There is no systemic racism, but there is systemic victimhood

There is no doubt that you have heard over and over and over that the United States is systemically racist, and that it was founded on, and became rich because of slavery, colonialism, racism, Jim Crow, and other types of oppression, and that white Americans today as a result are oppressor colonists who are the holders of stolen property.  Furthermore,  the legacy of the evil beginnings of what is now the United States has carried forward all the way to this day, making it impossible for blacks living today to have a fair chance at anything.

Isn’t it interesting that the only systemic racism that can be conjured up by leftists no longer exists? Fact is, America is not systemically racist. It is in fact the least racist country on the face of the Earth. That is if we don’t include the systemic racism that comes from leftists and racist blacks. If they aren’t digging up systemic racism that no longer exists, they are creating it in the form of race hoaxes. And in the case of Jussie Smollett, as a black conservative quipped, Smollett had to pay foreigners to do the racism that Americans will not do.

Poor blacks are not victims of the legacy of slavery. They are the victims of the legacy of the Great Society. In particular that part as black conservative Larry Elder characterizes it, paid women to marry the government and abandon the two parent household. Prior to the Sixties, according to statistics by black economist Thomas Sowell, the black family was largely intact. Black youth unemployment was lower than white youth unemployment at one point. The out of wedlock birth rate was slightly higher than that of whites, and black unemployment was slightly higher than that of whites. All of those numbers changed dramatically for the worst following the implementation of the Great Society social welfare programs. Those calling for reparations would have a much easier case to make if they claim the legacy of social welfare is holding them back instead of slavery. At least they wouldn’t have to deal with the very inconvenient fact that Africans were first enslaved by other Africans and then sold to easterners and westerners.

 Even though blacks had genuine barriers to overcome prior to the sixties they were in complete control of the most important thing a person controls….their personal behavior. With their families largely intact, and during the Jim Crow era, they were able to, according to Sowell, drop their household poverty rate from 87% in 1940 to 47% by 1960. If the legacy of slavery was a problem that accomplishment would not have been possible.

The problems that exist within a too large a segment of the black population will never be solved in the form of how whites treat blacks. It will only be solved in the form of how blacks treat themselves. They must take control of their most important asset…their personal behavior, and stop trying to blame ghosts. Voting will not change the circumstances of those who are poorly situated, because voting will not change their behavior.

 When we talk about how important assimilation is, we generally are speaking about immigrants, but a large segment of the black population refuses to assimilate. They refuse to accept law and order. It is said that blacks account for half of all violent crime in the United States, but that statistic is misleading. We must not generalize even though that is a staple of the race mongers on the left. In fact, a tiny minority of the black population commits half of all violent crime in the United States. They refuse to be educated calling it acting white. Imagine that, choosing to be educated so that one can read, write and compute at grade level is acting white. Which begs the question. If being educated is acting white, exactly what does it mean to act black?

Here’s the truth. The United States was founded on the principles of freedom and fairness, even though it wasn’t available to all. The Constitution laid the groundwork for the destruction of slavery, and provided the means to change the system so that everyone is treated fairly. It is impossible to create a system that is free of human suffering caused by other humans. All we can do is recognize those failings and try to correct them as we have done with slavery and Jim Crow. The path to prosperity for blacks must go through the two parent household. Increasing numbers of blacks are realizing that, and that voting democrat has changed very little for the prosperity for many blacks, and their independence is putting great pressure on the democrat power structure. A structure that will not let them leave without a fight.

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