The never-ending Liberal disinformation campaign

The recent hoopla by Liberals about President Trump’s comment about MS-13 gang members in which he described them as animals is a typical disinformation campaign. He was responding to a comment from some city or state official from California about MS-13 gang members. It was perfectly clear what and who this conversation that he was having with this official was about, perfectly clear. But, the truth is not important when one is engaged in disseminating disinformation, propaganda if you prefer.

The left wing news outlets, Pravda as I like to call them, and left wing talking heads immediately proclaimed that President Trump had called all immigrants animals, not just MS-13 gang members. This was clearly a lie on their part, but that didn’t stop them from proceeding with the disinformation campaign. It was clear that some left wing Trump haters followed suit without checking the facts before joining in, because they soon backtracked their criticism of President Trump when they realized what he had really said.

So, basically we have two types of President Trump haters involved here. This includes those who intentionally lied about what President Trump had said, and those who wanted so badly for it to be true that they didn’t bother to do their own simple fact check. Both types are a threat to the fabric of this great nation, because they are interested in dogma, not truth. One, however is far worse than the other.

Those who continued with this unjustified and immoral attack on President Trump even after it was made clear the criticism was unfounded are what I describe as “racists of the highest order.” They may or may not be racist at heart, but will attempt to generate as much racial animosity as possible in order to further a political agenda. This makes them much worse that your run-of-the-mill racist who just sits around hating others. Racists of the highest order seek to undermine the comradery and very fabric of the country. They seek to make one person hate another in order to create supportive voters. They truly are the dregs of humanity.

Another purpose of these types of attacks is to put the intended target, President Trump in this case, on the defensive, which will never happen. If President Trump were like most any other weak Republican, he would have folded to these fallacious attacks and others by now. However, President Trump is not a weakling and will never fold to these attacks. He will keep plodding forward while Liberals keep plodding all over themselves and each other in their harried attempts to defeat him. The American people elected President Trump because they are tired of lying politicians, and they will re-elect him because he does one very simple thing…..he always puts Americans and America first.

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