Liberals Don’t Believe There was Collusion With the Russians

This nonsense of collusion with the Russians I think was summarized perfectly with a question by Senator Cotton to Attorney General Sessions in which Cotton made the case that this nonsense was too bizarre for any fiction spy novel. The thing is, the democrats believe that also. They are simply using this as a distraction in order to stop President Trump’s agenda.

To date, there is absolutely no evidence of collusion with the Russians by Trump or anyone associated with his campaign, and there never will be. There is no smoking gun, because there no smoke. The tactic here is to simply repeat a lie over and over with the hope that it will become true. This is evidenced by the fact that months ago the democrat’s disinformation campaign started by making sure that the word “Russian” was stated several times in every conversation regarding the election. Goebbels and Lenin would be impressed.

It takes the lowest form of human life to know that this entire scam is a lie, but to still push it simply for the purpose of destroying someone’s life just because they disagree with that person politically. Liberals are statists. They come from that part of the political spectrum that demands compliance to authority, and uniformity of thought in much the same way as communists, socialists, fascists, Marxists, religious Nazis, and etc. Have you ever wondered why they are so sympathetic toward dictatorships? Well, here you go.

The only difference between the different forms of statist governments is the power available to force compliance and uniformity. I have said that Liberals are communists without the ability to murder their political enemies en masse. However, they certainly do play out what they would do if they could. The Kathy Griffin Trump beheading stunt was so vulgar I could not believe my eyes. I wonder how those whose family members were murdered that way felt when they saw that on their Facebook feed. Then there is the play depicting Trump being stabbed to death. You might not remember it, but there was a video or movie that depicted the assassination of Bush when he was in office. Then there is Antifa, the fascist anti-fascists. Running around with their faces covered like a new age Ku Klux Klan physically attacking others because they don’t like the way they think…remember uniformity of thought is required.

The Left has gone completely insane with Trump derangement syndrome. They see their church of big government and totalitarianism being attacked by freedom, and they are fighting intensely to protect it. Which begs the question. How intensely are you willing to fight to protect your freedom, because they will take it if you allow it?

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