Charlottesville: A case study of the disinformation campaign that followed.


One of the most enlightening books I have read is Disinformation by Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, who formerly headed the Communist Romanian Secret Police, and is the highest ranking defector from the Eastern Bloc. In his book he discussed how the Russians created and mastered a system of spreading lies about political enemies ranging of course from the United States to the Pope. You most certainly have heard of Saul Alinsky and his book Rules for Radicals. It’s basically the same principle. Create a lie, and then repeat it over and over in order to create the desired illusion which will then hopefully result in the desired outcome. So, what does all this have to do with Charlottesville? Well, that is exactly what the Left Wing is engaged in right now. Let’s set the stage.

The Ingredients:

Virginia is led by a governor who is a left wing loon. Charlottesville is led by a mayor and vice-mayor who are left wing loons. Charlottesville gave the Unite the Right rally organizers a permit to hold a rally to protest the removal of a Confederate statue. A group of counter-protesters showed up who had no permit. The police, instead of keeping legal rally attendees and illegal protesters apart, actually forced them into close proximity with each other, and then the very expected melee, again, very expected melee broke out when the counter-protesters attacked the legally formed rally attendees. The rally attendees came prepared to defend themselves, while the counter-protesters came to start a fight. Finally, the last ingredient is the main stream media herein referred to as Pravda….the Left Wing high tech pony express carrying the left wing America hating message far and wide.

The Campaign:

The disinformation campaign immediately went into hyper-drive driven by Pravda. The intent was to characterize the event as a violent right wing white supremacists hate group rally while completely ignoring the left wing hate group that actually started the melee, which was facilitated by the authorities that resulted in the death of a counter-protester, and anyone who tried to place any blame on the counter-protesters were decried as racists. In order for this campaign to work, the violence that occurred could only be blamed on one side. So immediately the calls went out to Republicans to denounce and disavow this group in order to feed the illusion that the Republican Party is the Party of racism, bigotry yadda, yadda, yadda, when in fact the Democrat Party is the Party of all that. That is one tactic of disinformation…commit the act yourself and then blame the other guy.

Of course the goal of this disinformation campaign is to put Republicans on the defensive and to feel shame for things they have no responsibility in by tricking them with the illusion that everyone thinks that Republicans are responsible for it. Unfortunately there are far too many weak-kneed lily-livered yellow streak down their backs a mile wide Republicans who don’t have the sense that God gave a rock to realize how they are being used as a pawn in this disinformation campaign, and immediately go curl up in the corner and drool all over themselves. So I guess it will be up to strong America loving Americans to pull them through.


The primary purpose of this disinformation campaign is to weaken Congressional support for President Trump’s agenda, and otherwise make Republicans more compliant to left wing causes. Will this campaign work? I don’t think so, as evidenced by how completely insane the Left has have become. They truly are a parody in action.

This is just one case study, but this tactic is used by the Left in all areas of politics. They just use different terms in each case. Theirs is a constant struggle to control the lives of others under the guise of anti-hate, fairness and equality, but what they really seek is conformity and sameness. The bigotry and hatred they decry are birth-children of their philosophy of identity politics, and this philosophy created the KKK, Nazis, communists, socialists, and yes this includes Fascists. The Democrat Party to this day is the Party of white supremacy. One only needs to listen to them talk about others, and that very unhealthy sense of superiority pours forth. It’s very easy to see how and why they created the KKK.

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