Rush Limbaugh’s greatest legacy

Rush Limbaugh was the greatest radio host to have ever lived, and it is extremely doubtful that his radio accomplishments, and his political influence as a radio host will ever be remotely challenged. He will always be the king while everyone else will only make it to pawn in comparison.

I have heard a lot of commentary about Rush today from those who admired him greatly, but I have not heard one word about what I consider to be his greatest legacy. His charitable fund raising has probably only been surpassed by Jerry Lewis. I don’t know how much Rush has raised for cancer, police, firefighters, and members of the military over the course of his career but it had to reach into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

While those who loved him will mourn his passing, members of the party of death, the Democrat party, will gladly, and openly celebrate his death. And those who mourn and those who celebrate will do so for the very same reason. Rush was the most influential advocate for American exceptionalism and freedom, and the possibilities that these two traits made available to every person in this country who chose to take advantage of them, that this country has ever had.