Ginsburg replacement should be approved before the election

Just imagine what the election will be like if this nomination is left hanging until after the election. The upcoming election is certain to be a nightmare that will make Bush/Gore in 2000 look like walk in the park, and that’s without confirming Trump’s nominee no matter who she is. I hate to think what it would be like with the Ginsburg seat still open. Imagine the voter fraud, the thousands of ballots that show up out of nowhere found in someone’s trunk. As we have seen, there are no limits to democrat abuses of power, abuses of freedom, and abuses to the electoral system. If that seat remains open, there will be nothing the democrats won’t do in order to win the election. Mitch McConnell must do whatever needs to be done to get Trump’s nominee confirmed.

Currently there are two women who appear to be the frontrunners, Amy Coney Barrett and Barbara Lagoa, both Catholics. It matters not which one is selected, either will be relentlessly attacked over her religion. Since the democrats can’t accuse either of rape or train rapes, they will try to discredit the nominee by tying her to comments said by others in her church. She will be said to be unworthy because of such associations. The nominee should not be subjected to the endless attacks on her religion, especially since the Constitution states that there will be no religious tests for government office. Therefore, the Senate should forgo the judiciary committee hearing if rules allow, take it to the full Senate, and get this thing done.

Is it possible to gaslight the entire country?

What do you get when you cross an insatiable desire for power, raging hatred of anyone opposed to your agenda, and a monumental lack of self-awareness? You get the modern democrat (Keystone Cop) party, and their endless list of failed gaslighting and disinformation operations. Gaslighting and disinformation operations are similar in that both are used to create a false narrative. They differ in that gaslighting is an attempt to make us believe something completely different from the facts that we know and see to be true. Disinformation operations put out false information that we don’t know to be false at the time. The Russia collusion hoax was a classical disinformation campaign, as were the Kavanaugh hearings, and the impeachment hearings of President Trump.

For those of you who don’t know, the term gaslight came about because of a movie by the same name released way back in 1944. The movie is about a husband who is trying to make his wife think she is going insane by telling her that things she thought were happening, were not, and that things she thought were not happening, indeed were. This brings us to the current gaslighting projects by the democrats.

We are completely surrounded, like fish in water by their gaslighting projects, with the news media, politicians, and talking heads being the primary provocateurs. Take for instance the rioting and destruction that the democrats have encouraged, promoted and funded. They have taken to going in front of any camera and making the claim that President Trump is the cause of the rioting. Now, there is video evidence of President Trump offering any support needed to stop the violence in its tracks. Unfortunately, many democrat controlled cities have refused his offer, because they want to allow their cities to devolve into utter chaos. The democrats trying to blame President is like telling us that the Sun rises in the North and sets in the South. It is clear that democrat operatives are causing and perpetrating the violence and destruction, including the assassination of police officers.

The latest gaslight operation to bring Trump down is the accusation that he publicly downplayed the dangers of the KungFluenza as he privately talked about how serious it was. One of the first responsibilities of a leader is to not instill panic, so his comments were measured and responsible in that regard. The first responsibility of the democrats is to instill as much panic as possible so that the American people will willingly surrender as much freedom as possible to the democrats. Trump’s comments, measured as they were, weren’t much different than those of health officials including Anthony Fauci that we heard with our own ears.

Now what did we see from President Trump? We saw him be the first world leader to ban travel from China, and then from Europe and other hot spots. He mobilized the private sector to make available needed medical equipment that irresponsible state officials neglected to do. He held a daily briefing for the American people to stay informed about the progression of the disease, and the progress on getting needed medical supplies, and standing up mobile hospitals. While he was trying to instill calm, his actions showed that he took the virus very seriously.

One of the funniest gaslighting operations to watch are the talking head panels on the left wing Propaganda Ministry networks. You should know that democrats use these panels for purposes of the “appeal to authority.” Viewers are expected to see the panelists as knowledgeable and wise, and therefore are expected believe everything the panelists say. As each one makes assertions about Trump and America that we know to be lies, the others are sitting there nodding their heads in agreement. The nods are supposed to impart to the viewers that what they are hearing is the consensus of the anointed. And after one of them says something spectacularly stupid that we are supposed to believe, and there is that brief silence until another picks up the conversation, I keep getting the sense that a punch line is coming, just like at the end of any good joke.

We could go on and on here with different examples, but I think you get the point. The problem the democrats have is that they are stuck in the past while living in an era of modern technology in the form of social media, playback, and satellites that can send information around the world the moment it happens. Leftist gaslighting operations can’t overpower that. We can see for ourselves in real time who is doing what to whom, and who is supporting it. We know which party is supporting the violence in our streets, and which party is opposed to it. We know which party supports destroying the economy, and which party supports strengthening it. Lastly, we know which party believes in America, and which party hates America. The age old communist and Nazi tactic of repeating a lie over and over until it becomes the truth simply no longer works.

There is no systemic racism, but there is systemic victimhood

There is no doubt that you have heard over and over and over that the United States is systemically racist, and that it was founded on, and became rich because of slavery, colonialism, racism, Jim Crow, and other types of oppression, and that white Americans today as a result are oppressor colonists who are the holders of stolen property.  Furthermore,  the legacy of the evil beginnings of what is now the United States has carried forward all the way to this day, making it impossible for blacks living today to have a fair chance at anything.

Isn’t it interesting that the only systemic racism that can be conjured up by leftists no longer exists? Fact is, America is not systemically racist. It is in fact the least racist country on the face of the Earth. That is if we don’t include the systemic racism that comes from leftists and racist blacks. If they aren’t digging up systemic racism that no longer exists, they are creating it in the form of race hoaxes. And in the case of Jussie Smollett, as a black conservative quipped, Smollett had to pay foreigners to do the racism that Americans will not do.

Poor blacks are not victims of the legacy of slavery. They are the victims of the legacy of the Great Society. In particular that part as black conservative Larry Elder characterizes it, paid women to marry the government and abandon the two parent household. Prior to the Sixties, according to statistics by black economist Thomas Sowell, the black family was largely intact. Black youth unemployment was lower than white youth unemployment at one point. The out of wedlock birth rate was slightly higher than that of whites, and black unemployment was slightly higher than that of whites. All of those numbers changed dramatically for the worst following the implementation of the Great Society social welfare programs. Those calling for reparations would have a much easier case to make if they claim the legacy of social welfare is holding them back instead of slavery. At least they wouldn’t have to deal with the very inconvenient fact that Africans were first enslaved by other Africans and then sold to easterners and westerners.

 Even though blacks had genuine barriers to overcome prior to the sixties they were in complete control of the most important thing a person controls….their personal behavior. With their families largely intact, and during the Jim Crow era, they were able to, according to Sowell, drop their household poverty rate from 87% in 1940 to 47% by 1960. If the legacy of slavery was a problem that accomplishment would not have been possible.

The problems that exist within a too large a segment of the black population will never be solved in the form of how whites treat blacks. It will only be solved in the form of how blacks treat themselves. They must take control of their most important asset…their personal behavior, and stop trying to blame ghosts. Voting will not change the circumstances of those who are poorly situated, because voting will not change their behavior.

 When we talk about how important assimilation is, we generally are speaking about immigrants, but a large segment of the black population refuses to assimilate. They refuse to accept law and order. It is said that blacks account for half of all violent crime in the United States, but that statistic is misleading. We must not generalize even though that is a staple of the race mongers on the left. In fact, a tiny minority of the black population commits half of all violent crime in the United States. They refuse to be educated calling it acting white. Imagine that, choosing to be educated so that one can read, write and compute at grade level is acting white. Which begs the question. If being educated is acting white, exactly what does it mean to act black?

Here’s the truth. The United States was founded on the principles of freedom and fairness, even though it wasn’t available to all. The Constitution laid the groundwork for the destruction of slavery, and provided the means to change the system so that everyone is treated fairly. It is impossible to create a system that is free of human suffering caused by other humans. All we can do is recognize those failings and try to correct them as we have done with slavery and Jim Crow. The path to prosperity for blacks must go through the two parent household. Increasing numbers of blacks are realizing that, and that voting democrat has changed very little for the prosperity for many blacks, and their independence is putting great pressure on the democrat power structure. A structure that will not let them leave without a fight.