Reparations are Racist

If you keep up with current events, you probably have heard that Georgetown students have voted to approve a reparations fund in which each student pays a whopping $27.50 per semester to the descendants of slaves. I wonder if Eric Holder or Michelle Obama will receive any of that money.

There are two kinds of persons who advocate for such nonsense. The first are whites who are guilt ridden about something they took no part to the benefit of someone else who has never been a victim of whatever these whites feel guilty about. The second are blacks who are searching for another handout. This will do nothing but further destroy the black family just as government welfare has done.

Slavery has been referred to as America’s peculiar institution. It is also spoken of as if the United States is the only place where slavery has existed. The very word, slave, was derived from Slav because the Slavic peoples were forced into slavery by conquering empires…non-white empires. Slavery has existed probably as long as mankind has existed and it has existed worldwide. As nation states and protective armies progressed, it became more difficult for rogue armies to simply nab some defenseless peoples and turn them into slaves. The pickings are better when they are easy.

I remember hearing Michael Medved say one time that Africans were enslaved because of the color of their skin. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Africans were enslaved because they could be. This is because Africa was a continent of defenseless tribes. They simply were easy pickings because they did not have the protections that a nation state could potentially provide. Strong black African tribes enslaved vulnerable black Africans who then sold them off to others from all around the world. More slaves went to the Arab countries than went to the United States, and more slaves went to South America than to the United States. Slavery was a worldwide phenomenon and commonplace.

It is a racist idea that white people living today who had no part in slavery of blacks hundreds of years ago, should pay blacks living today for something that happened to their ancestors hundreds of years ago. The idea that a white person living today should feel guilty about what other whites did a long time ago is racist. It really is interesting to hear those who say they want to stamp out racism are vile racists themselves. It has become utterly disgusting to hear these persons constantly refer to a person’s skin color. It isn’t difficult to imagine their response if you reversed the roles and replaced the word white with the word black in their rhetoric. Their sheer obsession with race make them the racists. Furthermore, it is a fact that all races have racists.

Lots of bad things happened a long time ago. There is nothing to be gained by dwelling on the past. We learn from the past, but the present shapes the future. There no longer is institutional racism in the United States, and racism holds nobody back. The only thing that holds a person back is that person’s lack of work ethic, character or desire to succeed. Going through life blaming all of your problems on someone else will lead to a permanent life of poverty and unhappiness.

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