A second Kung Flu relief is not what is needed.

I saw Chuckie Schumer today calling for another round of Kung Flu stimulus checks. The American people don’t need another check from the Federal Government. The only stimulus they and the economy needs is freedom. The Kung Flu mass hysteria exhibited by many, and in particular those in positions of power and authority is proof positive that many humans beings today have not advanced beyond the intellectual capacity of that of the caveman.

The tyrannical lockdowns being forced upon Americans across the United States are supposed to get “control” of the virus as suggested by the likes of Joe Biden. If you thought herding cats is difficult, just try herding a virus. When have we mere human beings ever controlled a virus? The belief that it is possible to control something that is uncontrollable, is a God complex and, an omen to the extent to which those who believe control is possible will go to in order achieve that control. In their face civil disobedience is the only response we can have to these tyrannies. I leave you with the following Quote from C.S. Lewis.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

Putin’s Jealousy

I have to imagine that Vlady Putin is sitting over there in Russia mildly shaking his head with a big ol’ grin on his face while admiring the efficiency at which the Democrat party is destroying the American electoral process. He must be considering himself a piker when comparing his efforts to negatively affect the American electoral process to that of the Democrats. The Democrats, not the Russians or the Chinese, truly are the greatest threat to American liberty.

The vote fraud that which is occurring in many states is exactly the reason the Democrats are unalterably opposed to all measures that will ensure free, secure, and most importantly, fair elections. This Democrat vote fraud is in the open and in your face with apparently no fear of being criminally prosecuted. After all, why should they fear being prosecuted? Who was prosecuted for the IRS targeting of conservative groups? Who was prosecuted for the made up Russia collusion coup against President Trump?

We have seen corruption like this before in which a democrat machine performs recount after recount until the democrat gains the lead, at which time the recounts stop, but we have never seen it on this scale. It is clear to me that Democrats saw that Biden was going to lose, so those states in question delayed finalizing the vote count so that more votes could be manufactured, by making lame excuses such as water main breaks or not enough election workers available. As one tweet stated, “All we did on Election Day was tell them how many votes they needed on Election Night.” This tweet included graphs from ABC News that showed spikes in tens of thousands of votes early Wednesday morning for Biden in Wisconsin and Michigan that moved him ahead of, or nearly even with Trump. This appears to me to be a computer generated spike, because it is just too abrupt. Apparently they got impatient, and didn’t know they were being tracked with graphs. I bet those graphs no longer exist. I also heard a report of a tranche of thousands of ballots that were marked only for Biden which indicates to me that the fraudsters were in a hurry.

President Trump must fight on, and I know he will even though there are apparently some Republicans who want him to give up. He won’t, and that is why he is President, and why they will never be. This will be a difficult process for him and his supporters to overcome, since the courts are involved in this fraud also. There probably is no way to clear this mess up, because once the corrupt ballots are mixed with the legal ones, you can’t tell them apart. It may take invalidating entire state elections and having another election. Just like the collusion hoax, what is happening here is clear, and we can’t just accept it as business as usual. I know of no election in which the incumbent President retained the Senate, gained seats in the House, but lost the Presidency. It just doesn’t compute.

Congress: How should you decide who to vote for?

I hear with regularity those who say they vote for the best person, the one who will best represent them. That may have worked in the past, but those days are long gone, because the two major political parties have become too irreconcilably opposed to each other. These days, what any particular individual running for Congress claims to support is nearly irrelevant, because whether or not that person supports what you want, there are 534 others who do not. When 320 million Americans elect 535 individuals to Congress, they are electing a diffusion of power. The only power that exists and that which drives policy, exists among those in the power positions and their lieutenants, all those left are simply votes in support of those in power. Those in power decide the direction of their political party.

That’s why it is imperative to consider which party you want to give power to, because supporting the very individual that you think is the best person for the job may well give power to those who will destroy everything important to you. The majority party in each chamber of Congress controls all of the levers of power in that chamber, and sets the agenda for it. You must consider carefully which party you want to see in power.

Currently the Democrat party openly supports nearly everything destructive to this country, the greatest country to ever exist. It is clear by their actions and what they support, that they hate this country. They want to turn violent criminals back onto the streets. They want to eliminate our borders and put illegal aliens on welfare and turn them into voters. They openly support all of the rioting, looting, and destruction of property all across this country.

They support economic policies that are antagonistic toward businesses and tax payers, and that will destroy our economy. Their Green New Deal will destroy our energy industry and put us in the same situation as California. California has rejected reliable energy while embracing windmills and solar panels which has caused its people to have to choose between running their air conditioners or everything else in their homes. Their blackouts and brownouts are regular and dependable. Now California wants to ban the sale of new vehicles by 2035. That is sheer lunacy. Some in California like to say that California leads the way for the rest of the United States. Study California well, because if the Democrats are elected to power, the rest of the country will end up just like it…..headed toward third world status.