Celebrating the death of George Floyd

The death of George Floyd has turned into a giant celebration from coast to coast, a wake of sorts. The joy one mourner felt who was beaming through her face mask while walking out of a bakery with a freshly made cheesecake that was left unmolested by the other mourners really was the luck of the draw. We should be very happy for her. Maybe she was going to take it to family visitation at George Floyd’s funeral.

Another apparent joyous moment was when a black man pummeled a white woman. He obviously didn’t have things under control while he was pounding on her as she was crumbling into a jumbled heap, another black man started pummeling her with a 2×4. Not only was this an extremely joyous moment, it really was a profile in courage for these two black men. What studs they are. They are true role models. Rumor is that they may have been former professional athletes who didn’t have their own women to beat up, so they found a good stand-in.

One of the happiest moments had to be the black woman while walking out of a destroyed store with freshly looted goods yelling, “I got mine.” I hate to break the bad news to her, but she didn’t get hers, she got somebody else’s. You know though, why quibble over private property since this was such a joyous moment, and after all, she may never get hers again?

We must not forget the blacks killed during this nationwide celebration. There certainly are risks involved with such celebrations such as the discharge of firearms which in one case killed David Dorn, a 77 year old retired law enforcement officer, a black man at that. I guess the person who shot Mr. Dorn hadn’t watched many westerns and didn’t know to point the gun into the air before firing, and instead fired it into Mr. Dorn’s belly. Unfortunate, but that can be corrected with some good firearms training. This was such a joyous moment that his final moments were sent out live over Facebook for all of the other revelers to enjoy.

This rioting and looting and wanton destruction of property and lives has nothing to do with George Floyd. It certainly has nothing to do with black lives, since so many black lives have been destroyed figuratively and literally by all of the destruction. It is being carried out by different groups of anarchist leftists intent on destroying America with the assistance of leftist politicians, and they are daring anyone to try and stop them.

Breaking news: There is no systemic racism in America. There is no genocide of blacks occurring in America. There is no white privilege in America. Lastly, the police are not killing unarmed blacks in extraordinary numbers. In fact, data shows that the police are killing unarmed blacks in extraordinarily small numbers. This irrational behavior can be summed up very simply by the title of a book written a long time ago….Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.

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