Anyone Opposed to Putting Armed Guards in Schools is not Serious About Protecting the Children

After every mass shooting, in particular school shootings there is the usual call by Left wing loons only for those steps that will do absolutely nothing to protect the children. Things such as background checks, banning bump stocks, psychiatric exams, age requirements, etc, etc. What kind of sick mind proposes things that will do absolutely nothing, while ignoring the only thing that will protect the children…….armed personnel in the school buildings? Whenever this is proposed as has been done by President Trump, the usual refrains pour forth that arming personnel who work in the school building, who by the way are there to teach and nurture the children is somehow traumatic or even dangerous to the children….SMH. This refrain is made by those who have such a religious hatred of guns that they would rather leave the children at risk than do something that would really work.

Also, what if the shooter is a run-of-the-mill terrorist? How will any of the proposed gun laws protect against a terrorist who smuggles an AK47 into the country? How will Liberals blame that on the NRA? Maybe there is a WRA…..World Rifle Association they can blame. No member of the NRA killed a child that terrible day, but I have no doubt that there are countless members of the NRA who would have picked up a weapon and charged into that school building to save as many as possible in stark contrast to what some local law enforcement officers did.

I remember a conversation one time on television in which a Left wing loon who hated guns was questioned about protecting his family if an intruder entered his home. The questioner repeatedly posed scenarios in which this loon could protect his family, his wife and children with a firearm and this man under no circumstance would even consider the possibility of having a firearm to keep his family alive. Let’s hope that his family never faces such an attack. He basically kept saying he would call the police and wait for them. I could not believe what I was hearing. This is a clear example of how liberalism is religious insanity.

Every school in the United States should have at least one armed guard and a number of members of school personnel who are trained and will be prepared to assist in the event of an armed intruder. Once someone has gotten around the age requirement, high capacity magazine requirement, developed mental illness or severe emotional problems after acquiring a firearm legally or not, bump stock or not, or hides his intentions and this person enters the school to kill as many children as possible, the only thing that matters at that point is how to stop him and do so quickly.

The primary responsibility for protecting the school children lies with the State and school districts, not the Federal Government. Everyone should stop looking to the Federal Government to stop mass killings with stupid laws that serve only to make politicians look like they are doing something. We protect paper with armed guards, yes paper in the form of Federal Reserve Notes. How in God’s name can anyone be opposed to protecting our children with armed guards? Lastly, those cute little stickers that say “Gun Free Zone” on the school doors, should instead say, “Only Mass Murderers are Allowed to Bring in Guns.”

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