What movie best describes Leftists?

When I think of the Left Wing in the United States, it makes me think of two movies. Jumanji being the first movie, and the monkeys in it that were wreaking havoc everywhere. The second movie is World War Z in which a pandemic was created by a virus transferred by bites that turned humans into mindless wild-eyed maniacal beasts stumbling all over themselves and each other on their path to attack those not yet infected.

So, which movie more accurately describes the Left Wing of today? After a lot of thought and reflection, it comes down to one thing for me…..the mind. That part of the brain that controls reasoning, perception, feelings, etc. So I have to rule out Jumanji, because the monkeys clearly have properly functioning minds, for they are simply doing what monkeys do. So that leaves me with World War Z, and the mindless wild-eyed maniacal beasts stumbling all over themselves, and each other on their path to attack those not yet infected. 

World War Z, like science fiction movies before it, was prophetic. It predicted how the Left Wing would react when Donald Trump was elected President. They have been infected with the Trump Virus. The parade of attacks since he won the election, from calls for his impeachment before he was inaugurated, to making sure that every sentence they spoke included the word Russian, to collusion, to obstruction, and now on to abuse of power are simply a massive disinformation effort by the Left to effect a coupe against a legitimately elected President. They just move from one failed attempt to another without pause.

Since their attacks from the beginning have been ineffective, which would have been effective if Trump were a normal weak-kneed, lily livered Republican, their attacks have become froth laden saliva slinging tirades. We must always remember that the Left, which includes politicians, academics, and news media, seek power and control over the ignorant masses as they see it, and will do everything possible, illegal and immoral to effectuate their desires.

I heard it said recently that when it comes to the Left Wing that it has become impossible to tell the difference between parody and reality. Truer words were never spoken. There is no need to tune to Saturday Night Live, just watch the news every day. The situation we have currently with the Left is a biological mutation between a boy and a chicken. Get your mind out of the gutter. We will assume it was a laboratory experiment. That mutation; Chicken Little and the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

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