The questions coming from Liberals for Gina Haspel during her confirmation hearing reminded me of a Liberal who was posed the scenario of his home being invaded with him and his family inside and the spectre of what could occur to his family…..his wife and his children. He was asked if he would want to have a firearm available to protect his family from all manner of harm, but he would have none of it. He simply would rather see this harm come to his family than violate his dogmatic hatred of guns.
All of the stupid comments and questions from the Liberals to Haspel were simply another version of this dogmatism. The questions about a higher moral standard or moral compass simply show that Liberals would rather see Americans die than violate their higher moral compass P.R. campaign. I can see the epitaphs on the tombstones of Americans killed because Liberals didn’t want to make terrorists feel a little discomfort. “Here lies countless Americans whose lives were taken in order to protect a higher moral standard.” Wouldn’t that be perfect?
For Liberals it’s not about protecting Americans, but protecting their pathetic self-image as viewed by those from around the world. I for one do not care what the so-called world thinks of me or the United States. When Haspel was asked if she thought water boarding was immoral, I wish she would have said “Hell no, we had a job to do to protect Americans from threats known and unknown, and I will not second guess those who made terrorists feel a little discomfort, such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who sawed off a man’s head with a knife and was the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, and you Senator cannot make me feel one iota of guilt for it. That would have been her “high tech lynching” moment.