The Accusation of Racism Truly is a Gift

I once heard that an insult is like a gift…you can choose to accept it or reject it. It seems that everything is racist in much the same way that global warming causes everything, and everything causes global warming. What a wonderful circumstance for our resident environmental loons.

Now we have to deal with racial loons, who I prefer to call Racists of the Highest Order who are those who create racists. Their strategy is two pronged. The first of which is to create an army of black racists who will go forth and blame all of their problems on slavery and whitey, and then vote democrat. The other is to make whites feel guilty for things they took no part in, and to remove from blacks all responsibility in race relations.

This strategy requires three main tactics, the first of which is to frame the argument as the giant racist white blob which has all of the power and privilege against the much smaller non-racist black blob which has no power and privilege. By extension this argument surreptitiously assigns the traits of each blob to its individual parts. Hence, each white person is racist and has all of the power, and each black person can’t be racist and has no power……how convenient. However, convincing poor whites that they are in possession of any kind of power and privilege would probably require hypnosis.

The second tactic requires a temporal distortion that acts as though blacks living today were enslaved by whites living today. It is manifested by statements such as “you enslaved us” which is stated for the purpose of instilling guilt in whites for something they took no part in, to the benefit of blacks who oddly enough were never slaves.

The third tactic is to claim that everything is racist including black holes and Black Friday, call everyone they disagree with a racist, and even fabricate accounts of racist acts by simply lying about it, or by committing the acts upon themselves. Sort of like the scene in the movie Liar Liar when Jim Carrey is in the bathroom punching himself in the face among other things and tells a guy who walks in and is shocked at Carrey’s behavior, “I am kicking my ass”.

This stuff will never end because this is all these people have left. They will become shriller and shriller because whites just aren’t feeling the guilt, and are ready to move on. The Racists of the Highest Order on the Left aren’t interested in moving on. It ultimately is about political power in the form of income redistribution and reparations among other things.

 In the end, it is important to understand what is going on here and not allow these tactics to have the desired effect such as the effect it has had on an ignorant college kid I heard say that his parents have profited from slavery….SMH. It’s very simple. Will you choose to accept or reject their racist gifts?

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