Apparently there is a great deal more scrutiny in the Georgia Senatorial runoff election. So much so that Stacey Abrams is bitchin’ about voter suppression, and how Republicans can only win with voter suppression. Stacey Abrams, the failed gubernatorial candidate, is one of the persons who brought a lawsuit against the State of Georgia that resulted in the Consent Decree that the Georgia Secretary of State agreed to on bended knee that weakened Georgia election laws. In simpler terms, the Decree made it easier for the Democrats to cheat, which is what the numerous lawsuits filed by Democrats before the November 3rd election all across the nation were designed to do.
There is a reason the Democrats have shown that they are opposed to every safeguard that will ensure free and fair elections. That is because it would be impossible to steal elections if all of the proper safeguards are in place. I wrote in a previous post that since our presidential elections are so close that it could take only one corrupt precinct to overturn the entire election. Well, one wouldn’t have done the trick this time, but several corrupt precincts did just that.
Stacey Abrams and her fellow corrupt Democrat colleagues conspired to steal the Presidential election for Joe Biden. This was done by various means which have been verified by sworn affidavits and video evidence such as:
- First and foremost, by processing mail-in ballots in secret, with no witnesses as demanded by State laws. Do you remember how the Democrats were hot to trot on rushing to send out mail-in ballots shortly after the Wu Flu outbreak? They saw that as their opening to win the election. Once these ballots are separated from their envelopes, they largely can’t be distinguished from any other ballot.
- Democrat poll workers refused to let Republican poll watchers and challengers to watch or challenge by keeping them in a fenced off area so far away that they just as well had been at home in their living rooms.
- Democrats conspired with United States Postal workers to backdate ballots to make it appear that they had arrived on time. Poll workers themselves were instructed to backdate ballots also.
- Hundreds of thousands of pre-printed mail-in ballots that had only votes for Biden, nothing down ballot were counted. These ballots were pristine and never folded. Just a small detail, but mail-in ballots must be folded in order to be put into the envelope and mailed in.
- States have refused to allow any inspection of mail-in ballots.
- States have destroyed electronic election evidence such as was done in Michigan as ordered by the Michigan Secretary of State.
- Corrupt courts such as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court have been active participants in the steal.
- In Georgia, poll watchers and the media were told to go home at one polling center, because they were told the counters were done for the night. About thirty minutes after the coast was clear, the counters pulled thousands of ballots that were hidden underneath a draped table and re-started the tabulating with zero witnesses. They counted for two hours unattended, and it is estimated that they counted tens of thousands of ballots.
- The same poll worker who told everyone to go home that night was caught in another video appearing to being handed a thumb drive by her mother who then slipped it into the pocket of a man standing next to her. It is obvious from the manner in which this was done, that she was trying to be completely discreet.
- Pennsylvania sent out 1.8 million ballots. They received back 1.4 million, but managed to count 2.5 million.
- Michigan precincts had more votes counted than were actually cast by voters.
Any incidences I have cited for any particular State are not unique to that State, and they certainly are not the complete list. Most, or all of these corrupt practices occurred in all of the other States that participated in this steal. This was a concerted and comprehensive theft that took advantage of every weakness in our election processes.
About this constant refrain by the Democrats that Republicans systematically engage in voter suppression is a clear case of projection. It is the Democrats who have engaged in voter suppression. Every illegal vote cast by the Democrats suppressed the legal vote of a Trump voter. They are the ones who have attacked, and taken away the most sacred privilege we Americans have……the ability to choose our elected representatives in a free and fair election. Democrats use the voter suppression accusation as a device to put Republicans, such as the Georgia Secretary of State, on the defensive in order to get voting laws changed in order to make it easier to cheat.
Finally the courts. The courts at every level have been a pathetic disappointment. We know that leftist judges are simply politicians in another form who use their form to further their political agenda. We also know that there are judges who are plain old cowards. To them I say, do the right thing or resign. Every one of you knew the risks involved going in. There have been hundreds of thousands of Americans who have given the ultimate sacrifice while defending this country under the same oath that Judges take. They did so knowing full well going in that that sacrifice may come to pass. Being part of something big and important means stepping up when called upon, not cowering away in the shadow “No Standing.” The United States Supreme Court has turned its back on the American people, our federated republic, and the Constitution. The evidence of election fraud is clear, it is obvious, and it is in our faces. Which begs the question. How is a federated republic to persist when election fraud so obvious is allowed to stand?