Leftists promote child abuse in every way possible

Children are the most precious treasure we have and it is a terrible thing to see them under constant attack from democrats. Democrats give a lot of lip service to the idea of treating the leastest among us with fairness, and dignity, but never miss a beat to shit all over the children for political purposes. The children are the most vulnerable to democrat religious political dogma, because democrats view children as subjects to molded and brainwashed into being good little Brown Shirts. Children are no more important to democrats than the political cause they are being used for.

How do democrats abuse children, let us count the ways.

  1. Democrats support mutilating children with sex change surgeries and drugs. This has to be the most horrific procedure to have ever occurred in this country or any country for that matter. This is simply human experimentation on par with what the Nazis did to the Jews. The first thing that comes to my mind is a video I saw in high school that showed Nazi doctors striking a Jew in the head with the butt of a rifle a number of times to see how many strikes it took to addle the poor soul.
  2. Democrats in New York, are teaching grade school children about masturbation. Really! Can’t they just let them be children first, and then mature into adulthood? It has worked just fine like that for a very long time now. They don’t have to make the leap all at once.
  3. Democrats support using Critical Race Theory to teach self-hatred to white children by piling on them all of the history and responsibility of Slavery, Jim Crow, and all other forms of racism blacks had to endure, while at the same time teaching black children that they can’t accomplish anything because of whites. Critical Race Theory is racism that is destructive to black and white children.
  4. Democrats are opposed to giving poor black and other minority children the opportunity to go to good schools that will teach them well. Receiving a good education is paramount in achieving an acceptable station in life, yet the democrats are opposed to it.
  5. Democrats support the uninhibited murder of the most leastest among us…the unborn baby. Some even support murdering the baby after it has been born. Unborn children have come into existence by means beyond their control and have done nothing to deserve this kind of treatment.

Make no mistake about it, for this is only a partial list. Democrats care about nothing and nobody except that which furthers their political agenda, and they care about the children the least. Children should be left to be children, playing with their toy trucks and dolls while enjoying the simple things in life. They will one day grow up and have to deal with all of the things that adults before them have had to deal with for a long time. Growing up is a process that goes very slowly, and deliberately that should not be monkeyed around with.

The January 6th Commission has nothing to do with January 6th

The use of a “Commission” is a device, it is an appeal to authority that will lend to this device an air of legitimacy. They will use it to claim that everyone opposed to their agenda is a terrorist or terrorist supporter, and in turn use that claim to justify every illegal, and unconstitutional activity against those opposed to their tyrannical vision of the United States. Democrats know that the events on January 6th were not as they are characterizing them, and we know it was not as they are characterizing them, so there is no point in us going along with it by pretending that they were.

Don’t be one of those people

The fuel shortages in the Southeast have nothing to do with what happened to Colonial Pipeline, but instead has everything to do with plain old panic. This is reminiscent of the attacks on 9-11 that were followed immediately by panic driven fuel purchasing and hoarding that resulted in shortages everywhere. The most puzzling panic buying in my lifetime that everyone alive today can remember was the panic buying of toilet paper because of the Kung Flu. I’ll never understand how persons all across this country could all basically at the same time get the urge to go buy up and hoard toilet paper. And let’s not forget about the panic driven ammunition shortages.

Human behavior has for a long time now interested me and intrigued me. It’s interesting how humans separated by great distances can respond the same way in a panicked manner to any particular stimulus. It’s as though we are all made from the same mold. I think the thing that these panic attacks show, is that human beings today at our most basic are advanced no further intellectually than early humans who could only grunt and point.

Just a little bit of rational thinking by those who rushed out to buy gas on 9-11 would have told them that two planes flying into the World Trade Center would have absolutely no effect on the on fuel levels in the tanks at their local fuel station. Ditto for those who caused the gas shortages following the Colonial ransom hack. Humans will be humans and I know I’m swimming up-stream here, but I had to say something.

“The person that controls the language always wins”

While watching Tucker Carlson the other night he had Tammy Bruce on and they were talking about how leftists want to control speech. He asked Tammy for comment and she said, “The person that controls the language always wins.” I don’t think I have ever heard it put that way, but I don’t think it could be said more perfectly.

It is clear to me that the Democrats are on a mission to create and then solidify a stranglehold on political power at the national level. One way they want to do this is by making D.C a state with a simple majority a vote of Congress and Biden’s signature. Problem for them is that it will require an amendment to the Constitution to do so, because D.C. was designated as the seat of the United States government by the United States Constitution.

Another pet project of theirs is to increase the size of the Supreme Court with a bunch of left wing loons who have no interest in being fair arbiters of Constitutional Law, but instead seek to further a political agenda. FDR attempted this, but was roundly smacked down from both sides of the aisle. Leftist know that their policies are very unpopular, and the only way they can get many of them to become law is via activist left wing judges.

Another, and probably the most oppressive way to consolidate power is the stifling of free speech under the banner of national security. In their attempt to control the language, they are claiming that domestic terrorism in the form white extremism and white supremacy are the greatest threats this country now faces. However, we know that the only domestic terror threats of any measure that this country faces are from antifa and blm. But now that they have identified the threat, at least what threatens them, they only need to identify who the domestic terrorists are, which in this case are republicans and conservatives, and anyone else opposed to their tyrannical controls.

And of course there are the social media oligarchies that are in goose-step with the left wing agenda. Conservatives and republicans are clearly being censored or banned from social media platforms simply because of their political views. This is being done under the guise of fact checking or hate speech violations. Democrats are implementing a new form of Jim Crow, which is just a variation of their first go-around at Jim Crow laws. We hear every day someone has been fired, censored, and kicked off social media platforms simply for speaking heresy of leftist policies.

There have also been politicians such as Maxine Waters who have called for leftist goons to harass republicans and conservatives at their homes, places of work, and in public places. This is all done make republicans and conservatives to shut the hell up, because if you can make it appear that nobody disagrees with you, it makes easier to bring those along who are weak and uninformed.

The other day when a sheriff in Minnesota was talking about the rioting there. He was interrupted during his press conference by persons in the press gallery who demanded that he say protesters instead of rioters. He didn’t relent, and simply re-stated that it was indeed a riot, and went on to explain the weapons that were being used against law enforcement. I say bravo to him for not letting those in the press gallery control the language by controlling his language. It really is no more difficult than that.

Leftist seek to use your conscious against you by using words like compassion, inclusiveness, and diversity in order to shame you into submission. When a left wing loon tries to control your language, thus controlling you, simply stand your ground and tell them how the cow eats the cabbage. You are an American, and have every right to hold the opinions you hold, and you have every right to influence how your government at all levels are conducted.

Facebook is mad at TMPU

Facebook I guess was upset with me for re-posting something they had previously deemed violated their community standards. I appealed their ruling with the following comment: “You can take your community standards and shove them up your ass.” I don’t know how well that will set with them, but I will never get down on bended knee to a bunch of communist wannabes. So, I may be gone from Facebook pretty soon. I will be on Parler though.

Rush Limbaugh’s greatest legacy

Rush Limbaugh was the greatest radio host to have ever lived, and it is extremely doubtful that his radio accomplishments, and his political influence as a radio host will ever be remotely challenged. He will always be the king while everyone else will only make it to pawn in comparison.

I have heard a lot of commentary about Rush today from those who admired him greatly, but I have not heard one word about what I consider to be his greatest legacy. His charitable fund raising has probably only been surpassed by Jerry Lewis. I don’t know how much Rush has raised for cancer, police, firefighters, and members of the military over the course of his career but it had to reach into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

While those who loved him will mourn his passing, members of the party of death, the Democrat party, will gladly, and openly celebrate his death. And those who mourn and those who celebrate will do so for the very same reason. Rush was the most influential advocate for American exceptionalism and freedom, and the possibilities that these two traits made available to every person in this country who chose to take advantage of them, that this country has ever had.

Commercials show that America is now fully diversified

Have you noticed that every commercial starts off with a black person, or shows a family with one black parent and the other white, and a mix of black and white children. At first glance it appears that every American family is now fully diversified since that is all that is in commercials now. But, there is a problem as I see it.

There are few persons of Asian descent which includes not just those from East Asia, China, Japan and the Philippines, but does not include those from South Asia such as India and Pakistan, or those from West Asia such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The peoples who descend from these areas deserve to be properly represented in commercials. Therefore, I think a suggestion to commercial producers is in order.

In the interest of true inclusivity, every commercial should include a white, a black, a brown, a yellow, and a red with a LGBTQ person mixed in there somewhere. Just imagine how good we will feel when for instance we see a commercial with a black heterosexual mother, a white bi-sexual father, a gay daughter of Mexican descent, a transvestite son of South Asian descent, a transsexual daughter of Native American descent, and lastly a son of East Asian descent who likes to have sex with the family dog.

Now it will be impossible to tell by looking at a person the full extent of their proclivities, so I think it would be a good idea to display bubbles above each commercial participant describing their minority status so that we can avoid live demonstrations. We will never make it to complete inclusivity until these changes are made. Until then, we can only keep trying.

Understanding Trump’s second impeachment

The process of removing a president from office using the impeachment and conviction process is very much like the indictment and jury trial process in civil law. The House of Representatives will sit as a grand jury, and after hearing all of the evidence they will decide on whether to issue an indictment known as impeachment. If the president is impeached, which takes only a majority vote, the House will then send the referral to the Senate.

The Senate will then hold a trial that will be presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Once the trial is completed, the Senate will vote to acquit or convict, just like any other jury. It take two-thirds present to convict. If the Senate convicts the President, he will be removed from office and can longer longer hold any office or position under the United States. Which in the case of President Trump, it would mean that he could not serve as president again.

Impeachment of the president doesn’t mean much unless he is convicted as well. Remember when Pelosi said that Trump was forever impeached after the first impeachment? Well, he was forever acquitted as well. Now he has been indicted a second time, but since he is no longer in office and is a private citizen, the Senate has no constitutional authority to try him. The trial was made moot by the fraudulent election. Again, the impeachment and trial process is used to remove a president from office. Once he has left office, for whatever reason, there is no constitutional provision to allow for trying him for anything. We all know what is going on here so I won’t go into that, but I do look forward to him being forever acquitted a second time.

Executive orders run amok

The United States Constitution was created with the specific intent of limiting the power of the new Federal government to those things that could only be done competently at that level of government, such national defense. But, over time the power grabbers in Washington D.C have eroded the Constitution into irrelevance. The first and primary power grab tactic has been the use of Constitution case law. This is accomplished by passing an unconstitutional law, and then having it affirmed by corrupt judges who hate the Constitution as much as the politicians who made the new law. Once it has been affirmed by a court, or even left in place for a time without court affirmation, it becomes precedent, and will be used to turn further unconstitutional and/or illegal behavior into a never ending train of tyrannies.

The case law method of undermining restrictions on power are difficult, and do require a process. However, those is power now have a fashionable way of overcoming such restrictions, and it could be more devastating to freedom than the case law method. Executive orders are the soup du jour of power grabbers. Such orders have been used by probably every President from the very beginning, and the President should have the authority to act in good faith on things that require an immediate response. However, the President does not have the authority to act on things that require legislation or input from the people’s representatives.

While the use of executive orders has run amok in Washington D.C., guess who has been watching? Yes, that’s right, the State’s governors. They have seen the precedent set by our Presidents, and said, why can’t we abuse our powers the same way? And now they have been running roughshod over their citizens with unconstitutional Wu flu rules, and overriding their Legislatures as in this last election in which some governors illegally changed voting laws. The illegal and unconstitutional use of executive orders has changed Presidents and Governors from a cog of the Constitutionally mandated legislative process, into little dictators. Freedom cannot stand when any corrupt politician is allowed to abuse powers by this or any other means. The American people not only need to continue to make their voices heard loud and clear in resistance to these tyrannies, as they have with the Wu Flu dictates, but must be louder and clearer against any illegal dictates.

Democrats are Communists wannabes

Those of you who have followed me for some time have seen me from time to time refer to Democrats as Communists without the ability to murder their political opposition en masse, and I have used that characterization without hesitation. Democrats are Statists, and Statists come in different forms ranging from the least oppressive, Liberalism, to Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, Theocratic, and ultimately to the most oppressive, Communism. All governments that centralize power at the very top are Statist, and are the enemies of freedom in all of its forms. And no matter what level of Statism the current government is, the goal is always to reach the next level of control and oppressiveness, and it can only be stopped by those who cherish freedom and respect of others.One way to reach the next level of government control is by implementing gradual policy and social changes such as what has happened in the United States since the 1930’s that has unconstitutionally transferred power from the States and citizens, to the federal government.Another, is through brute force, such as what we are seeing right now from democrats at large, big tech companies, and sundry other players, including cowardly republicans who will stand up to nothing, and who will defend nothing. We have seen how democrats are not interested in governing by moderation and consensus, but are interested in conformity only, and if you will not conform willingly, they will force you to conform, that’s it, end of discussion. This has been evidenced loud and clear by their tyrannical behavior regarding the Kung Flu lockdowns.Ever since Biden was installed as President-elect, the democrats have kicked their operation of tyranny into high gear, while drooling all over themselves, by censoring all speech possible that they don’t approve of…a Communist tactic. They speak of de-programming which simply means re-education camps….another Communist tactic.They currently are perpetrating the charade of characterizing all who oppose them as traitors, seditionists, and insurrectionists, so that they can then use powers against the American people that to date been used against only terrorists. And the show of force in Washington D.C. that is currently developing for Biden’s inauguration, is not an over-reaction, it is a propagandistic dramatization designed to create the perception that the Democrats need to run roughshod over the American people in the name of patriotism.Make no mistake about it. The only thing that has made it possible for the United States to have lasted as long as it has, is the Constitution. And in paraphrasing one of our Founding Fathers, the Constitution means nothing to the Godless and immoral….a Democrat and Communist trait. Great countries and empires have a life span of about 250 years, and that is where we are now. Will the American Left turn into full blown Communists who will murder their political opposition en masse? Who knows? I guess it’s possible that they will turn into a bunch of peace loving 60’s hippies, but I wouldn’t count on it, and I will never count out the idea that human beings who seek ultimate power will do anything to achieve that power.