What would a national discussion on race be like?

Leftist radicals, who I prefer to call Racists of the Highest Order, because they are trying to create an army of black racists and a race war, or at least the appearance of one, say all the time that we Americans must have a national discussion about race. It wasn’t that long ago when Eric Holder who was Obama’s attorney general said that Americans were cowards when it came to discussing issues regarding race. I never understood the notion of having a national conversation about anything, but let’s play the game the best we can. However, for this purpose let’s call it a negotiation, and all negotiations require the setting of rules and stipulations which even includes the shape of the table, and probably the color in this case.

However, the setting of rules and stipulations is very simple for this particular negotiation, because one side sets them all, and the other side must accede to said rules and stipulations without debate. This completely removes the give and take of normal negotiations which makes concluding this negotiation much easier. Let’s consider the foundational stipulation that makes all other stipulations possible, at least in theory, because these race mongers do not seek a national discussion about race, they seek a national beat down.

That foundational stipulation is that all whites are racist, and have all of the power and privilege, even those without indoor plumbing to this day, which is the main argument made in the book, White Fragility. Additionally, all blacks can’t be racist, and have no power and privilege, which includes multitudes of millionaires, and those in powerful political positions all across this great country. That is the root assertion that gives rise to all of the other assertions, so let’s analyze that closely. Now keep in mind that nearly 60% of blacks live at least a middle class lifestyle.

Leftists try to make this theory work by characterizing any dispute between a white person and a black person as not being between a black individual and a white individual, but between the black race and the white race. They have to characterize it like this in order to remove individual responsibility from the calculations, and set it up as a battle of the blobs, with each blob essentially being a human being in its own right. Using this tactic, they create a giant racist white blob with all of the power and privilege going around and beating up the much smaller black blob, cutting in line in front of it and taking its lunch money.

Also a temporal distortion is attempted that makes the blobs 400 years old so that there is no distinction between those who lived 400 years ago and those living today. This means that if you are black you were a victim of anything unjust during the last 400 year period, and if you are white, you were the victimizer. This entire charade is done to accomplish two things in particular. First, is to place all blame for past injustices onto whites living today, and to place all responsibility for race relations on whites. Secondarily, and most importantly it is done to remove from blacks all responsibility in race relations, and the bad personal behavior that is the cause of the bulk of the bad outcomes for a segment of the black population. Again, it is a minority of the black population with these bad outcomes, because nearly 60% of blacks live a middle class lifestyle.

Try to imagine this tactic being played out worldwide. When slavery in the United States is talked about, you would think that it only existed in the United States, but it existed everywhere. Life a long time ago was tough and brutal. The peoples of those times lived by a completely different set of rules, and those rules many times were vicious toward the victims. There were conquests of foreign lands of peoples of all races and nationalities by peoples of all races and nationalities. Trying to go back in time to moan about the behavior of those long since dead in order to place blame on the living is sheer lunacy, because nearly every person alive today can claim some kind of victim status while simultaneously being labeled a victimizer. This is particularly problematic for blacks who are descendants of blacks who were slave owners. The historic sin market is a jumbled mess that can never be disentangled.

Even though these race mongers are working hard to create a race war, there isn’t one, and there will never be a race war. This is because blacks and whites have never gotten along better than they do today, and an overwhelming majority of black and white Americans just don’t have the time or inclination to engage in any kind of race war. Actually persons of all races have not gotten along better, and go about their daily lives interacting with each other not caring one way or another about the skin color of the person they are interacting with. It is of utmost that Americans of all races see clearly what is going on here, and not allow themselves to be sucked into this whirlpool of hate created by these racists of the highest order.

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