Let’s wish California good luck on secession.

In case you haven’t heard it, there is an effort by some Californians for the State to secede from the United States. It’s really funny, this new found constitutionalism by the Left. All they could do up to the election of President Trump was squeal about how secession, nullification, and all that other freedom preserving stuff was illegal, immoral and unconstitutional, at least until their ox got gored. This follows the rule that the constitutionality of something is determined by whether or not you like it. It’s pretty simple.

I really do wish Californians good luck with secession though, for it is constitutional and their right of self-determination. This country was founded on an act of secession….the Revolutionary War. Not many persons look at it that way. England certainly didn’t. They considered it an act of treason. So, was it an act of treason or self-determination? It’s just a matter of perspective. What it really comes down to, is which party has the means to force its desires upon the other if force is needed.

Secession is a political act that is always available to parties of a political union. No party is required to adhere to an agreement that no longer serves its best interest. The United States Constitution is completely silent on the subject of secession. It is not a power forbidden to the States, and the Framers would have never suggested that it be, nor would the Ratifiers have put their seal of approval on an agreement that would have forever bound them to a system that turned tyrannical.

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