As you probably know, Judge Emmet Sullivan has refused to drop the case against General Michael Flynn, but has instead opted to appoint a former federal judge to present arguments against the DOJ’s decision to drop the case against Flynn, and to see if Flynn should be held in contempt of court for perjury which I guess is for lying about being guilty. I guess Judge Sullivan has never had defendants in his court plead guilty to a crime which they did not commit. This is said to be a very inappropriate and unprecedented move by Sullivan.
I don’t know Sullivan’s motivations, but I have heard him spoken of very favorable. Even Flynn’s attorney Sydney Powell has thought a great deal of him in the past because of his actions in the Ted Stevens case. Stevens, was at one time a senator from Alaska who was victimized by federal prosecutorial misconduct.
Judge Sullivan may be a left wing loon using his position as an accomplice to the deep state, or he may be highly peeved and embarrassed that his court was used by the deep state to further a travesty of justice. He certainly is fully aware that prosecutors and investigators are capable of lying, and is fully aware that these same individuals can bring such pressure to bear on the target, Flynn in this case, that the target will acquiesce and plead guilty to a crime not committed. That’s why it’s called a plea agreement. I’m sure more will come out that will help to determine his true motivations, so I will leave it at that.
The reason I think President Trump should not pardon Flynn at this time is because I think it will be better to use the same system to vindicate him that was used to railroad him. I want to see the system and the players eat crow publicly and as embarrassingly as possible. I think the prospects will be greatly enhanced of him becoming a very wealthy man after he sues the federal government for its prosecutorial misconduct, investigative misconduct, his financial ruin defending himself against this travesty, and the hit upon his personal integrity. This should be played out all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. What do you think would carry a more powerful message of public disgrace for the DOJ and in particular the FBI and those involved, a dismissal by the Supreme Court or a pardon by President Trump?
President Trump can pardon Flynn at any time, even going out the door if Biden wins the presidency. The Left is not going to go down without a fight, so the rancor that has followed the DOJ’s decision to drop the case should not have been a surprise. As the days pass, we will learn Judge Sullivan’s motives. If he is an accomplice to the deep state it will be easily detected, because his court will fill with kangaroos, and as more of the illegal activities of the deep staters are uncovered, it will become impossible to deny the obvious.