The white privilege mantra is simply an attempt to remove all responsibility from Blacks for bad outcomes caused by self-destructive behavior and place it all onto Whites. Try telling poor Whites and those who struggle mightily from paycheck to paycheck that they are in possession of any type of privilege. You will get a real belly laugh out of them.
Many years ago I watched a news piece about a young black girl who was a straight “A” student. At least until she was ridiculed by other blacks for acting white, at which point her grades promptly dropped. So, I guess one can only surmise that according to those blacks who accused her of acting white for wanting to be educated and making something of herself, believe that acting black means to remain uneducated and making nothing of oneself. This doesn’t sound like a philosophy that is particularly beneficial for blacks.
Her story truly is a sad one, but one that is highly prevalent among blacks today. I guess we can call it the Uncle Tom-Oreo-Sellout-Houseboy Syndrome. We all have heard the stories of blacks who are ridiculed as being race traitors by those who are afflicted with this syndrome, which is typical of the demand for conformity of thought and actions by Left wing loons generally.
Another story I would like to recount, is when I was in high school in the seventies, and some of the boys were always telling “yo momma” jokes. You know, “yo momma wears combats” and other such jokes. One thing that always puzzled me was how the black boys consistently took great offense to such jokes. Their typical retort would be, “don’t talk about my momma like that.” Many years passed before I learned the reason why they took such offense. That was because for most them, momma was all they had at home. Why was that? Where was daddy?
Well, it turns out that Leftist social policies created in the sixties created an environment very destructive to the black family. Black families actually were more intact prior to the 1960’s than they have been ever since. In order to garner votes from blacks while giving the appearance of caring about something other than their votes, these Left wing policies were designed to move blacks back onto the Democrat plantation, but this time, onto the Federal handout plantation. This system sapped initiative, self-respect, and paid women to have babies which made daddy irrelevant, and resulted in a cycle of poverty for a huge segment of the black population. It is a fact that a family works best, and outcomes are greatly improved when mommy and daddy are around, and the children couldn’t agree more.
Blacks today have shown that they can excel in all areas of American life. Historically, blacks as a group have had a tough time of it, but the Democrat institutions of slavery and Jim Crow no longer exist. It’s not a matter of what has happened. The past doesn’t have to equal the future. Unfortunately there is too large a segment of blacks who are stuck in the past. All that matters now is what to do going forward. Nothing is holding blacks back except blacks themselves.
Blacks as a group will not succeed until blacks as individuals succeed. Which means that black individuals must understand that they alone are responsible for the outcomes in their lives, and shed themselves of the bonds of racial conformity, and the chains of government dependence. The constant cries of racism devalue the accusation just like the little boy who cried wolf. It also trivializes the experiences of those who were victims of real racism. Going down the path of calling everything and everyone racist, wailing at banana peels, and blaming whites living today for slavery and Jim Crow, will be a destination to nowhere.