Something absolutely horrible happened to Oklahoma State running back Chuba Hubbard today. It was just awful, horribly terribly awful. He saw the three capital letters that strike fear and loathing into the hearts of all blacks. The history of those three capital letters represents racism, bigotry, Jim Crow and slavery, and should be stricken from the lexicon of all English speaking peoples.
Don’t get ahead of yourself here, because those three letters are not KKK, but are letters of a much more heinous organization. Brace yourself, maybe you should be sitting down just in case. Those three letters are OAN, as in One America Network, a conservative network. Can you believe that an abbreviation such as that is allowed to exist in this country? We should riot in the streets.
It wasn’t like someone did something as mundane as put a burning cross in his yard with OAN visible through the flames and smoke. He saw it in a much more sinister display. It was on the shirt of the Oklahoma State head football coach Mike Gundy who was fishing when the photo was taken. This traumatized Chuba Wubba so severely that he declared that it was unacceptable and insensitive, and that he would have nothing to do with Oklahoma State until things change. It’s just awful.
We really should do something for Chubby Wubby since his poor wittle feewings have been so devastated. Let’s send him a blanky, a binky, and for good measure just to make sure he is fully protected, a drool rag. Maybe we should go full empathetic and get all of those things for ourselves and go crawl in a corner so that we can better understand the pain and anguish he is experiencing. All kidding aside now. Let’s send Chubby Wubby our prayers, because he will need them to make it through this difficult time. May God bless Chubby Wubby and soothe his poor wittle feewings so that he can live life as a happy and productive citizen free from the horrors of the OAN.