Liberals Don’t Believe There was Collusion With the Russians

This nonsense of collusion with the Russians I think was summarized perfectly with a question by Senator Cotton to Attorney General Sessions in which Cotton made the case that this nonsense was too bizarre for any fiction spy novel. The thing is, the democrats believe that also. They are simply using this as a distraction in order to stop President Trump’s agenda.

To date, there is absolutely no evidence of collusion with the Russians by Trump or anyone associated with his campaign, and there never will be. There is no smoking gun, because there no smoke. The tactic here is to simply repeat a lie over and over with the hope that it will become true. This is evidenced by the fact that months ago the democrat’s disinformation campaign started by making sure that the word “Russian” was stated several times in every conversation regarding the election. Goebbels and Lenin would be impressed.

It takes the lowest form of human life to know that this entire scam is a lie, but to still push it simply for the purpose of destroying someone’s life just because they disagree with that person politically. Liberals are statists. They come from that part of the political spectrum that demands compliance to authority, and uniformity of thought in much the same way as communists, socialists, fascists, Marxists, religious Nazis, and etc. Have you ever wondered why they are so sympathetic toward dictatorships? Well, here you go.

The only difference between the different forms of statist governments is the power available to force compliance and uniformity. I have said that Liberals are communists without the ability to murder their political enemies en masse. However, they certainly do play out what they would do if they could. The Kathy Griffin Trump beheading stunt was so vulgar I could not believe my eyes. I wonder how those whose family members were murdered that way felt when they saw that on their Facebook feed. Then there is the play depicting Trump being stabbed to death. You might not remember it, but there was a video or movie that depicted the assassination of Bush when he was in office. Then there is Antifa, the fascist anti-fascists. Running around with their faces covered like a new age Ku Klux Klan physically attacking others because they don’t like the way they think…remember uniformity of thought is required.

The Left has gone completely insane with Trump derangement syndrome. They see their church of big government and totalitarianism being attacked by freedom, and they are fighting intensely to protect it. Which begs the question. How intensely are you willing to fight to protect your freedom, because they will take it if you allow it?

Let’s Play Baseball With Terrorists

I put up a post last night in which I stated that Liberals are communists without the ability to murder their political opposition en masse. Well, I guess that won’t prevent them from trying to kill their opposition in more manageable numbers. Today’s attack by a Liberal on Conservatives is just another exhibit to go with a long line of such evidence that Liberal violence toward conservatives is part of their mainstream tactics.

What was bizarre to me, were the comments coming from both sides of the aisle in regards to the baseball game that sounded like the typical comments you will hear following many terror attacks….”we will not cower,” “we will not be deterred,” “they will not win.” Well, those messages are very easy to send to the terrorists….just turn and tell them. This wasn’t a terror attack from without, but came from within the ranks of the Democrat society and is fueled by the rhetoric coming all the way from the top of the Democrat Party.

Liberals basically have three forms of persuasion. First, is to appeal to your sense of compassion….”help us take care of this victim.” If that doesn’t work, then they appeal to your sense of shame and embarrassment….”how can you be such an insensitive jerk, you care about nobody, and want to see people die.” Third, is the use of violence in its various forms which really isn’t a form of persuasion, but is that of mitigation by eliminating the opposition with threats, violent assaults and murder.

It has been said to Muslims that they must rid themselves of the cancer of Islamic totalitarianism. To stop teaching and encouraging the hatred of those who think differently. That same question should be posed to those on the Left. There is however, a baseball game between the Republicans and the Democrats. If this game turns both parties into a montage of new age love making hippies, maybe we can try it with Islamic Nazis.

The Chinese Flu War

The Chinese Flu War

Have you managed to watch the Chinese Flu daily briefing given by the President and the rest of his team? I try to listen every day. I appreciate everything the President is doing and am glad that he acted as early as he did when he banned travel from China. There is no way to know how much worse it would be for us had he not acted so quickly. It is clear to me that President Trump, the man who has put Americans first in every one of his policies is doing everything possible within his abilities as a human being to protect all Americans.

The briefings can be very annoying though. The most annoying part of the briefing for me is the question and answer period in which questions from reporters basically fall into four categories….good, stupid, belligerent or not needed. Everyone knows what a good question is so I will focus on the other three.

Let’s start with those not needed. I wish that reporters would listen to the answers given by those at the briefing, because they will probably hear the answer to the question they were going to ask. If the question a reporter wants to ask has already been asked and answered, why waste everyone’s time by asking it again? Ask something different or just sit there in blissful silence that we all can enjoy.

Next are the belligerent questions. Since the news media is full of left wing loons, you can always count on the questions that are really leftist commentary cloaked as a question. Such as the one asked by one reporter who just wanted to ridicule President Trump for using the term Chinese Flu or Chinese Virus, claiming that it is racist to do so. Even a national emergency cannot escape the race industry of the Left. President Trump didn’t back down one iota, and even re-iterated it. Prior to Trump, any other Republican would have wilted at that question and promptly changed his ways.

Lastly, the stupid questions, which can double as belligerent ones which are designed not to expose incompetence, but to create the appearance of it. For instance it seems that reporters can’t get it into their thick skulls that those in the federal government can’t just wiggles their noses or cross their arms and nod their heads and make ventilators appear out of thin air. Ventilators are a complex piece of equipment, they are not like stamping a cooking pot out of a flat piece of metal in which hundreds or thousands can be produced daily. It takes time, and President Trump and his advisers have made that fact perfectly clear.

This thing we are experiencing now has been described, I think justifiably so, as a war. There hasn’t been a time since World War II that the entire country has been called to action. When the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, the United State military was paltry at best. We did not have all of the equipment and manpower needed to carry out a war of that magnitude. We however had the American spirit, ingenuity and the economic system needed to create a military that was everything we needed.

It is the responsibility of each State, a PT boat, to be the first responder, and it is the responsibility of the Federal Government, a battleship, to provide as much assistance as possible. A PT boat is nimble, a battleship is not, and that is just a fact of life. Everyone must understand the system in order for the system to work to its full capabilities. We created a juggernaut to deal with World War II. We can do the same in this war.

Computer models will be the death of us

It’s very likely that you have heard the old saying, “garbage in and garbage out” when it comes to computers. I think this description is perfectly appropriate when it comes to computer models, but, I prefer to put it I think in a much better way….”computers only know what they are told to know.”

There are a great number of assumptions that go into computer models, and by making only minor adjustments to those assumptions the outcome can be greatly changed. The problem with these assumptions is that they are moving targets and it can never be known which target to move where in order to create what is to be the likely outcome. Computer models can be used for an attempt at genuine informative purposes as with the Chinese Flu or they can be used for corrupt purposes as with climate change.

The recent talk of how computer models have wildly exaggerated the number of projected infections, deaths, and needs arising from the Chinese Flu is troubling, but not at all surprising if you have been following the climate modeling debacle. I have no doubt that those creating the models in order to attempt to predict how the Chinese Flu will progress are doing it with good intentions. However, good intentions don’t cut it. If I attempt to give you a free haircut and cut your ear off in the process, I don’t think you will give me credit for trying to be a good ol’ boy.

With the Chinese Flu, modelers have no clue what we are dealing with right now, because it is simply too new, unknown, and chaotic. Besides, we don’t really know how long its been in the United States. I think its been around a lot longer than generally thought, because we don’t know how long China had been hiding it from the rest of the world.

These models are being created using faulty assumptions that are doing nothing but scaring the hell out of everyone, including policy makers which then can lead to bad policy. Computer models are not science nor are they data. Policies should be created using facts and data only, not suppositions. We need to stop playing Nostradamus and knock it off with the modeling, and deal with this issue by figuring out what works, by using real data and facts as we learn them.

The climate models are where we get into corruption, because they are political tools. Climate models are intentionally used to scare the hell out of everyone in order to further the agenda of the climate jihadists. It’s a form of appeal to authority, and it’s an ages old tactic that the meek have allowed to be used against themselves by those in power in order to appropriate their freedoms.

Trying to model the Chinese Flu is impossible enough, but trying to model the climate is even more impossible, if that’s possible. Climate is a system of complete chaos and is affected by the oceans, the atmosphere, forces outside the Earth’s atmosphere, by activity within the Earth, and all of which occur on different and varying timescales.

Computer models are nice toys and fun to play with, but should never be used for policy decisions. The notion that a mathematical formula can be created to predict the future of a chaotic system is an act of utter futility in the case of the Chinese Flu, and utter corruption in the case of climate change. There probably has always existed in the human condition the desire to predict the future. I think we are better off influencing the future, and leaving the predicting to the guys wearing the sandwich boards where the appeal to authority does not apply.

Let’s wish California good luck on secession.

In case you haven’t heard it, there is an effort by some Californians for the State to secede from the United States. It’s really funny, this new found constitutionalism by the Left. All they could do up to the election of President Trump was squeal about how secession, nullification, and all that other freedom preserving stuff was illegal, immoral and unconstitutional, at least until their ox got gored. This follows the rule that the constitutionality of something is determined by whether or not you like it. It’s pretty simple.

I really do wish Californians good luck with secession though, for it is constitutional and their right of self-determination. This country was founded on an act of secession….the Revolutionary War. Not many persons look at it that way. England certainly didn’t. They considered it an act of treason. So, was it an act of treason or self-determination? It’s just a matter of perspective. What it really comes down to, is which party has the means to force its desires upon the other if force is needed.

Secession is a political act that is always available to parties of a political union. No party is required to adhere to an agreement that no longer serves its best interest. The United States Constitution is completely silent on the subject of secession. It is not a power forbidden to the States, and the Framers would have never suggested that it be, nor would the Ratifiers have put their seal of approval on an agreement that would have forever bound them to a system that turned tyrannical.

Charlottesville: Israel and Palestine American style.

Have you noticed that most of the blame for the violence at Charlottesville, at least as how it is being reported, is placed on the Alt-Right, KKK, and white nationalists? It’s as though Antifa aka the fascist antifascists, the racist Black Lives Matter, and other left wing anarchists have absolutely no role in the violence. This is a political tactic designed to put everyone on the Right on the defensive, to be made to feel guilt by association, and to make them more compliant with Left wing politics.

The violence that attends these types of events is all a product of Leftist politics. It has happened over and over that these left wing groups have attacked peaceful protestors on the Right. As could be expected, those on the right are sick and tired of it, and some are willing to use the tactics of the Left against the Left.

Well, the Unite the Right protestors did just that. They came prepared for a fight, and the Left Wing loons gladly supplied it. How does Israel and Palestine fit in this situation? It’s simple. If Palestine would stop attacking Israel, the fighting would stop. So it goes, that if the Left Wing loons would stop attacking those on the right, the fighting would stop. The Left however, will not stop. They will become more violent because of this incident, which in turn will cause some on the Right to respond in kind. This could become very ugly before it subsides. At least until the Left decides to be civil in a democratic society, which will be difficult for them because they seek a totalitarian society.

Many are trying to turn the violence of this event into just the incident with the car, but it was a great deal more than that. Every person who attended that event was at risk of death. There was no safe space.  The weapons used could have produced instant death or a life changing injury, and a person can be beaten to death with fists or feet. Once the first brick flies, all bets are off, and anything can happen after that. It’s a miracle that more were not killed.

President Trump as expected has been criticized for not being more forceful against the Unite the Right crowd, but his response was perfect. It takes two to tango, and to single out one side for criticism while letting the other side slide, only encourages the side not criticized. This stuff is a legacy of President Obama, for he did everything possible to create a race war. I guess all we can do now, is wait and see what happens next.

Charlottesville: A case study of the disinformation campaign that followed.


One of the most enlightening books I have read is Disinformation by Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, who formerly headed the Communist Romanian Secret Police, and is the highest ranking defector from the Eastern Bloc. In his book he discussed how the Russians created and mastered a system of spreading lies about political enemies ranging of course from the United States to the Pope. You most certainly have heard of Saul Alinsky and his book Rules for Radicals. It’s basically the same principle. Create a lie, and then repeat it over and over in order to create the desired illusion which will then hopefully result in the desired outcome. So, what does all this have to do with Charlottesville? Well, that is exactly what the Left Wing is engaged in right now. Let’s set the stage.

The Ingredients:

Virginia is led by a governor who is a left wing loon. Charlottesville is led by a mayor and vice-mayor who are left wing loons. Charlottesville gave the Unite the Right rally organizers a permit to hold a rally to protest the removal of a Confederate statue. A group of counter-protesters showed up who had no permit. The police, instead of keeping legal rally attendees and illegal protesters apart, actually forced them into close proximity with each other, and then the very expected melee, again, very expected melee broke out when the counter-protesters attacked the legally formed rally attendees. The rally attendees came prepared to defend themselves, while the counter-protesters came to start a fight. Finally, the last ingredient is the main stream media herein referred to as Pravda….the Left Wing high tech pony express carrying the left wing America hating message far and wide.

The Campaign:

The disinformation campaign immediately went into hyper-drive driven by Pravda. The intent was to characterize the event as a violent right wing white supremacists hate group rally while completely ignoring the left wing hate group that actually started the melee, which was facilitated by the authorities that resulted in the death of a counter-protester, and anyone who tried to place any blame on the counter-protesters were decried as racists. In order for this campaign to work, the violence that occurred could only be blamed on one side. So immediately the calls went out to Republicans to denounce and disavow this group in order to feed the illusion that the Republican Party is the Party of racism, bigotry yadda, yadda, yadda, when in fact the Democrat Party is the Party of all that. That is one tactic of disinformation…commit the act yourself and then blame the other guy.

Of course the goal of this disinformation campaign is to put Republicans on the defensive and to feel shame for things they have no responsibility in by tricking them with the illusion that everyone thinks that Republicans are responsible for it. Unfortunately there are far too many weak-kneed lily-livered yellow streak down their backs a mile wide Republicans who don’t have the sense that God gave a rock to realize how they are being used as a pawn in this disinformation campaign, and immediately go curl up in the corner and drool all over themselves. So I guess it will be up to strong America loving Americans to pull them through.


The primary purpose of this disinformation campaign is to weaken Congressional support for President Trump’s agenda, and otherwise make Republicans more compliant to left wing causes. Will this campaign work? I don’t think so, as evidenced by how completely insane the Left has have become. They truly are a parody in action.

This is just one case study, but this tactic is used by the Left in all areas of politics. They just use different terms in each case. Theirs is a constant struggle to control the lives of others under the guise of anti-hate, fairness and equality, but what they really seek is conformity and sameness. The bigotry and hatred they decry are birth-children of their philosophy of identity politics, and this philosophy created the KKK, Nazis, communists, socialists, and yes this includes Fascists. The Democrat Party to this day is the Party of white supremacy. One only needs to listen to them talk about others, and that very unhealthy sense of superiority pours forth. It’s very easy to see how and why they created the KKK.

White privilege doesn’t exist, but self-destructive behavior does.

The white privilege mantra is simply an attempt to remove all responsibility from Blacks for bad outcomes caused by self-destructive behavior and place it all onto Whites. Try telling poor Whites and those who struggle mightily from paycheck to paycheck that they are in possession of any type of privilege. You will get a real belly laugh out of them.

Many years ago I watched a news piece about a young black girl who was a straight “A” student. At least until she was ridiculed by other blacks for acting white, at which point her grades promptly dropped. So, I guess one can only surmise that according to those blacks who accused her of acting white for wanting to be educated and making something of herself, believe that acting black means to remain uneducated and making nothing of oneself. This doesn’t sound like a philosophy that is particularly beneficial for blacks.

Her story truly is a sad one, but one that is highly prevalent among blacks today. I guess we can call it the Uncle Tom-Oreo-Sellout-Houseboy Syndrome. We all have heard the stories of blacks who are ridiculed as being race traitors by those who are afflicted with this syndrome, which is typical of the demand for conformity of thought and actions by Left wing loons generally.

Another story I would like to recount, is when I was in high school in the seventies, and some of the boys were always telling “yo momma” jokes. You know, “yo momma wears combats” and other such jokes. One thing that always puzzled me was how the black boys consistently took great offense to such jokes. Their typical retort would be, “don’t talk about my momma like that.” Many years passed before I learned the reason why they took such offense. That was because for most them, momma was all they had at home.  Why was that? Where was daddy?

Well, it turns out that Leftist social policies created in the sixties created an environment very destructive to the black family. Black families actually were more intact prior to the 1960’s than they have been ever since. In order to garner votes from blacks while giving the appearance of caring about something other than their votes, these Left wing policies were designed to move blacks back onto the Democrat plantation, but this time, onto the Federal handout plantation. This system sapped initiative, self-respect, and paid women to have babies which made daddy irrelevant, and resulted in a cycle of poverty for a huge segment of the black population. It is a fact that a family works best, and outcomes are greatly improved when mommy and daddy are around, and the children couldn’t agree more.

Blacks today have shown that they can excel in all areas of American life. Historically, blacks as a group have had a tough time of it, but the Democrat institutions of slavery and Jim Crow no longer exist. It’s not a matter of what has happened. The past doesn’t have to equal the future. Unfortunately there is too large a segment of blacks who are stuck in the past. All that matters now is what to do going forward. Nothing is holding blacks back except blacks themselves.

Blacks as a group will not succeed until blacks as individuals succeed. Which means that black individuals must understand that they alone are responsible for the outcomes in their lives, and shed themselves of the bonds of racial conformity, and the chains of government dependence. The constant cries of racism devalue the accusation just like the little boy who cried wolf. It also trivializes the experiences of those who were victims of real racism. Going down the path of calling everything and everyone racist, wailing at banana peels, and blaming whites living today for slavery and Jim Crow, will be a destination to nowhere.

The never-ending Liberal disinformation campaign

The recent hoopla by Liberals about President Trump’s comment about MS-13 gang members in which he described them as animals is a typical disinformation campaign. He was responding to a comment from some city or state official from California about MS-13 gang members. It was perfectly clear what and who this conversation that he was having with this official was about, perfectly clear. But, the truth is not important when one is engaged in disseminating disinformation, propaganda if you prefer.

The left wing news outlets, Pravda as I like to call them, and left wing talking heads immediately proclaimed that President Trump had called all immigrants animals, not just MS-13 gang members. This was clearly a lie on their part, but that didn’t stop them from proceeding with the disinformation campaign. It was clear that some left wing Trump haters followed suit without checking the facts before joining in, because they soon backtracked their criticism of President Trump when they realized what he had really said.

So, basically we have two types of President Trump haters involved here. This includes those who intentionally lied about what President Trump had said, and those who wanted so badly for it to be true that they didn’t bother to do their own simple fact check. Both types are a threat to the fabric of this great nation, because they are interested in dogma, not truth. One, however is far worse than the other.

Those who continued with this unjustified and immoral attack on President Trump even after it was made clear the criticism was unfounded are what I describe as “racists of the highest order.” They may or may not be racist at heart, but will attempt to generate as much racial animosity as possible in order to further a political agenda. This makes them much worse that your run-of-the-mill racist who just sits around hating others. Racists of the highest order seek to undermine the comradery and very fabric of the country. They seek to make one person hate another in order to create supportive voters. They truly are the dregs of humanity.

Another purpose of these types of attacks is to put the intended target, President Trump in this case, on the defensive, which will never happen. If President Trump were like most any other weak Republican, he would have folded to these fallacious attacks and others by now. However, President Trump is not a weakling and will never fold to these attacks. He will keep plodding forward while Liberals keep plodding all over themselves and each other in their harried attempts to defeat him. The American people elected President Trump because they are tired of lying politicians, and they will re-elect him because he does one very simple thing…..he always puts Americans and America first.

The U.S. Constitution has become meaningless.

Since the very beginning of this great republic there have been those who have desired to transfer as much power as possible from the states and individuals to the Federal government. Starting all the way back to Hamilton’s unconstitutional bank where he made the argument to Washington that the new federal government had the authority to regulate the economy, making the bank constitutional, when in fact no such authority existed.

Washington then consulted Jefferson about the bank idea. Jefferson stated that the bank was not an enumerated power, nor was it necessary and proper to carry out any of the enumerated powers, so therefore was unconstitutional. Jefferson’s understanding of the constitution was spot on, while Hamilton’s was wrought with amnesia, for he had completely forgotten all about that War of Independence thing a few years earlier and the reasons for it.

It’s very, very disturbing to me to hear so-called constitutional thinkers talk about the constitution in haphazard and even reckless ways. They, just like those before them have turned the Constitution into a mishmash of mangled words in which up means down and left means right. They have reduced the Constitution to a handful of meaningless phrases that completely distort the meaning of various parts of the Constitution. Phrases such as the General Welfare Clause, which is not a clause about general welfare, but instead a clause about taxation, how taxes are raised and what they can be spent on.

Another distortion is that of the Necessary and Proper clause aka the Elastic Clause, which many believe is there as some kind of catch-all authority. The Necessary and Proper Clause, however, only allows Congress to do those things that are necessary and proper to carry into action powers that are listed in the Constitution such as purchasing battle ships for the navy. Maintaining a navy is a listed power, but buying ships is not. This clause was added to prevent distortions such as Hamilton’s… hasn’t worked very well.

Another famous distortion is the “Supremacy Clause” and the notion that all federal laws are supreme…….this could not be further from the truth. Two very important words that are never mentioned in the abbreviated version are “pursuant to”. In order for any federal law to be the supreme law of the land, it must be made pursuant to the Constitution, which means it must be constitutional.

Another “Supreme” distortion is the doctrine of incorporation by which it has been contrived that the Bill of Rights applies not only to the federal government, but state and local governments, public schools and anything else the courts wish to apply them to. The United States Constitution applies only as described therein, and the state constitutions apply to the state governments and the other government entities such as counties, cities, and towns.

The United States Constitution does not require a law degree to understand, although it does require several readings and some research. The only correct reading of the Constitution is a literal reading for it actually requires very little “interpretation.” A literal reading of it, however, presents one major problem to those with devious motives toward it. It will give them few, to no avenues for such efforts.

God save the United States Constitution!!!!