Don’t be one of those people

The fuel shortages in the Southeast have nothing to do with what happened to Colonial Pipeline, but instead has everything to do with plain old panic. This is reminiscent of the attacks on 9-11 that were followed immediately by panic driven fuel purchasing and hoarding that resulted in shortages everywhere. The most puzzling panic buying in my lifetime that everyone alive today can remember was the panic buying of toilet paper because of the Kung Flu. I’ll never understand how persons all across this country could all basically at the same time get the urge to go buy up and hoard toilet paper. And let’s not forget about the panic driven ammunition shortages.

Human behavior has for a long time now interested me and intrigued me. It’s interesting how humans separated by great distances can respond the same way in a panicked manner to any particular stimulus. It’s as though we are all made from the same mold. I think the thing that these panic attacks show, is that human beings today at our most basic are advanced no further intellectually than early humans who could only grunt and point.

Just a little bit of rational thinking by those who rushed out to buy gas on 9-11 would have told them that two planes flying into the World Trade Center would have absolutely no effect on the on fuel levels in the tanks at their local fuel station. Ditto for those who caused the gas shortages following the Colonial ransom hack. Humans will be humans and I know I’m swimming up-stream here, but I had to say something.