Where is That Black Power?

While listening to the news not long ago, I heard that Cam Newton had presented the good ol’ black power salute. We all have seen that salute, but what exactly is it supposed to signify? How is black power manifested? I had never really thought much about it. I just considered it an act of defiance or some such, but upon further reflection it really is a puzzle.

Is it black power when blacks who choose to become educated and successful are ridiculed for acting white by other blacks who are lazy and worthless, but know that they can’t go through life blaming their pathetic existence on whitey, while the targets of their attacks have shown that whitey isn’t the problem? At its most basic, this is an issue of assimilation.

Is it black Power when blacks who dare to think for themselves are ridiculed by other blacks who are chartered members of the race hustle industry, and demand conformity from all blacks? Those in the race hustle industry are not opposed to education and success like the acting white crowd, because many of them have that. They are just opposed to blacks thinking for themselves.

Is it black power to have an out of wedlock birth rate exceeding seventy percent? Is it black power to kill each other off in numbers that are genocidal, maybe better described as sui-genocidal, which makes unjustified police shootings look like child’s play? Is it black power to demand welfare in the form of reparations for something they were never victims of? Is it black power to commit crimes at astronomical rates and instead of not committing the crimes, demand to not be punished accordingly? Is it black power to demand lower employment qualifications? Does four plus four not equal eight for everyone? Is it black power to knock-out unsuspecting pedestrians?

Where is all of this black power? Well, I can tell you exactly where it is. It resides in the hearts and souls of those blacks who resist the pressure to conform and to remain uneducated and unsuccessful, and this pressure to conform is immense, and is simply a new form of slavery.

These blacks whether they know it or not are the examples going forward, and are the beacon of light at the end of the tunnel for all other blacks to strive for. As time goes by, more and more blacks will see that these negative influences will be nothing more than a circular path resulting in perpetual unhappiness. Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later.

It isn’t about the blobs, the black blob, the white blob, the brown blob, the red blob, or the yellow blob. It is about the individual, and the decisions each individual makes toward self-improvement. The whitey made me do it excuse is wearing thin and will not result in anything beneficial for blacks. It certainly is fair to point out unjust treatment, but it is also fair to point out personal behaviors that cause many of the so-called injustices. Black power….walk it or talk it.

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