Anthony Fauci clearly has no understanding of the economic impact of the policies he is proposing we continue. I have no problem with the actions taken in the beginning because we were dealing with an unknown virus. It appeared extremely lethal and the transmissibility of the virus wasn’t well known. The death rates worldwide ranged from one percent to ten percent. In fact, nothing was well known in the beginning. The science and data were nearly complete unknowns. However, that situation no longer exists.
Now we hear leftists say we need to follow the science and data and keep the Country closed. Well, actually the science and data say a completely different thing. We now know that the death rate is far lower than previous estimates, and may only be twice as lethal as the regular flu. We also know that it is particularly lethal to the elderly and those with problematic health conditions, and particularly non-lethal to everyone else, particularly children.
Some seem to believe that we can control this virus. I think Birx has even made the comment that we do not have the virus under control. First, you don’t need to be an expert in epidemiology to know that it is impossible to control a virus. Second, in listening to experts in epidemiology other than Fauci and Birx it is clear to me that if we keep running from this virus that it will keep chasing us. Our immune systems are the only way we will be able to defeat this virus.
Therefore, it is time to open up the economy, and stop being completely stupid about this social distancing stuff. There certainly are reasonable actions that we as individuals can do, but someone standing on a beach alone is a threat to nobody. Those who are at particular risk must take responsibility for and isolate themselves from everyone else, and those who cannot protect themselves such as nursing home residents should be protected to the greatest degree possible. This will allow the rest of the population go about their lives while developing herd immunity that will in the end benefit all, and particularly those who are most at risk. These stay at home edicts are akin to jailing persons before they have a chance to commit a crime, and that is definitely a bad thing.