White Fragility: a book review

With the race industry in high gear, you have probably heard of the book White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. It is all the rage among leftists these days, because it is supposed to be the authoritative analysis of white racism. I generally do not read books such as this, because I know, just like in a Hallmark movie, how the story is going to end. However, I decided to take the plunge and endure the six hour audio book. I was not impressed. DiAngelo is a guilt ridden white leftist academic who is steeped in identity studies who gives seminars, and provides employee training on racism. It doesn’t take much imagination to know what that training is like, or what the book is like.

There are other reviews that dig into some specifics, such as DiAngelo’s ignorance of history. However, my review will be a big picture review that looks at her theory of white fragility and how she promotes it. My review may sound hyperbolic, but if you read the book yourself, you will see that it isn’t, because the book is just that shallow. It is a testament to the fact that some of the stupidest things uttered on planet earth are said by elitist academics with PhD’s.

The main theme of the book is that the entire system is racist and that all whites are racist.  Furthermore, if you are white, it is evidence that you are a racist if you try to deny that you are a racist.  According to DiAngelo, whites who claim not to be racist do so because they do not want to relinquish the racist white power they have in the racist white system. She is quite the mind reader. This mind reading ability of hers is something she does throughout the book, in which she plays out hypothetical interactions between a black person and a white person, and then proceeds to explain what the thoughts and motivations are of the white person. She can be correct only if all whites think the same, which if you were to say that about any other race, you would be called a racist. DiAngelo lives in her own little world with her own little book which is her little bible authored by her which establishes all of the rules, and according to the rules she has established, there is no escaping your racism if you are white.

Psychoanalysis is a common tactic for leftists to engage in, because they have done the same thing when it comes to climate change. They are so self-consciously supremacist that they cannot understand how anyone can disagree with them. So they use the appeal to authority by conducting these psychoanalyses by supposed learned and authoritative individuals to make it appear that those who disagree with them have some kind of a mental defect.  

I do recommend that that you read the book, because it may well show up in a back pack near you. This book is apparently being pushed upon children across the country, so it is important to know what’s in it so you can tell the school board what they can do with it. This book is a threat to both white and black children. It is a threat to black children because it tells them that there is no hope. It is a threat to white children because it drenches them with guilt for being racist and mean persons, and places on them the burdens of slavery and Jim Crow. DiAngelo attempts to place all responsibility on whites for race relations. However, relations means just that, relations. Relations only work if everyone works together. One side doesn’t get to continuously beat the other side up and expect a good relationship to be the result.

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