Businesses Don’t Exist For The Benefit Of Employees

Yeah that’s right. Businesses do not exist for the benefit of the employees…..they exist for the benefit of the owner. Businesses are not contemplated with the idea of seeing how many employees can be hired. Businesses are contemplated for the purpose of providing an income to the owner. Employees are an expense just like fuel, utilities, insurance, equipment, etc, etc, and nobody goes into business to see how much can be wasted on unneeded expenses.

Businesses are the personal property of the owner…..not the government, not the employees, or omnipotent moral busy bodies. Also, businesses have no legal, moral, ethical or compassionate obligation to pay a living wage, whatever that means. Lastly and most important, nobody, no level of government, no court of law can force someone to open, or keep open a business. Treating businesses as the enemy while claiming to be a friend of the employee is an irreconcilable contradiction, and this is the dilemma faced by those who want to use businesses as their benefactors by proxy.

Economics is not difficult to understand, one only needs to understand human behavior. The more difficult something is made to do, the less you will get of it. The more costly something is made to do, the less you will get of it. If employers are forced to provide innumerable benefits to full-time employees, how long do you think they will remain full-time?

Operating a business requires a lot of time, energy, resources, uncertainty, and risk, and believe it or not there does come a time when it just isn’t worth it. Those who advocate for lavish employee benefits seem to think that the customers will just keep coming. Businesses not only compete against each other, but must also compete against the customer desires to spend as little as possible, which means keeping prices low. Businesses can’t force customers to purchase their products. Customers can choose a different supplier, or they can simply eliminate the product or service from their budget. Economics, like the United States Constitution is not as difficult a thing to understand as the eggheads want you to believe.

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