Those of you who have followed me for some time have seen me from time to time refer to Democrats as Communists without the ability to murder their political opposition en masse, and I have used that characterization without hesitation. Democrats are Statists, and Statists come in different forms ranging from the least oppressive, Liberalism, to Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, Theocratic, and ultimately to the most oppressive, Communism. All governments that centralize power at the very top are Statist, and are the enemies of freedom in all of its forms. And no matter what level of Statism the current government is, the goal is always to reach the next level of control and oppressiveness, and it can only be stopped by those who cherish freedom and respect of others.One way to reach the next level of government control is by implementing gradual policy and social changes such as what has happened in the United States since the 1930’s that has unconstitutionally transferred power from the States and citizens, to the federal government.Another, is through brute force, such as what we are seeing right now from democrats at large, big tech companies, and sundry other players, including cowardly republicans who will stand up to nothing, and who will defend nothing. We have seen how democrats are not interested in governing by moderation and consensus, but are interested in conformity only, and if you will not conform willingly, they will force you to conform, that’s it, end of discussion. This has been evidenced loud and clear by their tyrannical behavior regarding the Kung Flu lockdowns.Ever since Biden was installed as President-elect, the democrats have kicked their operation of tyranny into high gear, while drooling all over themselves, by censoring all speech possible that they don’t approve of…a Communist tactic. They speak of de-programming which simply means re-education camps….another Communist tactic.They currently are perpetrating the charade of characterizing all who oppose them as traitors, seditionists, and insurrectionists, so that they can then use powers against the American people that to date been used against only terrorists. And the show of force in Washington D.C. that is currently developing for Biden’s inauguration, is not an over-reaction, it is a propagandistic dramatization designed to create the perception that the Democrats need to run roughshod over the American people in the name of patriotism.Make no mistake about it. The only thing that has made it possible for the United States to have lasted as long as it has, is the Constitution. And in paraphrasing one of our Founding Fathers, the Constitution means nothing to the Godless and immoral….a Democrat and Communist trait. Great countries and empires have a life span of about 250 years, and that is where we are now. Will the American Left turn into full blown Communists who will murder their political opposition en masse? Who knows? I guess it’s possible that they will turn into a bunch of peace loving 60’s hippies, but I wouldn’t count on it, and I will never count out the idea that human beings who seek ultimate power will do anything to achieve that power.