Do you want freedom or tyranny?

As the old saying goes, elections have consequences. We have an election coming up, and there is a clear choice to be made, and that choice absolutely is between freedom and tyranny. Totalitarianism is the word of the day and is defined as a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. Does that sound familiar to anything that is going on right now here in America?

The antifa and blm domestic terror groups are right now attempting to terrorize Americans into complete subservience. They do this with the complete support of Leftist politicians across the board, and the main stream media which is more properly known as the Democrat Propaganda Ministry. While the antifa and blm terror groups wreak havoc in the streets, Leftist politicians at the State and Federal levels are moving to destroy America’s history and legal system, and this is all being reported by the Democrat Propaganda Ministry as peaceful protestors pushing positive change.

Leftists cloak their tyrannies with sweet words such inclusiveness and tolerance so that anyone who opposes them is anti-inclusive and intolerant. Many who don’t want to be seen as anti-inclusive and intolerant, and don’t know how to defend themselves simply sulk away and cede the battlefield. This is exactly what these leftists want so that they can have their way. Kind of like the rapist who beats the woman into submission. These Totalitarians tell us every day with their words and their actions what their exact intentions are, and the antifa and blm enforcers will do their part to ensure compliance and ultimate completion of their agenda. Let’s consider law and order, which is currently being transformed into lawlessness and disorder.

Is there any doubt where these Leftists stand when it comes to law and order, and what life would be like under their control? They have shown no regard for the safety and security of law abiding citizens while showing complete regard for the lawless actions of antifa and blm by referring to them as “protestors.” The death, destruction, blackmail and extortion antifa and blm as the enforcement arm of the Democrat party have wrought on this great country are staggering. Now these Leftist loons are demanding the defunding of the police, and state politicians nationwide are in many cases willful collaborators, while others are fearfully complying with these demands.

They in fact have placed the well-being of criminals in all their forms ahead of that of law abiding citizens. They have released violent criminals back onto the streets who then roam the streets like wild dogs to create a much larger cache of victims. They refuse to punish criminals for all types of abhorrent behavior while rushing to punish those who are forced to protect themselves from these animals, such as the white couple who were accosted by three racist black women, threatened with violence, and then the black women attempted to prevent the white couple from leaving by standing behind the vehicle while it was backing up.

The white couple clearly were trying to de-escalate the situation during the entire encounter while the black women were trying to escalate it. It wasn’t until the racist black women tried to prevent the white couple from leaving by standing behind the vehicle that the white woman jumped out of the car with her pistol demanding to the black women that they back off. The white couple in this circumstance conducted themselves appropriately at all times, and did not respond forcefully until their freedom and safety was in doubt. They did this while the black women were doing everything in their power to escalate the situation and were simply looking for trouble. The black women no doubt were emboldened by the fact that thugs such as them face no legal consequences for their criminal behavior while the victims of their terrorism are faced with assault, battery, and death.

We have seen this scenario play out over and over and over. Law abiding citizens trapped in their cars or their property and fearing for their lives. At that point it is just them and the thugs. What exactly are they to do? Well, apparently according to the LEFTIST authorities, they are to allow these thugs to have their way with them or face criminal charges for protecting themselves. Is that the America you want?

The second part of complete totalitarian control is through our electoral processes. They want to undermine the election processes by flooding America with illegal aliens, giving them the right to vote, and then buying their votes with government largesse. That worked well for FDR, why shouldn’t it work now. They want make D.C. a state when in fact D.C can’t be a state because it is the capitol of the United States. They want to eliminate the Electoral College which was put in place to ensure that every State mattered in national elections.

They want to eliminate all controls designed to ensure free and fair elections such as using mail-in ballots on a wide scale that were mailed out to dead persons. No wonder they have always fought efforts to remove dead persons from voter rolls. Every election is a process that must be controlled in order to prevent fraud so that the vote of every person who takes on the responsibility of voting will not have their vote cancelled by a fraudulent vote.

There basically two types of political philosophy, freedom and tyranny. Those who seek tyranny will never stop in their efforts to achieve it. Those who desire freedom will lose it if they do not resist these forces of tyranny. It is time for the silent majority to stop being silent. Don’t just sit around the house talking about how these left wing loons are running amok and that something should be done about it. You have to do your part to do something about it. Speak out, write letters, protest, run for office, never back down, and never allow others to make you believe you are a bad person. Freedom is not free, and those who want to take it are always motivated, and are not afraid to get dirty. We can’t watch the fight from the cheap seats, because the fight has broken out in the stands and is coming to a seat near you. We must get into the ring for the future of this great country depends on it.

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