Listening to some describe Ford’s testimony as compelling leads one to believe that Ford brought the goods on Kavanaugh, and that she laid him to waste. However, such characterization is based solely on her demeanor at the hearing, because she brought no goods other than the Invasion of the Body Snatchers point and shriek, although it was a very low decibel mild mannered shriek, not the ear piercing shriek in the movie.
From her, I am woman, hear me purr for a cup of coffee, to her childlike speaking style, to her hair hanging in her face like a six year old, and her claim of being terrified at being at the committee hearing, and finally to her harrowing experience of being asked two questions during a polygraph test. Her entire testimony was presented in such a way to make her appear demure, weak and defenseless while presenting no evidence that can be corroborated……none.
Which brings us to the Liberals new system of justice. It is to point and shriek, the loud piercing kind, at anyone who they feel stands in their way……guilt by accusation is the order of the day. Didn’t that occur during the Salem witch trials? There was one point during the hearing when Ted Cruz was leveling accusations at Feinstein and the other Democrats for leaking Ford’s name to the press, in which Feinstein felt the need to defend herself which was understandable. I just wish that Cruz had demanded that she prove that she didn’t leak Ford’s information. I wonder how she would have responded.
One democrat on the committee said that Ford had nothing to gain….really. I guess $500,000 in a GoFundMe account, plus the hero status that she would carry beyond her days on this earth with Liberals isn’t a gain. I have described Liberals as communists without the power to murder their political opposition en masse. So they use the power of government such as the IRS, FBI, DOJ, ATF, and accusations of racism and sexual assault in order to murder the reputation and livelihood of their political opposition.
It is perfectly clear what is going on here. Republican need to stop playing along with this charade and future charades. Liberals like to say that women will rebel if Kavanaugh is put on the Supreme Court. The mistake that Liberals make about all groups is that they think that all members of any particular group think alike…they do not. Women in America who have men and sons in their lives can see what exactly is going on and they fear that their men could become victims of made up sexual assault allegations. Women who make up allegations of sexual assault devalue the allegation itself, and trivialize the experiences of those women who have truly been sexually assaulted. This is a beast that must stop being fed.