It is patently clear that Liberals have, in the collective fashion in which they like to force everyone else to live, have lost their minds. They have no sense of self-awareness because they seemingly do not realize what such fools they look like with the constant attacks on President Trump.
I started watching the Stormy Daniels interview on 20/20 last night and quickly became bored, and then when Anderson Cooper asked her if Trump wore a condom, that was it for me. I was done. That question would have been akin to asking Monica Lewinsky if she swallowed. It was clear to me that this was the left wing media (our Pravda) jump the shark moment, and that it would in no way have the desired effect they are looking for. It was just an embarrassment.
If this encounter between Daniels and “Businessman” Trump did occur, nobody gives a big fat rats rear-end…except the looney left. If it did occur, it did not happen in the White House while Trump was President. The sheer desperation Liberals are feeling right now is thick in the air… is palpable. They are desperate to protect their religion of big government from the man who is determined to bring it down to size.
These attacks will have no effect on President Trump because he is not the typical weak kneed lily livered yellow streak down his back a mile wide Republican. The Left’s only hope is that it will affect voters. However, are voters more likely to follow a man who puts America and Americans first in every way, and every moment, or will Americans follow a bunch of left wing loons who clearly hate America and Americans?