Where is That Black Power?

While watching the news some time ago, I saw Cam Newton present the good ol’ black power salute. We all have seen that salute, but what exactly is it supposed to signify? How is black power manifested? I had never really thought much about it. I just considered it an act of defiance or some such, but upon further reflection it really is a puzzle, so there are some fair questions that I think need to be asked, but if they aren’t, let me know.

Is it black power for blacks who choose to become educated and successful are ridiculed for acting white by those blacks who are lazy and will never amount to anything? The acting white crowd do this because they know that they can’t go through life blaming their pathetic existence on whitey, while the targets of their attacks have shown that whitey isn’t holding them back.

Is it black power when blacks who are chartered members of the race hustle industry, attack those blacks who choose to be free thinkers as Uncle Toms, Oreos, and houseboys. Those in the race hustle industry are not opposed to education and success like the acting white crowd, because many of them have that. They are just want to impose an ideological slavery on all blacks. Isn’t it interesting how slavery in all of its various forms always comes from the Left?

Is it black power to have an out of wedlock birth rate exceeding seventy percent? Is it black power to kill each other off in numbers that are genocidal, maybe better described as geno-suicidal which makes unjustified police shootings look like child’s play? Is it black power to demand welfare in the form of reparations for something they were never victims of? Is it black power to commit crimes at astronomical rates and instead of not committing the crimes, demand to not be punished accordingly? Is it black power to demand lower employment qualifications? Does four plus four not equal eight for everyone? Is it black power to knock-out unsuspecting pedestrians? Are all of these fair questions?

Where is all of this black power? Well, I can tell you exactly where I think it is. It resides in the hearts and souls of those blacks who resist the pressure to conform, play the victim, and to remain uneducated and unsuccessful. The pressure to conform is broad and deep, and their ability to resist it is commendable. These blacks whether they know it or not, are the examples going forward, and are the beacon of light at the end of the tunnel for all other blacks to strive for. We hear them every day and everywhere, and their numbers are growing, decrying the habits of failure that have doomed a too large a segment of the black population to poverty. All blacks who are unhappy with their situation, and young blacks who want to believe in a future, should look to these individuals as their role models, and even their heroes. The habits they will learn from these individuals will take to their Promised Land.

It isn’t about the blobs, the black blob, the white blob, or the brown, red, or yellow blobs. It is about the individual, and the decisions each individual makes toward self-improvement or self-destruction. Stack good decision upon good decision, and the outcome will be good. Stack bad upon bad, and happiness will be unreachable. The whitey made me do it excuse is wearing thin and will not result in anything beneficial for blacks. It certainly is fair to point out unjust treatment, but it is also fair to point out bad personal behaviors that are actually the cause so many of the so-called injustices. Black power….walk it or talk it.

Can we all just feel Chuba (Chubby Wubby) Hubbard’s pain?

Something absolutely horrible happened to Oklahoma State running back Chuba Hubbard today. It was just awful, horribly terribly awful. He saw the three capital letters that strike fear and loathing into the hearts of all blacks. The history of those three capital letters represents racism, bigotry, Jim Crow and slavery, and should be stricken from the lexicon of all English speaking peoples.

Don’t get ahead of yourself here, because those three letters are not KKK, but are letters of a much more heinous organization. Brace yourself, maybe you should be sitting down just in case. Those three letters are OAN, as in One America Network, a conservative network. Can you believe that an abbreviation such as that is allowed to exist in this country? We should riot in the streets.

It wasn’t like someone did something as mundane as put a burning cross in his yard with OAN visible through the flames and smoke. He saw it in a much more sinister display. It was on the shirt of the Oklahoma State head football coach Mike Gundy who was fishing when the photo was taken. This traumatized Chuba Wubba so severely that he declared that it was unacceptable and insensitive, and that he would have nothing to do with Oklahoma State until things change. It’s just awful.

We really should do something for Chubby Wubby since his poor wittle feewings have been so devastated. Let’s send him a blanky, a binky, and for good measure just to make sure he is fully protected, a drool rag. Maybe we should go full empathetic and get all of those things for ourselves and go crawl in a corner so that we can better understand the pain and anguish he is experiencing. All kidding aside now. Let’s send Chubby Wubby our prayers, because he will need them to make it through this difficult time. May God bless Chubby Wubby and soothe his poor wittle feewings so that he can live life as a happy and productive citizen free from the horrors of the OAN.

Jimmy Walker’s profundity

Many years ago I heard Jimmy Walker of Good Times fame say that poverty doesn’t cause crime, crime causes poverty. There are many poor persons in the United States and around the world who do not turn to a life of crime simply because they are poor. They respect others, their property and understand that it is wrong to violate others simply because of the circumstances they find themselves in.

Being poor doesn’t make a person commit murder. Being poor doesn’t make a person do drugs, especially since doing drugs is such an expensive habit. Being poor doesn’t make a person steal or destroy the property of others. Being poor doesn’t make a person ignore the humanity of others. Those who claim poverty makes them commit crimes or self-destructive acts are simply copping out, because it is just as easy to decide not to commit these acts as it is to decide to do them. Free will always rules.

In order for a community to survive financially and otherwise it is essential for businesses and other institutions to have a welcoming and safe atmosphere in which to flourish. Those who choose to open a business that will not only provide jobs to the locals, but also creates a way for the locals to fulfill their daily needs, do so out of free will. Being able to walk across the street to the grocery store is very important to many as we have seen expressed by those who saw their local businesses burned to the ground during the recent and ongoing lunacy.

Politicians are all the time saying they are going to pass job creating legislation. Well here’s the bad news. The government can’t pass legislation and then jobs magically appear. That is a good political soundbite, and it may garner a few votes, but job creation doesn’t work that way. That only occurs in a market of free exchange that develops into a system that fulfills the needs of the locals. It takes time to develop that system, and an unwelcoming or unsafe atmosphere will cause the local system to never reach its full potential, and if that system is destroyed once established, it will never come back as it was. The lives of the locals will forever be changed for the worst.

This brings us to the purpose of this post, which is the insanity of leftists who are demanding that the police be abolished. Any government that eliminates the police department will be saying to businesses and other institutions that are essential to a vibrant and bustling local economy that they need not apply. Businesses are the personal property of the owners, they are not community property, and they choose where to setup shop. Eliminating the police would be a message to all citizens and property owners that their property and persons are not important enough to protect, and it will cause a massive exodus of citizens, investment, and tax base that will destroy the local economy. As the old saying goes, don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.

The rioting following George Floyd’s death is serving a political purpose

President Trump has been criticized roundly for threatening Americans with, wait for it…safety and security. This criticism has been wrought upon him because he threatened to invoke the Insurrection Act in order to use the military to protect Americans and their property if their political leaders were unwilling to. The Insurrection Act has been invoked many times, so it is not a new concept, and should be used by the President if local and state officials refuse to protect their citizens.

This has nothing to do with whether or not those leaders have the resources to provide such protections, they just refuse to. These leftist politicians are telling their citizens that they will not be protected, and they, the political leaders, will be damned if they are going to let anyone else provide protection. There clearly is an agenda going on here.

These local and state politicians refuse to protect their citizens being victimized by this anarchy because they like what they are seeing. Yes, actually they love it, because they think they will receive a political benefit from it. They love it because they hate freedom, they hate America, they hate American citizens, and most importantly to them, they hate President Trump. Ever since Trump won the Presidency, they have been completely insane, and lost any vestige of self-awareness they had. They became insane because they lost the thing they hold most dear….power. And they will destroy any innocent person they need to in order to regain power.

The treasonous inaction of these state and local politicians, unbelievably are supported by national politicians such as Chuck Schumer. All of these politicians took an oath to serve and protect all citizens, personally, their property, and their rights. Obviously just as with how American citizens are second class citizens according to leftists when compared to illegal aliens, even criminal illegal aliens, law abiding are second class citizens when compared to criminals.

Now, there are even discussions about reducing or eliminating police departments. Snake Plissken will come in handy if that traitorous lunacy ever happens. I use the words traitorous and treasonous because they apply. They apply to the rioters and looters who are committing insurrection in the first degree. The politicians who support this lawlessness are guilty of accessory to committing insurrection in the first degree.

These leftist politicians portray the rioters, looters, and murderers as patriotic protesters and that what they are doing is a wonderful thing while giving no time to condemning the violence and destruction of property that hard working Americans spent a lifetime creating. Well, this isn’t the 1800’s when a politician could say something in one town, and then say the complete opposite in a town ten miles away and never be caught. We have our own eyes, and we can see exactly what is going on in real time, and it has absolutely nothing to do with George Floyd’s death.

Celebrating the death of George Floyd

The death of George Floyd has turned into a giant celebration from coast to coast, a wake of sorts. The joy one mourner felt who was beaming through her face mask while walking out of a bakery with a freshly made cheesecake that was left unmolested by the other mourners really was the luck of the draw. We should be very happy for her. Maybe she was going to take it to family visitation at George Floyd’s funeral.

Another apparent joyous moment was when a black man pummeled a white woman. He obviously didn’t have things under control while he was pounding on her as she was crumbling into a jumbled heap, another black man started pummeling her with a 2×4. Not only was this an extremely joyous moment, it really was a profile in courage for these two black men. What studs they are. They are true role models. Rumor is that they may have been former professional athletes who didn’t have their own women to beat up, so they found a good stand-in.

One of the happiest moments had to be the black woman while walking out of a destroyed store with freshly looted goods yelling, “I got mine.” I hate to break the bad news to her, but she didn’t get hers, she got somebody else’s. You know though, why quibble over private property since this was such a joyous moment, and after all, she may never get hers again?

We must not forget the blacks killed during this nationwide celebration. There certainly are risks involved with such celebrations such as the discharge of firearms which in one case killed David Dorn, a 77 year old retired law enforcement officer, a black man at that. I guess the person who shot Mr. Dorn hadn’t watched many westerns and didn’t know to point the gun into the air before firing, and instead fired it into Mr. Dorn’s belly. Unfortunate, but that can be corrected with some good firearms training. This was such a joyous moment that his final moments were sent out live over Facebook for all of the other revelers to enjoy.

This rioting and looting and wanton destruction of property and lives has nothing to do with George Floyd. It certainly has nothing to do with black lives, since so many black lives have been destroyed figuratively and literally by all of the destruction. It is being carried out by different groups of anarchist leftists intent on destroying America with the assistance of leftist politicians, and they are daring anyone to try and stop them.

Breaking news: There is no systemic racism in America. There is no genocide of blacks occurring in America. There is no white privilege in America. Lastly, the police are not killing unarmed blacks in extraordinary numbers. In fact, data shows that the police are killing unarmed blacks in extraordinarily small numbers. This irrational behavior can be summed up very simply by the title of a book written a long time ago….Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.