Is destroying America a winning electoral strategy?

A few years ago I was listening to a gun hating nut being questioned about his hatred of guns. He was posed with a scenario in which his home was invaded by a person who intended terrible harm to him and his family, therefore, would he not want a gun available in order to protect his wife and children from all manner of harm. I will never forget his response. He said that he would hide in the closet and call the police. It was then added to the scenario that the police would not arrive in time to save his family. As unbelievable as it was, he continued to assert that he would hide in the closet and call the police, and re-iterated his opposition to guns under any circumstance. The most basic duty of a father and husband is to protect his family, with his life if need be, yet he was willing to see everyone he loves destroyed before he would violate the rules of his ideology.

I think this story is important because it helps to provide perspective of leftist ideology in general, and how that applies to what is happening in America today. This man no doubt loves his family dearly, but the destruction of his family is far less worrisome for him than violating his ideology. If a man who loves his family dearly is willing to see his family destroyed in order to promote his ideology, what do you think those who hate this country are willing to do to it in order to promote their ideology? Yes, they too are willing to destroy it.

For leftist democrats which really means the entire democrat party, because it has been taken over by the loons, nothing is more important than their ideology, and they are determined and always motivated to achieve power over everyone else. Their political philosophy has been described as a secular religion, but it really isn’t that. To describe it as a religion is an insult to religions. Theirs is a cult. A cult complete with the mindless chants of the Moonies, and the destructive nature of Kool-Aid drinking zombies. They literally have taken to the destruction of every American institution that has made it the greatest country to have ever existed, the most beloved, most sought after for the hope of a better future, and the most depended on to ensure a world free of world domination.

They are trying to create as much havoc as possible in all areas of life because they believe that President Trump will be blamed for it, causing him to lose his bid for re-election so that they can usher in their leftist agenda which itself will make complete the destruction they have started. They have embraced the rioting, looting, and destruction of private and public property. They have embraced the violence that has resulted not only in bodily injury, but also many deaths to law abiding citizens and law enforcement officers. They seek to drastically reduce the size of police departments or eliminate them entirely. They have been releasing violent criminals back onto the streets with no regard for the safety of law abiding citizens, and some of these animals immediately upon having been released, went right out and committed rapes and murders.

They are trying to destroy the economy using Covid 19 as an excuse. Typically the President in office receives the blame for a bad economy so they are trying at every turn to keep Americans locked down and businesses closed to the greatest degree possible. They have trampled civil rights, closed businesses for so long that some will never reopen. The science is clear, Covid 19 is particularly harmful to the very elderly and those in poor health. It is particularly harmless to all other, especially children. But, the science be damned, they have an economy to destroy.

The democrats are trying to destroy our electoral system by doing away with our borders so that anyone can get in who wants in, so that they can then be put on welfare and the voter rolls. They want to do away with the Electoral College which was created to make sure that every State mattered in national elections. They want to do a wholesale vote by mail scheme which will ensure voter fraud, because ballots will be, and have been mailed to the dead, and to those still living who no longer live at the address on record. And no, absentee voting isn’t the same thing as the scheme the democrats want to put in place. Absentee ballots must be requested. Democrats want to send ballots out to every person registered to vote, knowing that probably every precinct in this country has well over 100% of actual eligible voters on the voter rolls. If the election is close, one crooked precinct or and handful of illegal votes can throw the entire election. Remember the 2000 presidential election? All of the things they want to do lay bare their fake concern about election integrity and voter rights.

They want to destroy the courts by expanding them with leftist judges who will decide cases properly…..the left wing way. The courts are probably the most important target of leftists, because they know their looney ideas will never come to fruition if it is up to the American people to decide, so the courts, staffed with leftist judges will be used to force their leftist agenda onto the American people.

They want to destroy Americanism and replace it with tribalism in order to keep Americans at each other’s throats, particularly blacks and whites. Their obsession with skin color, ethnicity and religion mirrors that of the KKK. Listening to their commentary that is laden with such references is full frontal evidence of their bigotry and racism.

They wish to do away with the so-called nuclear family, a mother, a father and children, which is the most important institution known to mankind. The one thing that has caused the greatest harm to black families is the absence of fathers, yet here is blm advocating for that very thing, which is just another example of how black lives don’t matter to blm.

This is just a partial list, and are just the beginning for the totalitarian left. Make no mistake about it. It is their goal to ruin America for some grander scheme they want to put in place. Worldwide, every one of these attempts to create a fair and just society by taking away freedom and personal property rights have failed completely. What makes these leftists so dangerous is their belief of their own superiority over all others, just like the KKK. They are brainwashed brain-dead lunatics free of reason and logic who care about nothing and nobody except their ideology, the ideology they want to force onto you. Government takeovers are always done by a very small minority of motivated actors who then gain control of the reins of power. There is a largely silent majority who must stop being silent. Edmund Burk once said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

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