deter bad behavior, and punishing the entire State for the actions of a few corrupt precincts I think would be unfair.
But, it may be that special elections, very secure and open special elections may be the best option. Those who have the authority to invalidate elections or invalidate blocks of votes we know are very disinclined to do so. They don’t want to be seen as selecting the winner, in particular the Presidential winner. So, a special election will let them off the hook since the results of the election will be back in the hands of the voters. Lastly, those who are known to have engaged in election fraud should be prosecuted for felonies, and if convicted should be banned from voting or participating in any election process in the future. Election fraud has been such an integral part of our election processes that few fear the repercussions of participating in it. We need to provide that reason for fear.
A second Kung Flu relief is not what is needed.
I saw Chuckie Schumer today calling for another round of Kung Flu stimulus checks. The American people don’t need another check from the Federal Government. The only stimulus they and the economy needs is freedom. The Kung Flu mass hysteria exhibited by many, and in particular those in positions of power and authority is proof positive that many humans beings today have not advanced beyond the intellectual capacity of that of the caveman.
The tyrannical lockdowns being forced upon Americans across the United States are supposed to get “control” of the virus as suggested by the likes of Joe Biden. If you thought herding cats is difficult, just try herding a virus. When have we mere human beings ever controlled a virus? The belief that it is possible to control something that is uncontrollable, is a God complex and, an omen to the extent to which those who believe control is possible will go to in order achieve that control. In their face civil disobedience is the only response we can have to these tyrannies. I leave you with the following Quote from C.S. Lewis.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
Putin’s Jealousy
I have to imagine that Vlady Putin is sitting over there in Russia mildly shaking his head with a big ol’ grin on his face while admiring the efficiency at which the Democrat party is destroying the American electoral process. He must be considering himself a piker when comparing his efforts to negatively affect the American electoral process to that of the Democrats. The Democrats, not the Russians or the Chinese, truly are the greatest threat to American liberty.
The vote fraud that which is occurring in many states is exactly the reason the Democrats are unalterably opposed to all measures that will ensure free, secure, and most importantly, fair elections. This Democrat vote fraud is in the open and in your face with apparently no fear of being criminally prosecuted. After all, why should they fear being prosecuted? Who was prosecuted for the IRS targeting of conservative groups? Who was prosecuted for the made up Russia collusion coup against President Trump?
We have seen corruption like this before in which a democrat machine performs recount after recount until the democrat gains the lead, at which time the recounts stop, but we have never seen it on this scale. It is clear to me that Democrats saw that Biden was going to lose, so those states in question delayed finalizing the vote count so that more votes could be manufactured, by making lame excuses such as water main breaks or not enough election workers available. As one tweet stated, “All we did on Election Day was tell them how many votes they needed on Election Night.” This tweet included graphs from ABC News that showed spikes in tens of thousands of votes early Wednesday morning for Biden in Wisconsin and Michigan that moved him ahead of, or nearly even with Trump. This appears to me to be a computer generated spike, because it is just too abrupt. Apparently they got impatient, and didn’t know they were being tracked with graphs. I bet those graphs no longer exist. I also heard a report of a tranche of thousands of ballots that were marked only for Biden which indicates to me that the fraudsters were in a hurry.
President Trump must fight on, and I know he will even though there are apparently some Republicans who want him to give up. He won’t, and that is why he is President, and why they will never be. This will be a difficult process for him and his supporters to overcome, since the courts are involved in this fraud also. There probably is no way to clear this mess up, because once the corrupt ballots are mixed with the legal ones, you can’t tell them apart. It may take invalidating entire state elections and having another election. Just like the collusion hoax, what is happening here is clear, and we can’t just accept it as business as usual. I know of no election in which the incumbent President retained the Senate, gained seats in the House, but lost the Presidency. It just doesn’t compute.
Congress: How should you decide who to vote for?
I hear with regularity those who say they vote for the best person, the one who will best represent them. That may have worked in the past, but those days are long gone, because the two major political parties have become too irreconcilably opposed to each other. These days, what any particular individual running for Congress claims to support is nearly irrelevant, because whether or not that person supports what you want, there are 534 others who do not. When 320 million Americans elect 535 individuals to Congress, they are electing a diffusion of power. The only power that exists and that which drives policy, exists among those in the power positions and their lieutenants, all those left are simply votes in support of those in power. Those in power decide the direction of their political party.
That’s why it is imperative to consider which party you want to give power to, because supporting the very individual that you think is the best person for the job may well give power to those who will destroy everything important to you. The majority party in each chamber of Congress controls all of the levers of power in that chamber, and sets the agenda for it. You must consider carefully which party you want to see in power.
Currently the Democrat party openly supports nearly everything destructive to this country, the greatest country to ever exist. It is clear by their actions and what they support, that they hate this country. They want to turn violent criminals back onto the streets. They want to eliminate our borders and put illegal aliens on welfare and turn them into voters. They openly support all of the rioting, looting, and destruction of property all across this country.
They support economic policies that are antagonistic toward businesses and tax payers, and that will destroy our economy. Their Green New Deal will destroy our energy industry and put us in the same situation as California. California has rejected reliable energy while embracing windmills and solar panels which has caused its people to have to choose between running their air conditioners or everything else in their homes. Their blackouts and brownouts are regular and dependable. Now California wants to ban the sale of new vehicles by 2035. That is sheer lunacy. Some in California like to say that California leads the way for the rest of the United States. Study California well, because if the Democrats are elected to power, the rest of the country will end up just like it…..headed toward third world status.
What is court packing?
Most of you have heard the ruckus over allegations that Joe Biden will pack the courts if elected, and he won’t deny it when questioned. Many of you may not know what exactly that means, so this is for you. The idea of court packing may go all the way back to the founding of this great country, but it’s most prominent iteration occurred in the 1930’s while FDR was president.
FDR had a big problem during his presidency with the courts, because they were regularly declaring his New Deal actions and programs to be unconstitutional. This was back when the courts still had some sense of self-control when it came to judicial activism. As a result of all of the push back by the courts against his unconstitutional New Deal actions, FDR proposed adding one new justice for each justice that was over seventy years of age, which at the time applied to six justices. So the court could have ended up with fifteen justices.
This was an attempt by FDR to appoint justices who would ignore the Constitution and would instead decide in his favor. However, politicians on both sides of the aisle came out in force against his plan and it never saw the light of day. It appears that even though his plan was refused by Congress, the threat itself was enough to get the Supreme Court to start declaring his unconstitutional actions as constitutional. The change in the court’s voting behavior became known as “the switch in time that saved nine.” So, court packing is the action of altering the established form and function of the courts by appointing additional justices who are political activists in order to shift the balance of power to a particular side. Joe Biden said a day or two ago that President Trump is packing the courts, and that it is unconstitutional. Joe Biden doesn’t know what planet he is on, much less what is constitutional or not. President
Being called a racist is a gift
I once heard that an insult is like a gift…you can choose to accept it or reject it. It seems that to leftists that everything is racist nowadays, literally everything, and everyone who is opposed to their ideology is a racist. This tactic used by leftists mirrors their tactics in regards to climate change in which they claim everything causes climate change and climate change causes everything. They clearly have no self-awareness or understanding of the importance of moderation in order to make their looney ideas sound remotely plausible.
The entire purpose of leftists calling everyone and everything racist is to put their political opposition on the defensive. After all, who wants to be known as a racist? The goal of such attacks is to cause you to change your behavior, to turn you from a resister to a pacifist who is easily tread upon. This means that the only way such attacks can work, is if you allow them to work. You are in complete control.
Remember, those who make such allegations are themselves racists, so never give them an inch. Never once tell anyone that you are not racist, or preface a statement with the complementary “I am not a racist” qualifier. Attack them and their assertions with greater vigor than which they attack you. And, remember that racism, bigotry and segregation are not only rich in their history, it is the current state of their affairs. Their commentary, which saturated with references to immutable characteristics, religious bigotry, and demands for segregation is a step back in time, and straight out of the kkk handbook. So, I ask you, will you accept or reject their gifts?