Are Liberals really all about fairness and equality?

Are Liberals really all about fairness and equality?

Liberals always portray themselves as the curators of fairness and equality. But are they? I don’t think so. I believe that they actually can be more accurately described as the curators of sameness or even more accurately obsessed with sameness. This “Doctrine of Sameness” manifests itself in many ways and across different political issues and is always characterized by them as fairness and equality so that you will not oppose it.

Liberals believe oddball marriages are the same as that between a man and a woman. Liberals believe that male and female are the same, so much so, that they are interchangeable. They believe that men who pretend to be women and look like Klinger, can compete against real women in athletic competition, beat them, and feel a sense of accomplishment. How is this reconciled with the equal pay for equal work mantra of Liberals?

Liberals believe that all persons of any given racial, ethnic or religious group think the same, and in the case of blacks and browns, Liberals demand that they think the same. Uncle Tom, house boy and sellout are racist terms used by Liberals. This thought process really reveals their deep seeded racism, bigotry and predisposition to stereotyping others.

Liberals cannot stand that the United States is not the same as other countries, and are openly trying to increase political power via illegal immigration. However, they don’t think illegal aliens are the same as American citizens, they think they are superior to Americans. This is self-evident by the fact that Liberals are perfectly willing to see Americans victimized in all manner by illegal aliens, and blow it off by simply saying that Americans commit such crimes at higher rates. Ultimately Liberals consider illegal aliens to be of a higher political value, and blacks are starting to figure that out.

Liberalism is a religion, fueled by the politics of jealousy which is the most base of emotions. The tactical pretense of Liberalism is that those who have little are in that situation because someone else has more. To Liberals, it is unimportant that those who have more, do so because they have planned, made the correct decisions, and worked for it.

The United States is the greatest country on the face of the Earth because of the way we have done things, and Liberalism is a cancer that destroys countries from within. It robs societies of freedom, personal property, initiative, and self-respect. Unfortunately, Americans are only human, just as the citizens of Venezuela are also, and can be undermined in the same fashion that the citizens of Venezuela have been, and the citizens of every other statist society.

It is difficult for many to resist the tactics of shame that Liberals use to further their religious agenda. However, Americans who love this country must always be aware that when Liberals play the fairness and equality card, that they are simply trying to take advantage of the goodness that we inherently possess to their political advantage. Sort of like the scammers who take advantage of the elderly using the trust they naturally have in others. Bottom line, don’t let yourself be played like a Stradivarius violin.

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